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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1835

The most important thing was that the person who caused the incident was her son!

Emberly felt that she should just beat him to death.

Calvin didn't know what Emberly was struggling about. He muttered discontentedly, "Why do you ask me to shut up? It's true. Doing nothing besides your beloved woman. Only fools stand there doing nothing."

"What are you talking about?"

Emberly picked up the hanger on one side and hit Calvin. Calvin was so scared that he ran away immediately.

The mother and son almost performed a martial arts battle, but Evangeline was worried about Wisdom and Zion. Unfortunately, she couldn't get in touch with Zion's mobile phone, so she didn't know how he was doing.

Wisdom had a good sleep, but he was awakened by a noise.

His beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a trace of dissatisfaction and anger in his eyes, but it disappeared in a flash. Because of the gold- rimmed eyes, his emotions were restrained as if he was still the graceful doctor.

Acoff didn't come. It was a servant who delivered water. He put down the kettle and left.

Wisdom was indeed a little thirsty. Subconsciously, he stepped forward and poured himself a glass of water, only to find that there was a note under the kettle.

"Kate has been caught."

Wisdom's face suddenly turned cold, and his hand holding the teacup tightened.


The girl who spoke in a gentle with the stubborn tone, was it because he had been caught?

Wisdom couldn't figure it out. The dangerous emotions were rolling and brewing at the bottom of his eyes, raging like a storm but finally calmed down. However, his deep eyes were so suppressed that no one dared to look straight at them.

He quickly destroyed the note, drank a glass of water, and waited.

If it was done by Acoff, he would naturally come to negotiate with him.

There was a murderous look in Wisdom's eyes.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Acoff to send someone to invite Wisdom.

Wisdom went there calmly, but everyone who was familiar with him knew that Wisdom was very angry.

However, the angrier he was, the calmer he became. There was a hint of sarcasm and coldness on his beautiful face.

When Acoff saw Wisdom coming, he narrowed his eyes with a smile and said, "Dr. Ye, how is your rest?"

"Not bad."

Wisdom said lightly.

Even though his tone was the same, Acoff still felt a chill run down his spine.

He looked at Wisdom carefully. Looking at the unclear look in his eyes, he felt a little uneasy. But when he thought of his trump card, he felt that he had thought too much.

"Since Dr. Ye has a good rest, why don't we talk about my grandson's operation?"

"My answer is still the same."

Wisdom's indifferent look made the smile on Acoff's face disappear.

"Dr. Ye, don't be so absolute, or it won't be good for yourself, isn't it?"

"I don't understand what you mean."

"Come in, let Dr. Ye understand what I mean."

Acoff clapped his hands, and someone immediately brought Kate in.

Kate didn't know who kidnapped her. She thought it was Megan, but she thought that Megan shouldn't be so professional. When she was thinking about other possibilities, she was brought in.

She suddenly saw Wisdom standing in the middle of the hall.

Although Wisdom and Zion looked very similar, and many people would treat them as twins, Kate would not.

Wisdom's temperament was different from Zion's.


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