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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 169

The fact that Mango's DNA didn't match her biological parents somehow reached Terrance's ears.

Originally, this matter had nothing to do with him, but it was about Mango, he also took part in it.

"I can use my contacts to expand the scope of the DNA bank to find a relative with the same DNA as Mango. Maybe we can get a lead."

Nathaniel's eyes were red, which was obvious that he did not have a good rest for days.

At this time, Nathaniel put aside his deep- seated jealousy, nodded and said, "Please, Mr. Hans."

"It's not a big deal. I just want to find Miss Shen as soon as possible. Do you have any news about her in America?"

Nathaniel shook his head.

Mango and Zion's disappearance were like two mountains pressing against his chest.

He could not forgive himself.

Ocean City was his own territory, but he still allowed the two people who meant the most to him disappear under his nose. Nathaniel wanted to kill himself.

Terrance went out of the police station with Nathaniel.

Mr. and Mrs. Shen were still in shock. They kept asking if the police had made a mistake, but how could the police be wrong about such important thing?

The two of them were sent back to the Shen family by Thomas, but it seemed they couldn't fall asleep the whole night.

Seeing Nathaniel like this, Terrance suddenly spoke up, "Let's have a drink together?"

Nathaniel shook his head and said, "I have to fly back to the United States for an operation after a while. I can't drink."

"What operation?"

Terrance thought that there was something wrong with Nathaniel's body.

Nathaniel said in a low voice, "Nothing, it's just a minor operation. Don't worry."

Terrance wouldn't admit that he was worried about Nathaniel.

He used to think that Nathaniel was a heartless person. In the past five years, he had not seen anyone close to Nathaniel. There was a lot of talk about Nathaniel and Macy outside, but it wasn't long before Mango returned and they got together. This made Terrance feel that Nathaniel was a fickle


But after these two incidents, he realized that he seemed to be wrong about Nathaniel.

Nathaniel's feelings for Mango were far more than ever. He didn't believe in love in first sight!

He fell in love with Mango at first sight, but if he had to do this for Mango and Zion, he reckoned he's not even close to Nathaniel.

Thinking of the relationship between Zion and Nathaniel, Mango and Nathaniel, Terrance lit a cigarette and asked, "How did you meet Miss Shen?"

"Why do you want to know?"

Nathaniel also wanted to smoke.

To tell the truth, after Mango and Zion disappeared, he wanted to be drugged with nicotine every day. But now he was not alone. He still had Rita and Wisdom!

Terrance took a deep drag on his cigarette and said, "I want to know your relationship. Maybe I'll let go of Mango."

"You don't stand a chance!"

Nathaniel was very calm.

If he had choice, he would rather Mango be chased by everyone than be nowhere to be found.

If it was in the past, Terrance might be angry when he heard what Nathaniel said, but now he was not angry at all. Mango's disappearance seemed to have taken away all their emotions.

This feeling of emptiness was really unbearable.

Terrance felt himself very strange. He did not have much contact with Mango, but there's always a familiarity with her. This feeling made him unable to let go of Mango.

He couldn't forget the ethereal feeling Mango gave him when she came out of eldest brother Dennis's painting room. She reminded him of Dennis, but it was just a feeling.

Terrance felt that he might miss his elder brother too much.

The age gap between the four brothers is huge, and his father died early. His eldest brother held a very important place in his life.

It was Dennis who taught him how to become a man, how to follow the army, how to become a man with indomitable spirit, and how to be desperate for the honor of the motherland.

Now he had grown up, but his big brother was gone.

It had been a long time since he missed his big brother so much. It was not until he saw Mango walk out of the painting room that he suddenly realized that his big brother used to be a genius who loved painting, and only for the Hans family's ancestral teachings, he abandoned his pen and became a martyr and a general.

Terrance suddenly felt depressed.

He whispered, "I will definitely find Miss Shen!"

"Thank you."


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