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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1325

Magnolia hadn't seen Barack's expression like this for many years, so she couldn't help but smile even more brightly.

"Am I pretty?"

She asked him cheerfully as if she was a bride that was getting married today.

Barack nodded subconsciously, but he found that his attitude was inappropriate. He then quickly lowered his head, and he did not dare to look into Magnolia's eyes again. However, this was enough for Her.

"Go and wash up, alright? I'll make delicious food for you. By the way, if Mango and the others come later, please help me greet them. You should know Mango, right? She's your niece, Dennis' daughter."

Magnolia knew that Barack hadn't had much contact with the Hans family over these years, so he wasn't quite sure who Mango was. Although she had rescued him the day before, Barack still wasn't familiar with her.

But she didn't expect to answer her this time.

"I know who she is. She is the child of my eldest brother and your older sister, but she doesn't look like them."

Magnolia was stunned for a moment before she explained with a smile, "Mango got into an accident before, so she had plastic surgery. She used to look like my sister and your brother. You'll see how alike they are once you look at her old pictures."


When he heard Magnolia say that Mango had gotten in an accident, Barack paused for a moment, but he didn't ask further. After all, he could already guess what had happened.

After Magnolia saw this, she finally left the room.

Meanwhile, Barack heaved a sigh of relief after seeing Magnolia leave. He couldn't speak with Magnolia calmly at all.

Once Magnolia had left, Barack quickly tidied himself up. Although he still wore the same clothes from yesterday, he didn't mind it since he had been in the cellar for the past few years.

It was apparent that a person's personality could change according to time and the environment that had grown up. Right now, Barack was no longer arrogant as he was in his youth. On the contrary, he was much calmer and quieter now.

Naturally, Mango didn't sleep very well either. If Nathaniel hadn't stopped her, she probably would have gone over in the middle of the night to visit


Dawn had already broken at that time. Thus, When Mango heard movements in Magnolia's room, she quickly ran over.

She was a little nervous, and even her palms were sweaty.

On the other hand, Nathaniel couldn't help but smile when he saw his wife's expression. He then knocked on the door of Magnolia's room.

Barack was a little nervous, but he still told himself that he was a free man now. Therefore, he needed to adapt to the current society and learn how to socialize with others.

At this thought, Barack prepared himself mentally and then said, "Come in."

Right now, Barack's heart was filled with apprehension and uneasiness. However, the moment he saw Mango and Nathaniel, all of his worries and anxiousness disappeared without a trace. Perhaps this was because they were the ones who had rescued him out of the hellhole that he was staying.

"Ah, it's the both of you! Good morning!"

Barack greeted them first.

Mango was utterly stunned when she heard this.

When they saw Barack last night, he was in such a sorry state that they couldn't even see his face. However, after Magnolia cleaned him up thoroughly, Barack looked the same as Dennis from the pictures.

However, Barack's face was ashen as he had not been under the sun for quite some time. His hair was also grey, and this immediately caught Mango's attention.

Mango suddenly feared up when she saw this.

"Uncle Barack, your hair..."

Although Magnolia had cut it very short, everyone who saw Barack would immediately pay attention to the colour of his hair.

However, Barack said indifferently, "It's okay. I'm still alive, so it's not a big problem."

He said these words casually, but they were sad upon hearing what he had said.

Then, Mango immediately ran over and hugged Barack while crying, "Uncle Barack!"

Alas! She didn't know what she could say.

Mango hadn't been born yet twenty years ago, so she didn't know what Barack had been through. If she voiced out her pity, perhaps Barack would think that she was faking her emotions. But this was Barack, a man who had an identical face as her father!

Mango had never met her father before. Now that she met Barack, she felt a sense of familiarity.

The four brothers of the Hans family looked quite alike, but Dennis and Barack were the more charming ones. This was because they were more polite than the others as they were scholars. On the other hand, Mateo and Terrance were more masculine because they were in the military.

Therefore, Mango's feelings for Barack were unique. Perhaps it was because she had longed to see her father for so long. Hence, she was so excited that she didn't know what to say now.

On the other hand, Barack was also getting emotional.

His eldest brother's daughter had already grown up. However, he didn't have much to look forward to in life anymore.

At this thought, Barack patted Mango's shoulder and whispered, "Dennis will be jealous if he sees this."

After hearing what he said, Mango was stunned for a moment before she choked back a sob and said, "I've never seen my father before."

Then, she briefly told Barack about her experience.

Barack immediately pitied Mango when he heard how much she had gone through.

"I'm sorry that you went through all that. Your name is Mango Shen, right? Why isn't your surname Hans?"

Mango didn't know how to explain this situation with now.

Nathaniel whispered, "Uncle Barack, we are just too used to calling her Mango Shen."

"Alright, it's fine as long as you're happy."

Barack had mixed emotions right now. After so many years, he hadn't expected his big brother and mother to be gone. Alas! Things had changed too much all these years."

He sighed but then heard Mango ask, "Uncle Barack, the person who imprisoned you in the cellar is the king of Angolla, right?"


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