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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1258

When Wisdom saw Nathaniel look at him, he froze for a moment.

"What's the matter? Did I say anything wrong?"

When Wisdom was in a daze, Rita ran over with a smile. She hugged him and said with a grin, "No, Wisdom, you are awesome. I feel that you are even smarter than my brother."

Wisdom was a little embarrassed because of her compliment.

"Of course not. Zion is truly smart."

There was no sorrow in Wisdom's eyes when he mentioned Zion. Instead, his eyes were full of joy.

Nathaniel knew that he really cared about Zion and Rita. He trusted them and regarded them as his siblings.

That was natural since they were all children. Besides, there were no grudges between them. If the three brothers could be on good terms with each other, it didn't matter even if Wisdom hated him.

If Wisdom had to hate him, so be it.

Nathaniel felt much more relieved all of a sudden.

"Well, since you have chosen a place to stay, you can choose a room and let the bodyguards follow you. This is not Ocean City and many things are unknown to us. So you have to be cautious, got it?"

Rita and Wisdom nodded in response.

Wisdom took Rita's hand as he was about to leave. When he saw Nathaniel was about to enter the ancestral temple again, he could not stop himself from asking.

"Daddy, are you still going in?"

"Yes, of course."

Nathaniel turned her back to Wisdom as a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

His wife was still in there. He had to go in.

However, he did not tell his children the reason because he did not want them to worry.

Wisdom looked at his back as he feared up all of a sudden.

"Dad, take this. If you run into those incenses again, you can use it."

Wisdom stuffed a small bottle into Nathaniel's hand before he held Rita's hand and walked away.

Nathaniel looked at the bottle in his hand and broke into a sudden smile.

Hmm... This kid was so conflicted.

Wisdom had resentment towards Nathaniel, but he also cared about him very much. After all, in the past five years, Nathaniel had really regarded him as his own son.

Nathaniel put the bottle into his pocket before he walked into the ancestral temple once more.

"Stand guard outside. No one can enter without my permission."

"Yes sir."

The bodyguard nodded in reply.

Then Nathaniel closed the door of the ancestral temple.

All of a sudden, the darkness descended in the temple. The creepy atmosphere was a little terrifying.

After all, too many people had died of an unjust death here. Nathaniel looked at the memorial tablets in the temple. There were more than two hundred of them. It was unknown whether the tablets here were only the founding fathers or the entire county.

He was now the leader of Longford County, so the first thing he did when he came to the ancestral temple was to pray and light up the incense. However, he did not expect to fall into a trap others had laid out for him.

Wisdom said that the person who had set this up

was Bettany.

What did Bettany want to achieve by doing this?

Nathaniel had no idea.

He searched the surroundings quickly. Finally, he saw a small part of convexity on the wall. He pressed on it lightly, and suddenly he lost his balance and fell to the ground.

He did not panic. Instead, he looked around quickly, but the lighting here was too dim for him to see clearly.

When he was able to see clearly, he had already reached the bottom.

It was a small empty space that could only hold three people.

When Nathaniel fell, he happened to fall on the ground. It was so hard that he almost fractured his bones.

He grunted and sensed a sharp dagger coming towards him. He subconsciously dodged it and began to retaliate at the same time.

He could smell the fragrance carried by the wind. He held his breath swiftly but his movements did not stop. Instead, he clasped his hand around the other party's wrist, and the latter let out a scream before she fell to the ground.

Nathaniel took advantage of this opportunity to kick his opponent on the wall with a round kick. Then the other party fell on the floor with a thump.

Nathaniel looked around and saw Mango unconscious at the side. A woman in her thirties, who was kicked aside by him, was in front of him.

The woman's face was marked with camouflage so that her true face could not be seen clearly, but Nathaniel immediately classified her as the enemy.


Nathaniel trotted towards her.

"Don't touch her! Let me warn you, I've applied some poison on her. If you touch her, she will bleed to death."

The woman sounded very old.

She looked like she was in her thirties, but her voice sounded like she was someone in her sixties.

A cold look instantly appeared in Nathaniel's orbs.

"Did you hurt her?"

He walked towards the woman as if he was the devil himself.

The woman felt a chill run down her spine all of a sudden.

"I didn't. She fell from above the cellar. I'm the one who saved her. But who exactly are you? You want to hurt her, don't you? I'm telling you, you won't succeed because I won't let you."

There was panic in her eyes, but she still attempted to climb to her feet to protect Mango.

The look in Nathaniel's eyes suddenly relaxed a little.

He ignored the woman and went straight towards Mango.

"I'm not trying to scare you. I'm telling the truth. I've really applied poison on her. You have to trust me. And..."

"Just shut up!"


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