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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1307

Mango immediately became excited when she heard this.

"Does she have an update for us already?"

However, Nathaniel looked rather solemn in contrast to Mango's excitement.

"Hmm, something's not right. Priscilla can't get back to me so quickly, as it would normally take a few minutes to investigate a person. It's impossible to get an immediate reply from her."

Mango became worried upon hearing Nathaniel's words.

"Are you trying to say that Priscilla is in danger?"

Nathaniel did not answer and turned to retrieve the message instead. There were only two words printed on the paper, "Talk later!"

It seemed that Priscilla was in great danger.

Well, perhaps something unexpected had happened to her, and she had to cut off contact immediately.

Nathaniel was a little worried about Priscilla's safety. However, he had no way to find out as the phone signal and internet connection had been blocked. So, he couldn't do anything even though he was anxious.

He prayed that she would be able to find a way to resolve the crisis. After all, the four chairpersons of Baxter Alliance would not have died so easily as they were all resourceful and powerful figures.

"What is it?"

Mango asked with concern when she saw that Nathaniel was worried.

Then, Nathaniel answered in a low voice, "She has cut off the communication, and it means something unexpected must have happened. Unfortunately, we don't know what's happening in Angolla now. We can only wait until they open up."

Mango also felt a little anxious.

Besides, Henry was still in Angolla, so she wondered how he was doing. Also, what had happened to Lebanon's and Bernard's fight?

Suddenly, Mango felt that the ruler of Angolla had made a smart move to close the country's border to clean up the mess. Thus, this had indeed caught them off guard and made it impossible for them to offer any assistance.

Hence, Mango could not help but feel worried when she thought of Henry, who had gone missing for a long time.

She prayed that his true identity had not been exposed.

Also, he should still be alive, right?

In the past, she had thought that Henry would be safe and sound under Lebanon's protection. However, since they came across Magnolia's, she realized the situation Lebanon was in.

After all, Lebanon had to fight alone in Angolla since he was isolated without having any reinforcements. Thus, Mango was worried if he would be able to withstand the fight.

All the other princes had support from their mothers' families except Lebanon, which was something that Mango had not anticipated.

Initially, she thought that she could support Lebanon as she was his relative. However, she never expected Angolla to go into lockdown before she could go there.

That man had mentioned that he wanted to see Lebanon fight on his own. Furthermore, if Lebanon really succeeded, he did not mind letting Lebanon become the ruler of Angolla.

Who was he to be making such claims?

Perhaps he was the ruler?

Suddenly, a thought hit Mango.

Wait... the ruler?

Perhaps that man was the ruler of Angolla?!

Her mind was racing as she recalled the conversation between the man and Magnolia.

If that man was the ruler, Magnolia would be his seventh wife. That was why he said that Magnolia had gotten herself in a mess when she could enjoy her life as the ruler's wife. Also, only the ruler could have known about everything that was happening in Angolla and done whatever he wanted! Even though he knew that Magnolia had faked her death, he had covered for her and given her the authority to move around. At the same time, he had kept an eye on her all this while!

Magnolia said that a man had forced her to give birth to Lebanon when she had not intended to. If the man was the ruler, it would make sense for him to want a child of his own with Magnolia.

Otherwise, Mango could not think of any other reason why the man would continue to manipulate and coerce Magnolia.

Suddenly, Mango understood the whole situation!

"Nathan, I think I know the man's real identity."

"He's the ruler of Angolla!"

Of course, Nathaniel had been able to come to the same conclusion as Mango as well.

Now that both of them had the same thoughts, Mango said hurriedly, "If he is the ruler, then why is he looking for Augustus? Could it be that the extermination in Longford County thirty years ago had something to do with Angolla?"

Suddenly, Nathaniel's eyes lit up.

"If it's true, it means that Angolla has been eyeing the gold mine behind Longford County all along. This matter is no longer a personal grudge of Longford County already since they're stealing our country's resources! Urgh! This is a serious conflict between nations! How could a small country like Angolla be this greedy to steal our territory? They should be destroyed!"

Mango could feel the intense rage and the thirst for blood in Nathaniel's voice. After all, Nathaniel was a soldier who was ready to fight for his country right now.

He would not hesitate to kill anyone who dared to prey on his country!

Hence, Mango was deeply impressed by his imposing manner.

"I will support you whatever you do."

Mango clutched Nathaniel's hand tightly as she promised this.

Then, Nathaniel softened his gaze towards Mango.

"We'll stick through this together."

"Of course!"

Mango smiled and nodded. She was fully aware that the journey ahead would be tough and dangerous, but what they were about to do would be very meaningful. Furthermore, she would be guarding their country alongside Nathaniel as well.

After all, they were faithful and loyal citizens of the country.

Hence, they had a burning desire to defend their country!

Right now, Mango felt that both she and Nathaniel had gotten closer once again.

She took the initiative to embrace Nathaniel and whispered, "Let's go see Magnolia. Perhaps what she needs most is for us by her side now."

"You go ahead. I'm not comfortable showing myself yet, so you should go accompany her."

Nathaniel patted Mango's hand as he said this.

After all, Magnolia was indeed pitiful. Her lover and son were in the hands of the enemy, and she was struggling as her life was hanging by a thread. She had spent all her youth and made all efforts for the country, but she didn't belong anywhere now.

Mango hoped that she could bring her aunt home so that her aunt could return to her birthplace with her own hands. However, it would not be an easy task.


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