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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1462

When Mango heard this news, she laughed until she couldn't even straighten her back. However, Nathaniel was so worried for her that he became wary, and his face turned pale.

"Don't laugh. Hey! Stop laughing! Be careful of your body."

"It's okay. The child is not that fragile."

Mango smiled and waved her hand while saying this. She then asked, "Why do you think Desmond is so straightforward?"

"It probably has something to do with the environment he grew up in. He and Marissa grew up together, and she told him about her feelings immediately. She didn't think that this was a big deal, nor did she feel like she had to be reserved because she was a woman. So from Desmond's perspective, other people needed to tell him when someone like him."

Nathaniel's words stunned Mango.

"Haniya also said that she liked him at the beginning."

"But Desmond rejected her, didn't he? Furthermore, Haniya never professed her love again after the rejection. I think Desmond doesn't even know why Haniya went to the island. He must think that she went to improve her skills."

Mango was flabbergasted after hearing Nathaniel's analysis.

"What? How could he be so clueless about this?"

"Why don't you ask him?"

Nathaniel came up with an idea when he saw how his wife couldn't believe what was happening. It was apparent that he also enjoyed watching this scenario played out.

Mango then picked up the phone and called Desmond.

"Desmond, do you know why Haniya went to train on the island?"

When Desmond heard Mango's question, he paused for a moment and couldn't help but worry.

"Why? Is there any other reason?"

"What do you think is the reason then?"

"Isn't it because she felt that she was weak and wanted to train her skills?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mango looked at Nathaniel with admiration and gave him a thumbs up.

Sure enough, men knew each other best.

Mango was now extremely glad that she didn't fall in love with a straightforward man like Desmond. Otherwise, she would be so depressed.

"Did something happen to Haniya?"

There was a hint of worry in Desmond's voice, causing Mango to feel a little unbearable.

"If I tell you that Haniya went to the island to train for you, what do you think?"

"How is it possible? She was training her body, so what does it have to do with me?"

Desmond's reply made Mango a little frustrated.

"Are you stupid?"

Mango's temper immediately flared up when she heard this.

She felt that Haniya was in such a tough situation! Why did she fall in love with a blockhead?

"What's wrong?"

The most annoying thing was that Desmond did not feel that he had said something wrong, so he asked with grievances.

Nathaniel immediately laughed out loud at this situation.

Mango had put the call on speaker, so Desmond also heard Nathaniel's laughter and could not help asking, "Is Mr. Ye here too?"

"Yeah, I'm here. Desmond, I think you should think

about other possibilities."

Nathaniel tried to comment indirectly.

However, Mango felt that Desmond would not understand this, so said clearly, "Haniya went to the island to accompany you! that clear? Why does a delicate girl like her need to train herself?"

"But Madam, aren't you also skillful in combat?" Desmond was a little confused by the situation.

After hearing this, Mango didn't know what to say then.

"Well, I need to have these skills."

"So does Haniya."

Mango was unsure what to say next after hearing this.

Nathaniel took the phone and said while laughing, "Desmond, Haniya is a nurse. If she didn't like you, she wouldn't have to make her life so tiring. She can continue living a good life with her skills as a nurse. There would be no fighting, no scheming, only peace. Furthermore, she would be overjoyed if she married a doctor or other people! But because she likes you, she wants to get closer to you. Also, she felt that it was too difficult and lonely for you to train alone on the island. That was why she went to accompany you. In fact, she didn't want to train herself.She only hoped that as you two are alone on the island, you can have more interaction and develop your relationship. This is because she wanted to be someone close to you!"

After hearing this, Desmond paused for a long time. He took such a long time that Mango thought that he had fallen asleep or that he was no longer there.

"Are you even listening?"

Desmond regained his senses after hearing what Mango had said.

"I'm listening. Is that really the case?"

"Why else would she do this then? Are you that slow-witted? Haniya had deliberately planned to create some alone time for the two of you, but you didn't say more than ten sentences to her the whole time. Therefore, she would think that you're uninterested in her because of this! No matter how passionate she was before, she probably couldn't take it if you were so cold to her. Desmond, do you know why Haniya agreed to letting me arrange a blind date for her?"


Desmond didn't seem to know the answer to this question, so Mango felt that she shouldn't have made this call.

Nathaniel looked at his wife, who was about to explode with anger and could only continue to counsel him. "Haniya feels that you are not interested in her, and all her efforts are like a joke in your eyes. So she decided not to like you anymore and took back her affection for you. Hence, she is going to find someone else to live with."

When Desmond heard that Haniya was taking back her affections, he suddenly felt a pain in his heart. He didn't care about anything else and quickly hung up the phone.

On the other hand, when Mango heard that the phone had been hung up, she couldn't help but become furious as she said, "Urgh! Desmond should be single for his whole life."

"He will understand her feelings. Don't worry."

"What am I worried about? He's not my son. If he were my son, I would beat him up immediately!"

Nathaniel smiled when he hear what Mango had said.

"Then I have to tell Zion to not be too slow-witted."

"Don't worry. He's my son, so he won't have such a low EQ."

Now that they had mentioned Zion, Mango started missing her son again.


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