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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1251

Mango was surprised over Zion's silence but she didn't say anything either. Quietly looking at her son, she felt that Zion was literally the replica of Nathaniel.

He was steady, precocious yet rational, and even carried a trace of evil and apathy.

He was not much different from Nathaniel.

Mango looked at her son. She wondered subconsciously that the type of woman who can take control of her son in future.

She burst into laughter all of a sudden soon after she realized about her thoughts.

Wasn't it too early for her to think about the future of her son who was merely five-year-old boy?

Seeing that Mango laughed suddenly, Zion was stunned for a moment before asking, "Mommy, what's wrong with you? Is there anything funny about me?"

"Nope, I'm just wondering the type of woman you'll marry in the future. I somehow feel like I'm over worried."

Little did Zion expect that his mommy would say that. He couldn't help being stunned for a moment and his face blushed.

"Mommy, I'm still a young boy."

"Yeah you're right, you're still a kid. It's way too early for mommy to think about it. Well, since my son looks so handsome and is so sensible, I'm sure there'll be plenty of young girls who admire you in the future. I'm afraid that you will have too many admirers in future that you can hardly choose."

The image of her grown- up son emerged in Mango's mind.

Her son would certainly receive a lot of adoration from the girls as he looked indeed charming. She wondered if he would reject his admirers with resolute attitude just like Nathaniel did.

As he listened to Mango's utterance, Zion couldn't help but thought of a bossy and somehow barbaric girl.

The girl even watched him pee shamelessly.

What was her name by the way?

Zion was slightly absent-minded for a moment.

As soon as Mango finished speaking, she looked at her son and felt that she was a bit crazy. Only then did she realize that it was Zion's first time getting distracted in front of her.

"What are you thinking about, Zion?"

Zion reacted quickly and then he replied calmly, "It's nothing, I'm just wondering if Bettany might know something. Can daddy and mommy contact Bettany? Why don't you let Wisdom ask her?"

Mango had also thought about seeking Bettany for help, but it was not suitable for them to go to Longford County blatantly. Hence, she whispered, "Let's talk about this again when we reach Longford County. Right now, she's probably still hunting for Magnolia. Well, just leave the rest of the matter to your daddy and me. You should be recuperating when we're not around. As you know, here is the headquarter of the Baxter Alliance and you're considered the young master here. Uncle Michael will take good care of you after he recovers. You must learn to take care of yourself within this period, okay?"

"I understand that, mommy. Don't worry about me. Instead, both daddy and you should be more careful when you go to Longford County. Also, Rita might have something to do over there. Although she said nothing about it, it should be something related to Uncle Eaves. You need to pay more attention to her. After all, you're unfamiliar with the place to ensure nothing goes wrong."

Mango nodded at Zion's remarks.

She then hugged Zion.

Zion didn't struggle at the moment. He tried his best to feel Mango's love for him. He had known from a young age that his mommy loved him, but his mommy was truly exhausted as there was limitation in one's efforts.

Zion stretched his tiny arms and gently hugged Mango's back as he whispered, "Mommy, have you ever regretted being in love with dad?"

Would his mommy not feel that exhausted if she loved someone else like Abyss?

He had known that it was a hostile question to his daddy but he inquired her only as a son at the moment.

As compared with Nathaniel, Mango had given birth to him with her life. She had raised him alone for five years. During those five years, he had witnessed the difficulties that his mommy had faced. He had also seen how his mommy had nearly broken down.

He loved his mommy the most at any times.

Mango had never thought that her son would ask her such a question. She was stunned for a moment before smiling gently.

She looked at Zion's ignorant eyes. Then she said with a smile, "Nope, I don't regret. People should have known about the thing that they desire in their life. I wish to have your daddy's love more than anything else in my life. As long as I own his love, I am not afraid of anything else."

"Well, you would feel more relaxed than you are and perhaps happier now if you choose another man."

"That person is not your daddy after all."

Mango knew that it was way too early for her to tell her son about her piece of mind, but she still hoped that Zion would understand that one would definitely sacrifice everything recklessly just for another person in life.

That desperate love would make one's life left with no regrets even if it was not reciprocated and the relationship did not last long.

"Silly boy, you're still young and can't understand this. When you grow up and meet the girl that you truly adore, you'll know that if the person with you is not the one you wish deep in your heart, you won't feel happy even if you're given the whole world."

Zion didn't understand, but he put Mango's words deeply in his heart.

He had no idea what kind of girl he would fall in love with in future, but he felt that he would protect her at all costs if the girl was just like his mommy.

It was simply like the way Mr. Ye protected his mommy.

Zion gave out a laugh.

He let out a dazzling, bright smile.

Mango was happy to see that her son had such similar eye feature as Nathaniel.

"Mommy, I'll look for a girlfriend whom must be filial to you in future. If she doesn't like you, I won't marry her no matter how much I love her."

Zion's words immediately made Mango burst into laughter.

"You said so as you still don't understand love. Sometimes, mommy do hope that your life will go smoothly without any challenges. Well, let's stop the topic now. Mommy knows that you're a good boy, then you shall be obedient and take good care of your body, okay?"


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