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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1322

"Who is it?"

When Nathaniel heard this, he quickly tensed up and immediately pulled Mango behind him. He had done this subconsciously without thinking about it, so Mango couldn't help but feel safe with him.

After all, he was protecting her out of instinct, so what else could she ask for?

How could she not love such a man?

Then, Mango grabbed Nathaniel's arm tightly and said in a low voice, "Is it Barack?"

She had already thought of the worst scenario that could happen. This place was so dark, and there was no light at all. If they had not brought their phones down, they would not have been able to see anything.

If Barack had lived in this environment all year round, Mango would not dare to think about what had happened to him by now.

"Uncle Barack, I am Mango, the daughter of Dennis and Queena. Are you my uncle from the Hans family, Barack Hans?"

Mango knew that it wasn't wise to reveal her identity at this time as she didn't know if the other party was her friend or foe. However, she couldn't care less now.

On the other hand, Barack paused for a moment as if he was taking in Mango's words, but he didn't dare to believe her completely at the same time.

His voice was so hoarse to the point where they felt uncomfortable listening to it, but he still asked, "Are you my brother's daughter?"

"It's me. Uncle Barack, let me take you home."

Mango was so excited that she was even trembling as she said these words.

After that, Nathaniel stepped in front and shone the light from his phone forward. Finally, he saw a man in chains that was squatting on the ground like an animal.

His hair was very long, and it was all stuck together. It was greasy, and there was a pungent stench coming from it. Thus, they couldn't help but step back at the sight of him.

The man's hair was covering his face, so his appearance couldn't be seen at all. The clothes on his body were unbearably tattered, to the extent where some areas were already torn apart. Some of his skin was revealed, but they were all covered in injuries. Furthermore, they saw new wounds and old scars covering his body, so they were


Well, Mango had only looked at Barack roughly, but she couldn't take it anymore. Perhaps there wasn't much light here now, but Barack's hair looked as if it had turned white almost completely.

Meanwhile, Nathaniel didn't dare to stay here for too long. He stepped forward and said, "Barack, I am Mango's husband, Nathaniel Ye. Let me bring you out, alright? We can talk after we get out."


Barack was also emotional as he answered Nathaniel.

After all, he was still a son of the Hans family. However, he had lived a life that was worse than death all these years! Now that he was facing his descendants in such a terrible state, he wanted to kill himself out of embarrassment. But he couldn't allow himself to die now.

Then, Mango looked at Barack, who was filthy, and recalled Nathaniel's obsession with cleanliness. Thus, she couldn't help but say, "Let me carry Uncle Barack instead."

"Hey! Your husband is here!"

Nathaniel cast a glance at Mango and felt a little dissatisfied when he heard what she said. Then, he immediately cut the rope binding Barack while ignoring her. He then turned around and carried Barack on his back before quickly walking outside.

"Bettany, take good care of Mango. I'll leave first."

Nathaniel instructed as he walked out. After all, the situation here was dreadful.


Bettany immediately agreed when she heard Nathaniel's orders.

On the other hand, Mango had no time to care about anything else. She felt emotional as she followed Nathaniel's footsteps

outside. Meanwhile, she tried to ignore the filth that was under her feet as well.

The three of them finally got out of the cellar, but the people outside were still asleep.

Meanwhile, Bettany walked out while supporting Mango. In the meantime, Nathaniel looked at the people who were still asleep with a trace of cruelty in his eyes.

"Throw these people to the mountains and feed them to the wolves."

There was a forest that had never been explored in the mountains. Thus, wolves and other ferocious animals were living there. Previously, Nathaniel wasn't furious because he hadn't seen Barack. However, he was enraged now when he saw the terrible state that Barack was in. llrgh! These b*stards were too ruthless!

On the other hand, Mango did not feel bad for those people when she heard Nathaniel's instructions at all. Furthermore, she thought that this punishment was too light, but she had no time to care about all this.

After that, Bettany quickly followed Nathaniel's instructions, while Nathaniel and Mango quickly carried Barack out of the house.

There was already a car parked outside, but no one knew when it had arrived. However, Nathaniel didn't think of anything else and got in the car with Mango and Barack. Then, they returned to Longford County immediately.

No one knew when Magnolia came out, but she was waiting at the gates of Longford County. When she saw that Nathaniel had returned, she walked up to them.

"Mango, where have you guys been?"

Magnolia's voice was calm, but Barack was stunned immediately when he heard her words.

Right now, he was no longer the young nor charming teenager that he used to be. Now, he looked even worse than a beggar!

At this thought, Barack tried his best to lower his head to the point where he couldn't even face


Meanwhile, Mango took a look at Barack and felt an urge to cry.

"Aunt Magnolia, Nathan and I went out to pick up someone."

Mango didn't mention Barack. After all, she knew that Barack didn't want Magnolia to see him like this.

They used to love each other so much, but it was a pity that fate had to play tricks on them. Now, they couldn't even recognize each other anymore, right?

Then, Magnolia glanced at the car briefly, but she was immediately stunned.


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