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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1301

"What's wrong? Are you still having concerns?"

Bettany glanced at Mango and saw that she was hesitant, so she couldn't help but ask.

"Are you going to give up just because Magnolia said you can't go?"

After hearing what Bettany said, Mango's heart skipped a beat.

"It has nothing to do with Magnolia. We should forget about Barack... for now. There are just too many things we need to care of here, and Maverick is still looking after Lilian in the hospital. Hence, we are too short of hands here. If all of us set out to look for Barack, who is going to watch over the village?"

After giving it some considerable thought, Mango decided to look for Barack until Nathaniel woke up in the end.

On the other hand, Bettany did not comment further, so she returned to her room. Meanwhile, Mango couldn't tell what Bettany was thinking.

Now, she trusted no one but Nathaniel.

After all, Mango dared not to return to her room, even if she desperately wanted to. This was because she was afraid of being targeted by someone else.

Soon, time passed quickly. Mango continued on her scheduled patrol, but nothing really happened.

Finally, at the end of the day, everyone gathered for dinner. However, Maverick and Lilian were still in the hospital, and Nathaniel could not come out, plus Magnolia was still investigating Augustus' matter. Hence, there were only a handful of people at the dining table.

Throughout the meal, Bettany had been quiet. She didn't mention anything about finding Barack. Wisdom also seemed to have something on his mind, so he didn't bother to speak at all.

Everyone on this table was deep in thought and couldn't enjoy their food.

After finishing her meal, Mango said she was tired, and then she hurriedly went back to her room. She also requested everyone to not disturb her if nothing important happened.

Meanwhile, Bettany was in deep thought as she watched Mango leave.

"Wisdom, is there something your mommy is hiding from us?"

Bettany glanced at Wisdom and asked unintentionally.

Wisdom shook his head and replied with a puzzled face, "What is she hiding from us?"

"What were you pondering about just now then?"

"I'm thinking about that Golden Lancehead Venom in my uncle's body. It seems to be different from the one in daddy's body. Master, if you were the one who gave daddy the venom in his body, then why wasn't the effect the same?"

After hearing Wisdom's words, Bettany paused for a brief second as her eyelids twitched, and then she hastily lowered her head and kept eating.

"I'm not sure. It's probably because that Golden Lancehead Venom Madeline gave to Augustus was better. After all, he's her first love."

"But didn't you inherit the venom from the Lord himself? Daddy must have gotten the best one then! When you healed him back then, why didn't he go into a coma like uncle did? Or is it because everyone's reaction is different?"

Wisdom continued to question Bettany nonstop. Hence, she was flabbergasted by all these questions.

"Hmm... it does sound strange now. I'll go back and browse through Hikasa Manual later."


Wisdom didn't speak any further and continued eating with his head down, but deep down, he was thinking about something.

Once Mango returned to her room and made sure that no one else was there, she quickly entered the secret chamber. However, she didn't realise that another figure was following her.

"Who's there?"

By the time Mango noticed this, the figure behind her had already entered the secret chamber.

"What happened to him?"

After saying this, Maverick hurried over to where Nathaniel was lying.

When Mango saw that it was Maverick, she was somewhat relieved. For some reason, she was on guard against everyone, even Bettany. However, she knew that she could trust Maverick.

Perhaps it was because he was Nathaniel's only relative.

Then, Mango explained somewhat in a sad tone, "He was sent back here today through the secret passage, but he left a paper slip in his palm."

While explaining, Mango took the paper slip and showed it to Maverick.

Maverick's eyes turned serious when he heard this.

"Are you going to just let him sleep forever?"

Mango hastily replied, "No, Wisdom checked on him. Wisdom said that there was no problem with Nathan's body, and he's simply asleep. We just have to wait for Nathan to wake up."

"Well... he didn't fall asleep. He's being swallowed by those parasites."

Maverick's words quickly caused Mango to panic.

"Parasites? There's just Golden Lancehead Venom in his body. Nothing else!"

After hearing this, Maverick narrowed his eyes with doubts.

"Golden Lancehead Venom? Where did this Golden Lancehead Venom come from?"

"Bettany gave it to him!"

Mango explained everything that had happened to Nathaniel to Maverick quickly.

He immediately force-opened Nathaniel's eyelids. In there hid several golden threads, and they were lying there like little worms. It was a spine-chilling view indeed!

When Mango saw this scene, she took a deep breath.

"He used to be very irritable and always went around looking for fights. That was when he drank the poison for the first time. Sometimes, the colour of his eyes turned golden when he got very agitated. But why did his eyelids end up full of these golden threads?"

Maverick's face began to turn upset when he heard this.

"This isn't caused by the Golden Lancehead Venom, or perhaps this is a modified strain. Right now, Nathaniel's body is now the perfect breeding ground for the parasites, so parasites in his body are now living off through his blood and bones. If we did not find this out in time, give it another week and those vermins will eat up his whole body inside out! So, he'll probably be asleep until the day he's dead!"


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