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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1474

Priscilla was a little nervous, so she grabbed Tristan's shirt tightly. Then, she pressed herself against Tristan's chest with a worried expression until he could feel her warm breath wafter over his nose.

His face instantly flushed red out of embarrassment.

He was getting aroused because of her! If they weren't in an emergency right now, he would definitely think that Priscilla did it on purpose.

Meanwhile, Priscilla was clueless about Tristan's little schemes, and she was on full alert. After seeing this, Tristan felt sorry for her.

In the past few years, she had been living with fear and caution. She would have a mental breakdown whenever she felt nervous, and it was really heartbreaking.

At this thought, Tristan stretched out his arm and wrapped it tightly around her waist. Their breaths interweaved, and both of them looked as if they were flirting with each other.

Priscilla finally realised the situation, and she wanted to break free, but Tristan tightened his grip on her. After all, she could almost feel the scorching heat emanating from his body.

She immediately blushed when she saw this.

Meanwhile, Tristan enjoyed seeing her shyness. Unfortunately, they couldn't do anything to imitate because of the current location.

Hence, he calmed down instantly. Suddenly, he heard the basement door being opened as some people came up from below.

"Be careful. This blood is extremely precious. That's all we have, so don't waste it."

The leader was wearing a mask, so it was impossible to see his face. However, the bottle of blood in his hands looked familiar.

It was Desmond's blood!

The blue-coloured blood was shining immensely. Tristan's eyes narrowed slightly when he saw this. He wasn't sure whether the blood was sent over or taken on the spot. Therefore, it was hard to locate Desmond's exact position.

Priscilla also saw it, and she couldn't help but want to follow them, but Tristan stopped her.

He shook his head at her and said after those people left, "It's more important to find Desmond now."

"But if those people got thorough study of the blood's composition, it would also be a disaster."

Priscilla was very worried about this.

Tristan had told her that Desmond's blood was extremely valuable. Hence, it would be disastrous If it was used by people with evil intentions.

"It's okay. I'll make sure that their research doesn't succeed."

A hint of coldness flashed in Tristan's eyes.

He followed swiftly and knocked out the last member of the group while they were off guard. Then, he ripped off the latter's white coat and put it on. Priscilla, on the other hand, helped drag him away.

These people were all wearing masks, so Tristan quickly sneaked in without suspicion.

He looked at the leader who brought Desmond's blood into the laboratory. Then, the person said excitedly, "Jose has not come yet, and this blood must be kept well. When Jose arrives tomorrow, we can start to study it. It's really magical. I've never seen blue blood before."

The others were also overjoyed.

Tristan fell into deep thought after hearing what they had said.

Did Jose Fang not arrive yet?

Then who was the person on the plane?

Why did the red dot indicate that Desmond's whereabouts were on the plane?

Where on earth was Jose then?

A series of questions flashed through Tristan's mind, but he quickly restrained his emotions. Then, he looked at the leader who put the blood in the safe with a preservation function cautiously.

While Tristan was following them, he planned to stay in the team to see if Desmond was present. Meanwhile, Priscilla was a little anxious.

They had no idea how many people there were, or whether there was a trap awaiting for them. What could happen if Tristan followed them in so rashly?

Despite so, she couldn't go out again, which made her even more anxious.

Tristan knew that Priscilla was worried about himself. However, he had no time to explain anything to her.

Hence, Priscilla watched helplessly as Tristan left with those people. She was so worried that she wanted to follow in, but she also thought of the Acker family, Teagan, and the other people.

What if both her and Tristan were detained? Who would send information to Teagan?

Priscilla felt a little uncomfortable when she thought about this, but she held back the urge to follow up.

Looking at the safe that held Desmond's blood, she suddenly thought of Tristan's words.

He said that they would not succeed in the experiment, which meant that Tristan had a plan. Upon seeing how Tristan left with those people, she was not sure when this plan would be implemented.

At this thought, she narrowed her eyes slightly and quietly went forward. Then, she opened the safe and took out Desmond's blood using the skills she had learned a long time ago. Then she quickly left the military institute and walked toward the Acker family.

She believed that Tristan wanted her to do this, so she did it. Then, she would inform the Acker family and her people to save Tristan.

Meanwhile, Tristan followed these people down the stairs for a moment. During this period, there were all kinds of spot- checks that happened. Fortunately, he was quite alert and managed to get through.

Finally, he arrived at the tunnels under the Fang family. It was the first time that Tristan had seen Desmond.

After being injected with sedatives, Desmond was sleeping quietly in a glass coffin.

He was surrounded by all kinds of instruments, which made him look like a lab rat that was being researched.


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