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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 179

"What's going on?"

Nathaniel looked at the appraisal report in front of him and his voice sounded a little depressed.

The doctor said in a low voice, "Mr. Ye, we did do a test for the donated bone marrow, but it does indeed not match Rita's. We didn't intend to show you this report, but since you contacted the other party, it's highly possible that you are relatives or friends, so I will tell you about this. I will tell you about this matter. There is something wrong with this woman's body. There is a toxin in her bone marrow. Even if her bone marrow is a match, the transplant would not be able to take place. The toxin has been accumulated over many years and has settled in her bones. It seems like she luckily didn't continue to take in the poison these few years, otherwise, she would already be dead."

Nathaniel's hand trembled violently.

He never knew that someone would do harm to his mother.

In the past, for the sake of the group, his mother worked all day long and Nathaniel could rarely see her. During that time, Old Madam Ye was really in poor health. The doctors said that she was over exhausted but no one took it to heart. They didn't expect that it was because of poison.

Over the years, Nathaniel's mother had gone abroad, but he had not heard anything unusual about his mother's health. He had always thought that it was because his mother had let go of the group's affairs after being so obsessed with it. It turned out that it was not the case.

Nathaniel felt a chill run down his spine.

Who was trying to deal with his mother?

"Doctor, is my body all right?"

Nathaniel looked at the doctor very seriously.

The doctor shook his head and said, "No, your body is very healthy and there's no problem at all. It's just that your heart and lungs haven't been good recently. You have to pay attention."

Nathaniel muttered to himself.

His body was fine, but there was something wrong with Old Madam Ye's body. Besides, even Mango had an accident in the Ye Family. Could it be that the person treated him well and couldn't bear to hurt him?

Who would do that?

Nanny Zhang?

The first name that popped into Nathaniel's mind was Nanny Zhang.

Could it be her?

For so many years, Old Madam Ye had treated his mother well. How could she do anything to Old Madam Ye?

"Doctor, how is my mother's condition?"

"Your mother? You mean this person is your mother?" The doctor was a little surprised.

Realising that he had said it, Nathaniel nodded and said, "Yes, she is my mother, the child's grandmother. I hope you can tell me more about this."

"I'm not sure about that, but I need to do a full-body examination for her. Well, if possible, I hope that the old lady can come to the hospital to do a thorough examination."

Nathaniel understood what the doctor meant.

"I see. I'll inform her to come over."

Nathaniel's heart sank.

Rita's illness had not been resolved yet but this was happening to his mother. At the thought of how Wisdom almost met with an accident but was discovered by Mango in time, Nathaniel broke out in a cold sweat.

It was a warm family but why did something like this happen?

Thinking of this, Nathaniel's eyes suddenly narrowed.

Could it be Nanny Zhang?

He couldn't wait to rush back to the country and ask Nanny Zhang what was going on.

But he couldn't.

When Nathaniel returned to the ward, Wisdom and Rita were still resting. Looking at the signature on the donation form and the report given by the doctor, his heart felt heavy.

There were an increasing number of things going on, confusing and hard to figure out. But Nathaniel knew that he had to focus on one issue first.

At present, the most important thing was Mango.

Thomas's reply shocked Nathaniel.

Abyss didn't go to Fallen Paradise on the day of the auction, but there was a transaction of a hundred million yuan from his account. According to Thomas's investigation, a woman from Fallen Paradise had been auctioned for a hundred million yuan that day, and they said she was very beautiful.

Nathaniel narrowed his eyes again.

Could it be Mango?

Nathaniel was a little agitated but asked Thomas to continue following up. Fie had already decided to sneak into Abyss's house at night.

Before long, the doctor gave him a detailed report.

Nathaniel was stunned when he saw Old Madam Ye's blood type.

"RH positive blood?"

Fie looked at the doctor incredulously.

The doctor was a little confused.

"What's wrong? Mr. Ye?"

Nathaniel was a little shocked, but he asked calmly, "Doctor, can a couple with RH negative and RH positive blood give birth to a child?"

"That's absolutely impossible!"

The doctor suddenly remembered that Nathaniel and Rita both had RH negative blood type.

However, if this report belonged to Madam Ye, then with her RH positive blood, it was absolutely impossible for her to give birth to a child!

What was going on?

Or was there something wrong?


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