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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1558

When he heard Zion's question, Javion couldn't help but laugh and say, "There are signal interference devices on the car and all around this house. They would stop you from sending out your signals, even if you still have your tracking device. I only wanted to see if the son of the Ye family was as smart as he was rumored to be, and now it looks like it's true. If my grandson could have a child as smart as you, then I'll be much happier."

Mango couldn't help but become nervous when she heard Javion mention Walter.

"Huh? Do you still remember that he is your grandson? If you do remember, how could you treat him like that?"

In response to Mango's question, Javion didn't have much reaction. He only smiled and said, "Mrs. Ye, don't be so angry. I've brought you guys here because I'm lonely, and I thought we could talk and have some tea or something. No matter what, we're all relatives, aren't we?"

"I am not your relative!"

Mango's words were very firm.

Javion didn't care at all. Perhaps he didn't want to argue with someone younger than him, or he concealed his feelings. However, Mango couldn't see anything from his face.

The servant had already poured tea for Mango and Zion. Just from the smell alone, it was good tea.

"My child doesn't have the habit of drinking tea."

Mango immediately pushed Zion's tea away. Javion wasn't dissatisfied with this and allowed Mango to do whatever she wanted.

On the surface, he looked like a defenseless old man. However, Mango didn't dare let down her guard.

"I'm afraid you didn't bring us here simply to chat with you."

Javion didn't care about Mango's hostility at all. He smiled at the servant beside her instead and said, "What did you do to upset Mrs. Ye? Since you can't even manage this small task well, how could I keep you any longer?"

As soon as he finished his words, the servant was so scared that she immediately knelt. She was shivering all over but did not dare to beg for mercy.

Javion still smiled kindly, but two people entered the room and covered the servant's mouth. A dagger flashed before them, and Mango quickly covered Zion's eyes.

Although she knew what Zion had experienced, in Mango's heart, Zion was still a child.

Mango helplessly watched as the servant who had brought them here was executed on the spot. The bright red blood was very glaring.

Her face darkened and she said coldly, "What's this? Are you trying to show me what you're capable of?"

However, Javion smiled and said, "I'm only dealing with a disobedient servant. You're overreacting."

"I'm overreacting? Are these people's lives worthless to you?"

Mango couldn't tolerate his disregard for other people's lives.

Javion said indifferently, "I was the one who saved their lives. Without me, they would have died long ago. I gave them many more years to live, and they even lived prosperously. How did I become a wicked person in your eyes?"

"So you think that you are a good person?"

Mango scoffed at his words.

"Of course I'm a good person."

Javion smiled and picked up his teacup.

The steam from the tea was so dense that no one could see his expression. Mango had many questions, but she didn't know where to start.


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