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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1349

Was Laborn here?

This was too much of a coincidence!

At this thought, Nathaniel cautiously stay hidden behind the scene and didn't dare to come out anymore.

Meanwhile, Lebanon tried his best to stay calm and maintain his usual appearance.

"Hello, dad."

Lebanon bowed respectfully, but he had no feelings towards his father.

After all, Laborn wasn't there when Lebanon had needed him the most. Hence, he had left Lebanon alone with no one to care for the latter. Therefore, he had no expectations whatsoever now that Laborn had visited again.

On the other hand, Laborn looked at Lebanon while he was in deep thought.

Well, Lebanon looked similar to Magnolia. His appearance, manners, and cold attitude were just like her.

Then, Laborn waved his hand and let Lebanon sit down.

"I heard that you went to Priscilla's place today?"

Although Laborn said this casually, Lebanon was a little surprised. However, he still whispered, "Yes, Prissy got a cold. I had nothing to do today, so I went to visit her."

"Really? Since when did you become so close with your sister?"

Laborn looked at him with a spurious smile, but he had a cold gaze when he said these words.

However, Lebanon wasn't intimidated at all. Instead, he looked directly into Laborn's eyes and said, "There are still many things that you don't know about."

"Oh. Maybe you could tell me some of them?"

"Well, in fact, I've also gone to Prisca's place."

Lebanon took the initiative to throw Prisca under the bus.

If Prisca wanted to support him as she had said, then this was a good opportunity to validate her words. If Prisca said anything to Laborn, he would surely get rid of her. After all, h planned to do so for the sake of Mango and his safety.

Upon hearing this, Laborn frowned slightly.

"Prisca too? Wow, it seems like you've gotten close to your sisters recently?"

"Dad, what are you trying to say?"

Lebanon said nonchalantly, but his

response made Laborn a little unhappy.

"I'm your father. So why can't I care about you? Also, what's with your attitude?"

When Lebanon heard this, he sneered and said, "Hehl I've already grown up, and I don't need your fatherly love anymore. Since you're busy governing the country, there's no need to waste your precious time on an insignificant person like me."

Laborn was taken aback when he heard this.

Since when did his son grow up this much? Was he reminding Laborn about how he had abandoned Lebanon as a child by showing the latter such an indifferent look?"

"Hey! Are you complaining about me?"

"I wouldn't dare to do that."

Lebanon was still neither humble nor pushy.

However, this was not something that Laborn had expected.

After all, he was filled with rage when he learned that his son was homosexual.

In fact, he once thought that Lebanon was a coward.

There were so many women in the world, but Lebanon had turned against his siblings just for a man. This was unacceptable! However, Laborn

wasn't sure anymore that Lebanon was a coward after today's encounter.

Right now, he couldn't understand Lebanon at all.

At this thought, Laborn softened his tone and whispered, "Lebanon, maybe you will blame me for not being a competent father. However, I have too many tasks to complete, and I can't afford to spend time accompanying you. But you are my son, and I always think about you."

"I know that."

Lebanon said calmly in reply. However, he didn't believe Laborn's words at all.

Heh! Was that even true?

Would he have lived such a hard life if Laborn had been there for him?

Laborn knew that Lebanon didn't believe his words, and he also knew that their terrible relationship that had lasted for many years could not be mended overnight.

Thus, Laborn sighed and said, "Don't make things difficult for Bernard."


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