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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1355


Mango had been troubled by Priscilla's issues for days, and finally she could heave a sigh of relief.

When Nathaniel saw how she could finally relax, he was also relieved, but he felt bad for her as well.

Well, she wouldn't have to go through all of this if it weren't for him.

On the other hand, Mango was so excited that she overlooked the guilt in Nathaniel's eyes. Then, she quickly ran over to speak with Mckenzie.

Meanwhile, Nathaniel took the opportunity to go to Priscilla's palace.

Well, Priscilla was shocked by his sudden appearance. However, she was glad that Nathaniel was willing to talk to her in private.

Obviously, Nathaniel noticed the joy in her eyes. Then, he said coldly, "Priscilla, I only came here to say a few words."

"Please go ahead, Mr. Ye."

"I'm grateful for everything you've sacrificed for me, and I'm willing to repay you with my life. However, I'm warning you, don't touch Mango."

Upon hearing this, the smile on Priscilla's face immediately disappeared.

"Did you come here just to say this to me?"

"What else do you think?"

Nathaniel took out a cigarette but did not light it. Instead, he placed it between his fingers and fiddled with it. Then, he glanced at Priscilla with a solemn expression.

"Although I don't want to doubt you, I know all the tricks and schemes that are happening in the palace. Tomrrow, Laborn will invite a lot of people to the banquet because he wants to win Laborn over to his side. Therefore, I'm warning you not to do anything to Mango because she's the woman I love the most. I'm willing to give up everything I have for her, and I can even become a villain just for her! We've known each other for so many years, and I don't want our relationship to be affected because of this. Priscilla, you're a smart woman, so you shouldn't do any stupid things. I can forgive you once, but not twice. If anything like this happens again, I might have to end our relationship here."

Priscilla was shocked and embarrassed when she heard this. Furthermore, she felt a little awkward because Nathaniel had guessed her intentions.

"Mr. Ye, you've never spoken to me in this way before. How could you do this because of Mango? What's so good about her?"

"Well, you will eventually find out how good she is as long as you try getting along with her. You know me well, so you should know that I take my feelings seriously. Hence, I would never fall in love with any woman who I've slept him. Moreover, Mango is from the Hans family and Xiao family, so tou should think twice before targeting her. Otherwise, you'd be putting yourself in trouble."

After all, Nathaniel couldn't bear to hurt Priscilla. However, this was the last straw. If he didn't owe her his life, and if he hadn't been friends with her for this long, he wouldn't be giving her this serious warning right now.

On the other hand, Priscilla had misunderstood the meaning behind his words.

"Mr. Ye, are you with her because of the power and support she's got behind her? If that's the case, I've got those too, and I'm even better than her!"

"Priscilla Fang! Can't you let go of your obsession after so many years? Mango is the only woman I love, and my affection for her will never change. If something happens to, I would blame myself forever, but I will never change my mind. In fact, I am not afraid to tell you the truth now. I'm the one who fell in love with her first. Back then, she was framed up at the banquet. Hence, I drank the drugged wine and married her because of this. However, after getting married, I was busy with work, and I didn't really care about her. Hence, someone harmed her because of this, she eventually left with our kids. We were separated for five years, so I will not allow this to happen again again. If the person who harmed her was you, I will not take revenge on you, but I will never forgive you in my whole life."

After saying that, Nathaniel turned and left.

He had finished what he wanted to say, and the rest was up to Priscilla's judgement. However, he believed that she would understand his words.

Meanwhile, Priscilla was devastated. Alas! She felt as if her heart had been torn apart!

She had always thought that Mango was the one who seduced Nathaniel, but she didn't things to be the other way round.

It turned out that she had misunderstood the situation. Well, she sacrificed her whole life to be with him. However, was her persistence even worth it?

Suddenly, Priscilla started to laugh.

Then, she laughed and cried with all her might.

She felt stupid, and she finally realised how cruel Nathaniel was.

It would be great if Nathaniel loved her as he would dote on her all day long. However, she wasn't the woman he loved and would never be her too. Thus, her heart had been shattered into pieces after hearing the cruel things he had said.

It seemed that love really conquered everything else!

He said that Mango was the last straw, but what about her?

She abandoned her principles and conscience because she was obsessed with him. At this point, she could barely recognise herself anymore!

At this thought, Priscilla hugged herself and cried so hard. However, she tried to remain quiet as she was worried that other people would find out about this.

Right now, she knew that she could never be with Nathaniel in this life.

Nathaniel had never talked to her alone about the issues with other women. After all, Priscilla had dealt with the women around Nathaniel before, but he always ignored it and let her do whatever she wanted. Hence, she thought that she would eventually become the love of his life, and she believed that Nathaniel had acknowledged their relationship.

However, this was only her wishful thinking.

Besides, Nathaniel never once cared about what she did. This time, he was agitated and even came to see her alone to talk about it.

Was this the difference between love and hate?

Alas! It was so embarrassing and heartbreaking to be rejected by a person she loved deeply.

Although Priscilla was envious and dissatisfied, she kept her cool and remained rationale.

After all, Nathaniel had warned her repeatedly not to hurt Mango. In other words, he knew everything that happened at the junction!


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