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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1303

Mango sighed as she recalled the last sentence Maverick had said to her.

"It's a pity that Maverick's kid got aborted in the end."

"There's nothing pitiful about that. Besides, they will only suffer more if they gave birth to the kind. Luckily, Lilian's pregnancy didn't last long, so she can still have another child in the future if she takes care of herself properly. If their baby ended up becoming a stillbirth, I am afraid they would have to suffer even more!"

Nathaniel's words showed that men were able to think logically when facing problems.

Mango knew Nathaniel was right, but she was still depressed.

"Well, we're still talking about a human life here."

"It was just an embryo, and there was probably not even a heart inside it. Just forget about this matter. Even if they gave birth to the child, the kid will not have a better life if his parents continue to act up like this. Let the others take care of their own business, okay? Stop getting so worried."

Mango nodded in agreement to his words.

"By the way, speaking of children, I wonder if Sisi has already given birth. I remember that her due date is coming up soon."

Mango didn't bring up Sisi on purpose, and she only mentioned it because she had thought about Sisi.

She took a sneak peek at Nathaniel's face and worried that if any of her words had upset him. Then, she sighed in relief when she saw that he was wearing his usual expression.

Meanwhile, Nathaniel couldn't help but let out a laugh when he saw how careful his wife was.

"Hmm? Are you feeling bad for me?"

"That's right."

Mango nodded as she answered his question.

After all, she felt that things hadn't gone well recently, and only Genevieve had managed to successfully deliver her baby. On the other hand, Walter's new child didn't survive, and Maverick had lost his child too. Hence, all of them felt depressed because of all these incidents.

On the other hand, Nathaniel knew what she was thinking clearly.

However, he hugged her gently and whispered, "Newell's awake."

Mango paused when she heard this. Then, she remembered how Newell felt about Sisella and said sympathetically, "He must have begged us to spare Sisella, right?"

"No, he didn't."

After hearing what Nathaniel had said, Mango was stunned once again.

"What? Did he not do that?"

"Nope. Instead, he did the opposite. Newell wanted Sisella to give birth earlier, so he called Sisella's doctor to perform a cesarean surgery on her. The delivery was a success, and we got a healthy baby that weighed around eight kilograms."

Nathaniel said in a quiet tone, and he got somewhat emotional for a brief moment.

"Did she gave birth already? Was it a boy?"

Mango wasn't sure how to react to this. Somehow, the news had cheered her up a bit, but when she recalled the tense relationship between Sisella and Newell, she suddenly felt upset again.

However, Mango knew Sisella well. Hence, she knew that the latter would most likely use this child to force Newell to commit some crimes again.

Meanwhile, Nathaniel knew what Mango was thinking and said, "Sisella's dead."

"Huh? What did you say?"

After hearing this, Mango's jaw dropped.

After all, Sisella was a tough woman. She had survived from the brink of death many times, but how did she die from giving birth?

Suddenly, Mango frowned when she recalled how Nathaniel had ordered his subordinates to treat Sisella before they left.

"Did she die of excessive blood loss?"

"No. Newell suffocated her to death with his own hands."

When Nathaniel had first heard this news, he had been shocked as well.

After all, Newell loved Sisella so dearly that he was willing to forget all the vengeance and hate between the two families. He suffered just for the sake of Sisella and even devoted himself to live a poorer life. But in the end, he was the one who ended her life.

Meanwhile, Mango was shaken up as well, and she couldn't react for a brief moment.

How did the two lovers, who could do anything for each other, wind up in such a tragedy?

After that, Nathaniel explained softly, "Newell took Sisella's life right after she gave birth. He told me that nothing good would happen if we kept her alive. Hence, he faked her death so that it looked like she died from dystocia. He could then explain to his son that his mother died from excessive blood loss in childbirth. This way, Sisella will be known to her son as a good person. Newell also begged me to engrave her name on Ye's family tree because he was willing to give up all the stock ownerships from Ye Family for his son."

Mango was speechless after hearing all this.

Indeed, Sisella deserved it.

She used to have a great life, but it was a life that soon turned into naught. If only she could forget about everything, their enemies wouldn't have manipulated her. Hence, she would be the happiest woman alive, who possessed a family, a son, and a brother who cared about her so deeply. But now, she had nothing left.

Well, Mango used to loathe Sisella.

In the past, she wanted to kill Sisella for what she had done to Zion.

But now, Sisella was already dead.

Hence, all the hatred that Mango felt for her had disappeared along with her death.

After all, Mango couldn't blame Newell and his innocent child, but it did make her heart ache a bit.

"Is Newell leaving?"

"No, he wants to learn business from me."

Nathaniel himself actually did not expect this.

In fact, Newell didn't want the stock shares from Ye Family. Instead, he wanted to use his own ability to support his child. Nathaniel was a father as well, so he immediately agreed to this as he understood the pride that Newell felt as a father.

On the other hand, Mango had the same thoughts. Hence, she somewhat admired Newell a bit more now after this incident.

"Let's look out for him later."

"Yeah, he'll always be our brother-in-law."

Mango nodded in agreement after hearing what Nathaniel had said.

Then, they hugged each other tightly.

They had been separated for a while, and they all had a lot to say to each other. Now that they had finally reunited, they didn't know where to start, so they could only hug each other.

However, Mango was running of breath, so she pushed Nathaniel and said, "Are you trying to suffocate me to death? I know! You're trying to kill me to you can find a new wife, right?"

On the other hand, Nathaniel smiled right away when he saw his wife's outburst.

"Why would I find a new wife? Oh, please! I always have my hands full because I need to deal with you because you're so troublesome, so why would I have to do that?"

"Hey! How dare you say that I'm a troublesome wife? Nathaniel, you're getting a lot bolder, huh?"


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