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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1346

"What do you mean?"

Lebanon felt that Prisca's intentions were not as simple as he thought.

However, Prisca didn't say anything else because Mango and Mckenzie were back.

"Wow! You're so beautiful! Who is she, Lebanon?"

Lebanon did not quite like it when Prisca started asking probing questions.

Then, Mango quickly smiled and said, "We are Prince Lebanon's servants."

"Really? Where did you find them? Wow! I'm so envious, can you give them to me? I happen to need some maids to serve me!"

Prisca was still smiling, but Lebanon immediately became upset.

"If you like it, I'll ask someone to send a few more people to you later."

"Are you reluctant to give them up?"

Prisca seemed to not notice the expression on his face, so she grinned delightedly.

On the other hand, Mango could tell that Prisca had already spotted their lies. However, she was not sure if Prisca was planning to scheme anything against them.

However, they could Lebanon in huge trouble if they were to follow him back to Magnolia's palace or anywhere else. As such, they could as well stay with Prisca.

"Sir, Princess Prisca looks really kind and friendly. Why don't we stay here?"

Lebanon frowned after hearing what Mango said.

He felt that it was inappropriate to leave them in Prisca's place, as they still didn't know what her true intentions were. Therefore, it was still a risky decision to make.

"I think you'd better come with me."

"What are you worried about, Lebanon? They'll be fine, and I'll send them back safely after this."

Prisca answered quickly before Mango could say anything.

She sounded like she was making a promise.

Mango wasn't sure of what Prisca's intentions were. However, she felt that this was the best arrangement right now.

"Sir, I think you can go back first."

Mango winked at Lebanon while she said this.

Although Lebanon was worried, he had no choice but to agree to it. After all, he was worried that

Laborn's team would discover him here, so he could only nod.

"Call me if anything happens."

"All right."

Mango smiled, and only then did Lebanon stand up and leave.

"Hey, think about what I said to you. Give my cousin an answer soon, alright? He will be waiting for your reply."

Prisca looked at him with a sweet smile. However, he was slight crept out by it.

Anyway, what was the reason Tristan chose to support him?

Lebanon couldn't figure it out, and it wasn't the right time to discuss it with Mango either. Thus, he could only nod his head and leave.

After sending Lebanon out, Prisca turned back and looked at Mango and said with a smile, "Hello! What's your name?"

"My name is Poala Gerner, and this is my aunt."

Mango used the name she had when she was in the Underground City.

Prisca didn't really intend to know her full name. However, she continued, "Poala, you're staying with me now. Well, I don't go out very often, so I hope you don't mind."

"I won't! Thank you, Princess!"

Mango quickly lowered her head as she replied.

She didn't know the rules here, but she was happy since Prisca could protect her. Although she didn't know what Prisca's true colours were, it was still better than being caught by Laborn.

Then, Prisca took them to the guest room to rest. She looked at the sky outside and whispered, "There will be a big change in the palace."

"Miss, do you mean that Princess Lebanon will agree to the proposal?"

Sina Camrade, the servant beside her, asked.

"I don't know, but I hope it will work."

Then, Prisca sighed and looked in the direction in which Mango stayed before whispering, "Tell my cousin that Mango Shen has entered the palace, and she is here with me."


Sina left quickly to carry out Prisca's orders.

Meanwhile, Mango had no idea that her identity had been exposed. After entering the room, she looked around and did not find any surveillance equipment. Then, she arrive at Mckenzie's room.

"Aunt, what do you think of Prisca?"

"We don't know yet if she is our enemy or our ally, but I don't think she has any good intentions now."

Then, Mckenzie whispered, "I think that Prisca knows about your real identity already."

"How could this be?"

Mango was surprised when to hear this. Not only did she change her appearance, but also, only a few people knew that she had come to Angolla. Hence, how did Priscilla find out about her real identity?"

Mckenzie whispered, "Probably by intuition. I don't think that Prisca is as innocent as we think, or perhaps, the person supporting her is a cunning mastermind. Mango, I think we should be careful."

"Um, but I don't know how should I contact Nathaniel now."

Mango wanted to switch on her bracelet, but she changed her mind after thinking for a while.

If Nathaniel knew that she was here, that meant Priscilla would know about it too, right? What if Priscilla planned to harm her here? Well, Mango didn't want to risk anything.

With this thought in mind, Mango let go of her bracelet.

"Let's just wait and see then."

Mckenzie did not have any good ideas either, so she could only say this.

On the other hand, Nathaniel followed Kash to

Priscilla's palace. He paused for a moment when he met Priscilla, but the latter ran over to him hurriedly.

"Mr. Ye!"


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