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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 177

After Nathaniel entered the bathroom, Abyss's face fell.

What exactly did Abyss need to do to make Nathaniel leave as soon as possible?

After Nathaniel had tidied up his hair, he turned on the tap and pretended that he had really used the toilet. Then, he walked out of the bathroom.

Abyss had already sat on the sofa and began to drink some tea, looking so calm as if nothing had happened, but Nathaniel seemed to see his hands trembling.

His doubts towards Abyss grew.

Keeping a straight face, Nathaniel nodded to Abyss and then left.

After he left, Abyss stood in front of the French window for a long time.

He was afraid that Nathaniel would return once more.

This man was simply too annoying.

If Abyss hadn't reacted quickly, Nathaniel would have seen Mango.

At the thought of Mango being discovered by Nathaniel and that he would take her way, Abyss's hate towards Nathaniel increased.

Abyss even had the thought of letting Nathaniel die in the United States. With this thought arising in his mind, a flash of fierceness flashed through Abyss's eyes and then quickly disappeared.

This time, Nathaniel did not return. Instead, he went straight to a hospital and sent the hair for DNA testing.

It would take at least three days for the result to be out. Nathaniel could not wait so long, he was already planning to visit Abyss's mansion at night.

Thomas arrived after a few hours.

"Mr. Ye."

Thomas was very careful when he saw Nathaniel outside the hospital.

Nathaniel nodded and asked him to get into the car. Soon, the two of them left.

"I suspect Abyss has hidden Mango. Go and investigate Fallen Paradise secretly. Check if Abyss went there on the day of the auction."

Nathaniel's eyes were a little deep, and his hands were tightly clasped together.

He didn't want to be the enemy of the Tang family. Nathaniel even wanted to be on good terms with the Tang family because of their care of Mango and his children for the past five years. But if Abyss was really the person who took Mango away, Nathaniel didn't dare to imagine what he would do.

Thomas was quite capable here. When he heard Nathaniel's words, he immediately went to work.

When Nathaniel returned to the hospital, Rita and Wisdom were playing. These days, Wisdom seemed to have matured very fast and took good care of Rita. He could make Rita laugh everyday and her laughter sounded like bells, putting everyone in a good mood.

"What are you talking about? Why are you laughing so happily?"

Nathaniel retracted all emotions from the outside world.

In front of his daughter, Nathaniel didn't want to display any negative emotions or unhappy feelings.

Rita was very happy when she saw Nathaniel.

These days, it was Nathaniel who accompanied her. Every time she opened her eyes, she would either see Nathaniel or Wisdom, she was no longer alone.

This feeling was really good.

If only she had her mother and her brother by her side.

Rita happily reached out her hands to Nathaniel and said like a spoiled child, "Daddy!"

"Good girl!"

Nathaniel kissed her forehead, then put Rita on his lap and sat down.

"Hey, why is there a milkshake here?"

"Brother Wisdom went to buy it for me. The doctor said I could eat it, I'm not eating it secretly."

Rita said very happily as if getting a milkshake was a great joy for her.

Nathaniel felt extremely upset.

Rita should have been the little princess of the Ye Family. She was born with a silver spoon, but in this situation, his heart was aching.

However, Nathaniel was also very good at concealing his emotions. He smiled and said to Wisdom, "Wisdom has really grown up. He even knows to take care of his sister."

Wisdom embarrassedly touched the back of his head. In fact, he missed his brother very much.

"Daddy, Brother Wisdom said that when I recover, you will bring us to the amusement park. Is it true?"

"Do you want to go?"

Looking at Rita's hopeful eyes, Nathaniel couldn't bear to refuse.

"Of course I want to go! I will go with my brother, Brother Wisdom, you and mommy. Shall our whole family go? I've grown up but I don't know what the amusement park looks like. I don't know if it's as pretty and fun as what the television shows."

Rita was really happy.

When the doctor told her that there was hope for her illness and that she could run under the sun like other children, no one knew how happy Rita was.

Now Rita wanted to share this joy with Wisdom and Nathaniel. Her happiness was like a contagious virus and everyone around her was happy.

"Yes, as long as Rita cooperates with the doctor's treatment, we can go out and play soon."



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