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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1271

Mango's excitement was evident.

Nathaniel took a quick look and paused for a moment when he saw that it was Doris.

"She sent a message at this moment. Could it be she has information on Barack's whereabouts?"

"My thoughts exactly."

Mango clicked on Doris's message excitedly.

"Mango, Barack is in Augustus's hands."

Nathaniel and Mango were stunned by this short sentence.

Augustus Abbott?

Nathaniel was particularly surprised.

Not long ago, he had run into Maverick. If he had known that Barack was captured by Augustus, he would have asked Maverick.

No wonder Maverick asked him not to intervene in these matters. He already knew this, didn't he?

Nathaniel's face turned sullen.

Mango's brows were knitted together tightly.

"Where's Augustus?"

She seemed to be muttering to herself, feeling somewhat dejected.

Nathaniel looked at her and said after hesitating for a while, "I don't know where Augustus is, but his son Maverick should be here."

"Come again?"

Mango stared at Nathaniel in surprise.

Nathaniel heaved a sigh and said, "The man we met at Nick's grave is Maverick."

"Say what?"

Although Mango had guessed that the man was not any ordinary civilian, she didn't expect him to be Nathaniel's half-brother. She couldn't help but be surprised.

Nathaniel said with a bitter smile, "Don't overthink it. I didn't mean to hide it from you. I just felt that it was unnecessary to tell you. How... how should I put it? He didn't mean us ill. He was just there to persuade me not to meddle in Morgan's business, but I refused."

"Oh? So he advised you not to meddle with Morgan's business? Does he have something to do with Morgan's matter?"

"Perhaps it has something to do with Augustus. Now I begin to think that Augustus was definitely involved in what happened that year."

Nathaniel narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at the scenery outside. He whispered, "The destruction of Longford County happened because Augustus gave Benny the map to enter the village. He said that he did it because Nanny Zhang was the successor of Longford County, so she was responsible for the village. She could not be with him as long as the village existed. He said that as long as Longford County disappeared, Nanny Zhang would be with him whole-heartedly. But there was a problem that I can't wrap my finger around."

"What is it?"

Mango looked at Nathaniel and asked. Usually, the problem that he pointed out was basically the key point.

Nathaniel said in a low voice, "Longford County is a village that had closed off itself to the outside world. For thousands of years, its inhabitants had been marrying each other. And they never have any contact with outsiders. Augustus is not a member of Longford County. How did he enter it? It is said that he hid in the mountains behind Longford County. But you have seen those mountains? One would need to go through the front door of Longford County and even the ancestral temple in order to get to the mountains. Do you think it is possible to sneak an outsider in there quietly? Even if Nanny Zhang was the successor of the county, it was unlikely for her to hide him for too long. However, not only did Augustus manage to sneak in, but he had a child with Nanny Zhang as well. The birth of the child even led to the destruction of Longford County. For more than a year, no one noticed that there was actually another person hidden in the county. Do you think it is possible?"

Mango understood immediately upon hearing Nathaniel's words.

"Do you mean that Nanny Zhang didn't sneak Augustus inside secretly, but he actually went in with everyone's knowledge? Maybe he even had a great reputation in the county, that's why he could stay in Longford County that resented outsiders very much for more than a year?"

"Yes, but Longford County has always been hostile to outsiders. Why is Augustus special? Maybe something had happened in the county that we don't know about. I'm talking about any important incident one year before the county was destroyed."

This was something Nathaniel couldn't fathom.

Perhaps he would make sense of what happened in Longford County after he figured this problem out.

Right now, it seemed that they knew the real reason for the destruction of Longford County, but it was only a superficial reason. The only one who knew the truth was likely Barack. It was a pity that he was captured by Augustus.

Who else knew the incident in Longford County back in those days?

Nathaniel knew very well that Maverick had tried to persuade him to leave and not intervene in certain things because of his conscience. Maverick did it for his own good, and because he saw Nathaniel as his brother.

Perhaps it was because Nick, or maybe Maverick really longed for family love. But if Maverick tried to hurt Augustus, Nathaniel was confident that the former couldn't do it.

Therefore, even if Maverick knew what happened in Longford County, he would not tell Nathaniel at all, let alone go against his father for his so-called brother.

Other than this, Nathaniel really couldn't think of anyone he could ask about the past.

Rita and Wisdom listened to him quietly, as if they had not heard anything. However, at this moment, Rita spoke suddenly.

"I know a person who may know the truth of Longford County's destruction back in those days."

"You do?"

Mango was quite surprised. She felt as if she knew her daughter less and less.

Rita felt a little embarrassed at being stared at by everyone. She scratched her head and said, "Mom, don't look at me like that. It's Angela. She is from Longford County, and she isn't exactly young now. Besides, when Longford County was destroyed, her mom survived because she was driven out of the village. Maybe she knows something."

Only now did Mango and Nathaniel think about Angela.

To Nathaniel, Angela was a woman who worked for Morgan. In order to protect her or keep her here for secret missions, it was necessary to give her some special identities and backgrounds. So at that time, Nathaniel didn't take her seriously when she said she was the descendant of Longford County. After all, Longford County's destruction was the answer given by his memory bug. Angela looks just like an average woman, who can't even beat Rita. Unexpectedly, she was really the descendant of Longford County.


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