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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1401

Mango's heart skipped a beat, and her hand grabbed Nathaniel's arm subconsciously.

Nathaniel looked grim.

They must have been exposed.

At this moment, he had already done what he had to do, so he couldn't give up here. Even if there was a tiny possibility that could put Mango in danger, he wouldn't let that happen.

Thinking of this, Nathaniel whispered, "I will take care of them. Follow that guard and head outside."


Mango shook her head and felt very worried.

However, Nathaniel patted her hand and said with a smile, "Don't you have any confidence in me?"

"I don't have confidence in myself. Nathaniel, I want to be with you no matter what."

Mango believed in her persistence firmly.

Nathaniel felt a slight warmth in his heart, but said in a low voice, "But we haven't finished our work yet. Atlas and Laborn haven't turned against each other, so our mission hasn't been completed yet. Mango, trust me. Only when you are safe can I have the motivation to live." "No, I don't want to."

Mango shook her head like a rattle, while her eyes were full of tears.

"Be good, alright? You are the mother of the Dark Night Empire. You know what to do best, right?"

Of course, Mango knew, but she was unwilling to part with him.

She didn't want to leave Nathaniel.

The war was so cruel that she didn't want to leave Nathaniel even for a single moment. What if they couldn't see each other again this time?

Nathaniel, as if knowing what Mango was thinking, whispered, "Don't worry. As long as I'm still alive, I'll return to look for you and the children, even if I have to crawl my way home."

"Promise me you'll come back to see me alive."

"I promise you."

Then, Nathaniel grabbed the back of Mango's head and kissed her deeply.

He did not like to part with her either.

However, he was a soldier, and he had his responsibilities.

Nathaniel was very unwilling, but at this moment, he was even more afraid that something would happen to Mango.

Before coming to Angolla, he had already allocated all the assets under his name. If something happened to him, Mango would become the head of the Ye Family.

He knew that he might be a little selfish by giving everything to Mango. Besides, she still needed to raise three children, and it was definitely not something that a woman could easily accomplish on her own. He had always wanted Mango to be happy, live a life with no pressure at all, and do whatever she wanted. However, sometimes, the reality was never kind enough to him to make his ideals come true.

With the support of the Hans family and the Xiao family, even if something did happen to him, Mango would be fine.

Every time he went on a mission, Nathaniel knew that it was a test of separation between life and death. No one could guarantee that he could come back alive, not to mention that he was carrying out his mission abroad now. But he couldn't say these words to Mango as he was afraid to see her cry and to see those tears of hers.

Mango was never strong. Her so-called strength was forced, and she was actually a girl who cried easily.

Nathaniel's heart ached and he wanted time to stop at this moment so badly, so that he could just be with her and comfort her, but it was all just an imagination.

When the guards saw that Nathaniel was acting weirdly, they immediately took out their guns and became alert.

"Who are you? Stand over there. We need to search you."

Nathaniel released Mango, and he could still taste her tears in his mouth. Then, he smiled gently at her as he looked at Mango's worried eyes.

"Be good."

"Nathaniel, I believe in you, so I will listen to you. But if you can't keep your promise, I will hate you forever! I will never forgive you!"

Mango said in a hoarse voice.


Nathaniel smiled, but his heart ached.

What he feared the most in his life was Mango's hatred, but what could he do now?

No one could guarantee that nothing would go wrong and someone had to stay behind to fight. Now, he was willing to stay behind for Mango's sake.


Nathaniel pushed Mango away, and at the same time, he turned around suddenly, took out his pistol, and shot at the guards.

"The king has ordered to shoot at anyone who looks suspicious!"

The captain of the guards called out.

At this, a fierce battle unfolded.

Mango gave Nathaniel one last look and engraved his heroic posture deeply in her mind. Then, she was pulled away by the guard who was helping them.

She dared not look back, because she was afraid that she couldn't bear to leave when she saw Nathaniel's face again.

The temperature of his lips was still warm on hers as if she could still feel his kiss from earlier, but their parting had already begun.

She hated to part!

She really hated it! Especially parting with Nathaniel!

Mango was extremely upset, and her eyes were even more so as she held back her tears. She didn't know how she escaped, nor did she know where she was going to go, as her heart was long left with Nathaniel.

Soon, the guard brought Mango to a safe place.


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