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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1708

Nathaniel, Michael, and the others were injected with the antidote. However, there were no signs of improvement. They had undergone several examinations and they didn't show any other symptoms, including fever. Despite so, they were still in coma.

Mango frowned, but she didn't say a word. She handed over all the matters to Merle.

Under Merle's investigation, several people from the former Dark Night Empire were found to be involved. Those people dare not to meet eyes with Merle as they stood in front of him in silence.

No explanation, nor resistance.

Although Merle was dismayed, he let them go after receiving Mango's order.

"The former members of Dark Night Empire is turning their backs against the leader. Interesting."

Merle said sarcastically as he had slapped them in the face, which made everyone unhappy.

However, Merle didn't bother about their opinions.

"How do you think about the future of Dark Night Empire? Giving out military permit and support you guys in becoming soldiers?"

Hearing Merle's words, several former subordinates raised their heads at the same time, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

At this moment, Merle immediately understood.

Indeed, human hearts were unpredictable.

He was dissatisfied and unconvinced, he felt sorry and unworthy for the Dark Night Empire and Mango. He believed that Mango must have made such an unbearable decision out of pressure.

"Have you forgotten how you became the a member of the Dark Night?"

Merle had suppressed his initial cruelty and seriousness. His expression was much calmer, but his eyes were full of vicissitudes.

He pointed to one of the man and said, "You, if I remember correctly, your mother suffered from domestic violence by your dad. You couldn't bear it and killed your dad out of revenge. Then, you tried to commit suicide. You were convicted of murder since young. Your school, your classmate, and your relatives stayed away from you. At that time, the Dark Night took you in and became your source of support and shelter. However, look what you're doing right now?"

The face of the person whose name was mentioned suddenly turned pale, but he did not refute.

Merle did not look at him. He ordered another person and said, "You, I remember that you were an illegal immigrant. You have no official identity, because your father is a person without status. You were chased by your enemy and almost died in the alley. It was the Dark Night who saved you and gave you a new place to call home, you led a comfortable life then. You even have a girlfriend and a child after you got married. Your child also has an identity, right? Do you remember what did you say at that time? You said that the Dark Night gave you a rebirth and you're willing to sacrifice your life for it, right?"

Upon hearing this, the man was so embarrassed that his face turned red.

Merle continued to point at the next person, "How did you enter the Dark Night last time? Oh, yes, you wanted to join the army, but someone in your family breached the law and was prosecuted. You were so angry that you wanted to end your life. It was also the people in the Dark Night who saved you and guided you. It was you who insisted on entering the Dark Night too, wasn't it?"

The man lowered his head.


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