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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1655

Dennis knew that he couldn't control his emotions. Since things had turned out this way, he didn't want to hide it anymore.

"Desmond and I are all mutants."

Dennis' words stunned Carlson. Then, Carlson seemed to think of something and quickly got up to close the door. He breathed a sigh of relief after looking around warily and found that no one was there.

Meanwhile, Zion immediately understood the situation and turned on the computer to prevent anyone from hearing anything inside the room.

It was shocking news, and Carlson found it hard to take in.

Were they mutants?

How could this be?

After seeing his reaction, Dennis smiled slightly.

"Master Mo, you don't have to worry. In fact, I have prepared for the worst outcome. I don't intend to go back alive this time."

"Grandpa, what are you talking about?"

Zion's heart was racing when he heard this.

It was not easy for the entire family to get together and for his mommy to reunite with her parents. Therefore, he could not allow anyone to ruin their peace!

When Dennis saw his grandson's reaction, he smiled and patted his head while saying, "Don't worry, I won't die so easily. After all, I've given up too much to be where I am today."

Right now, he had mixed emotions in his gaze.

Then, Carlson frowned and asked in a low voice, "Dennis, what's going on?"

"It all started from twenty years ago."

Dennis told him how the Bell family was involved and how they allowed Kolton to take the blame for their mistakes.

After hearing this, Carlson and Zion were instantly filled with fury.

"They've gone too far! They're actually experimenting with our soldiers!"

Carlson smashed his fist into the chair while exclaiming.

However, Dennis looked calm and said emotionlessly, "Soldiers have strong physical conditions, so they are the most suitable test subjects for mutations. Moreover, if this succeeds, we can fight against hundreds of people. Even though more than 50 of us were taken in, only a dozen of us will survive. We watched our comrades die in pain, but there was nothing we could do. I survived because the Ye family has participated in the genetic research before, and they still had the data. At first, I didn't understand how useful the data was. However, after going through so many painful experiments, I have slowly found out what it is. After I told them about it, they let us live. I am the most successful subject of the experiment because of my special blood type. Although I'm a mutated being, I have great power, but I still retained my humanlike appearance. However, some of them weren't as lucky as me. That's why the Bell family kidnapped Lucas because his unique eyes attracted them. What's more, Mango once received a blood transfusion from Desmond, so Lucas is the best candidate for mutation."

"What a bastard!"

No matter what, Carlson couldn't accept the fact that they had been experimenting on a baby!

Meanwhile, Zion didn't speak, but he had a furious gaze.

When Dennis saw them acting this way, he started laughing.

"Haha! You shouldn't act this way. Think about it positively. My brothers and I are still alive, right? Furthermore, I came here because I wanted you to help me, Master Mo." "Please tell me how I can help."

Carlson quickly straightened up his posture and sat down.

After that, Dennis looked at him and muttered, "I hope that you can do your best in owning the throne and supporting my brothers. Well, their families think that they are dead, and they can't meet people in their current forms."

Carlson was slightly stunned after hearing this.

Did Dennis want to hand over the mutated team of people to him?


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