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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1286

When Nathaniel left, Mango glanced at him and did not follow him. Instead, she continued to stay behind to comfort Lilian. After all, Lilian was emotionally unstable right now, and she was still carrying a child.

Well, Mango knew that Nathaniel would never leave Maverick behind. Although this would be a dangerous mission, Augustus was someone they had to face after all.

After Nathaniel came out, he went straight to meet Morgan.

"How's the signal here?"

Well, the array formation would typically block the signal out, so none of them could use their phones.

Then, Morgan asked softly, "Do you want to contact the outside world?"

"Yes, I need to do something. I want to bring Maverick out."

Nathaniel didn't hide it from him. After all, Morgan would find it out one way or another.

Morgan lowered his head and said after a moment of thought, "I think it's better for him to work with us." "Well, it's cruel for a son to go against his dad. Moreover, Maverick is not our soldier, and we don't know a thing about him. What makes you so confident that he will break the relationship with his father for the sake of us? Or do you think that he will do as being told just because Lilian is in our hands? He doesn't want anyone to control him! Therefore, we should save him out. Besides, we can't force him into a corner. What if he ends up working with Augustus because of this? If that happens, we'll never win the fight!"

Morgan frowned upon hearing what Morgan had said.

He remained silent, and he seemed to be contemplating this.

On the other hand, Nathaniel knew that this was not the right time for him to think about his personal feelings. After all, he was the chief commander. He had to think about all his subordinates, so he had to think about the bigger picture.

However, this was something that Nathaniel couldn't do, but Morgan could.

Well, Morgan had been so successful he was the third generation soldier in his family. Thus, he would follow his principles with determination.

Furthermore, his rational thoughts would never be affected by those petty feelings and emotions. However, Nathaniel was the opposite of him.

If Augustus were to grab hold of Mango at this moment, Nathaniel knew that he would never be able to remain calm. Although he had faith and was good in making decision, giving up on Mango wasn't something he could possibly do.

That was the reason why Morgan had a higher military ranking compared to him.

On the other hand, Nathaniel did not urge Morgan to make a decision and waited quietly.

As the minutes ticked by, the frown on Morgan's face remained.

In the end, Morgan finally spoke up when Nathaniel lit his third cigarette.

"If you insist on doing this, I can only lend you around ten of my men. To tell you the truth, Nathan, I didn't bring many people this time. Besides, they are just average soldiers. As you know, I can't let them get hurt. I chose them because Maverick isn't really that important to the whole situation."

"I understand, and I don't need ten people. Just give me the signal or a phone number that can contact the outside world."

Upon hearing this, Morgan was slightly taken


"Wait! Are you going to save him alone?"

"It's not a big deal. After all, I have my own people."

Nathaniel smiled lightly, and there was a hint of confidence on his face.

Morgan was slightly displeased, but he still nodded and agreed, "Okay."

After that, he gave Nathaniel a mobile phone.

"You can contact the outside world with this phone, but you have to stand in that direction to make a phone call. That direction has the best signal as the array formation is weakest there."

"Thanks a lot."

After saying that, Nathaniel went in the opposite direction with his mobile phone and gave Bettany a call.

Meanwhile, Bettany didn't expect to receive a call from Nathaniel. She was a little stunned, but she quickly picked it up.

"Mr. Ye, I've arrived near the Longford County. Wisdom called me not long ago."

"Head to Longford County and make some commotion there. Make Augustus think that you came back after getting some news. You must lure him there."

Nathaniel said faintly.

Meanwhile, Bettany frowned slightly.

"Sir, am I doing it alone? Will I have any backup?"

"No, find somebody to assist you. Bettany, I know you have a way."

After saying that, Nathaniel hung up the phone.

As the call ended, Bettany was a little flustered.

After all, it was definitely a risky move to lure Augustus in without any assistance.

Well, Augustus was determined to win over Longford County. Although Bettany didn't know what Augustus intended to do, she wasn't a fool either. Over the years, she had found some clues. It seemed that Augustus was related to the extermination of Longford County!

Furthermore, now that Nathaniel had given these orders, she was more certain of her speculation.

At this thought, she sighed and called Magnolia.

"Madam, let's meet. I need your help."

On the other hand, Magnolia was surprised to receive Bettany's call.

"Heh. Are you trying to lure me into another trap again?"

"Look, there's no trap here. I wanted to cooperate with you. After all, I know where Barack is."

Magnolia was excited upon hearing what Bettany had said.


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