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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1312

"Isn't Lilian in poor health?"

Mango was a little surprised to hear this.

However, Maverick smiled and said, "You can think of it as a gift of gratitude to you for helping her unload the burden in her heart. I will carry her there later, and as long as she wears enough clothing, she will be fine. Well, I think she wants to know the result of the paternity test more than anymore here."

That was true.

Lilian had loved Maverick for so many years. Hence, she had been torn apart because she had to choose between her feelings and getting her revenge. She even lost several children for this blood feud, so she wanted to know the results of this blood test more than anyone.

Nathaniel saw that Maverick had already made up his mind, so he nodded and said, "Okay, you guys get ready. I will go out with Mango for a walk."

"Don't go too far. I haven't taken over all the forces here completely, so I'm worried that both of you will be in danger.

Maverick was not perfect. Although he was Atlas's son, Atlas had not given him much authority over the years. Now that Atlas was missing, he temporarily controlled some forces by violent means. However, he still could not take over entirely those forces that had been loyal to Atlas for many years in a short time.

Nathaniel naturally knew this as well.

The two brothers nodded at each other, and then Nathaniel brought Mango out of the house.

The scene outside had almost been cleaned up, and there was no smell of blood anymore. However, they could still recall what had happened occasionally, even though it looked peaceful right now.

Mango didn't really like this place, but she couldn't leave for the time being. After observing her surroundings for a moment, she realized that there was a small reservoir behind the house. Thus, she couldn't help but tug at Nathaniel's sleeve and say, "Let's go over and sit there."


Nathaniel knew what Mango was thinking, so he took her hand and walked over.

It was quiet there, and the water in the reservoir was crystal clear. Thus, they could see fish swimming happily inside.

Mango couldn't help but laugh, "Haha! Atlas sure knows how to enjoy life. He even raised his own

fish to eat!"

However, Nathaniel's brows furrowed slightly.

"Nah, this fish isn't edible. This is an electric fish."

"Electric fish?"

Mango was a little surprised to hear this.

Then, Nathaniel was deep in thought as he whispered, "These fish are all filled with electricity. Well, it wouldn't be such a big deal if there was only one fish in the pond. However, a large current will be produced as there are so many electric fish in this pond. Hence, anyone who falls into this pond will be electrocuted to death!"

Mango was stunned after she heard Nathaniel's electricity.

Water conducted electricity, and more currents would be produced by the electric fish. If someone fell into the water...

At this thought, Mango couldn't help but shudder.

"Let's go then."

It didn't matter why Mango wanted to come over just now. Right now, Nathaniel could only sense that this place was dangerous.

Mango didn't stay as well, and she followed Nathaniel's footsteps and left. However, she then turned her head to look at the electric fish inside the reservoir curiously again and frowned.

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed past, but Mango never got to see his face clearly.

"Someone's here!"

Mango paused slightly as she said this. Then, Nathaniel immediately pulled her into his embrace and said in a low voice, "No matter who it is, let's leave right now."

Mango had sensed Nathaniel's nervousness, so she quickly walked outside as Nathaniel held her.

But it was too still late.

Nathaniel could only sense the black shadow as the latter dashed in front of him. Before he could react, he could smell a pungent scent.

"Hold your breath, Mango!"

Nathaniel quickly reminded Mango, but he breathed in some powder and instantly felt a little dizzy.

Mango did not breathe in any powder because of Nathaniel's protection. At this moment, when she saw Nathaniel's expression, she quickly opened the water bottle in her hand and splashed it on Nathaniel's face.

Fortunately, when she came out just now, she took a bottle of water with her to drink. Finally, it had come in handy now.

On the other hand, Nathaniel became a little sober after being stimulated by the cold water.

He quickly said to Mango, "Go back quickly and find Maverick."

"What about you?"

Mango was worried about Nathaniel, so she couldn't help but ask this.

Nathaniel's gaze was slightly cold. Then, he looked in the direction where the shadow disappeared and said, "I'm going to catch this person."

"No! Come back with me! It's too dangerous for you to stay here."

Mango disagreed and even ignored Nathaniel's objections by forcefully pulling him away.

Nathaniel wanted to disagree at first, but when he saw Mango's worried expression, his heart finally softened.

He then held Mango's hand and walked out. However, he still turned around to take a look.

The side of the reservoir was covered with grass which was almost as tall as them, so a few people could hide there easily.

After that, Nathaniel silently remembered everything before bringing Mango back to the house.

When Maverick saw that they had come back early, he asked them with a smile, "Wow! You all finished your walk quickly!"

"Nathan seemed to have breath in some powder."

Mango's tone was urgent, so Maverick immediately became nervous.

"What's going on?"

"There's someone near the reservoir."

Maverick became anxious after hearing what Nathaniel had said.

"Did you guys go to the reservoir?"

"Yeah, we planned to sit around there since it's quieter. Alas! I didn't expect something dangerous to happen instead!"

Nathaniel did not hide anything from Maverick.

Maverick then quickly brought in a doctor.

The doctor examined Nathaniel and found that he had breathed in a fragrance that would cause temporary unconsciousness. It was not harmful to the body, but it would make people faint and lose their mobility.

Suddenly, Mango recalled the situation. If Nathaniel had fainted and was thrown into the reservoir, wouldn't the electric fish kill him?


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