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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 185

Right now, Mango deliberated on the best method to attempt suicide.

Mango's hands and feet were bound together, so it would be impossible to slit her wrists. Her mouth was gagged so she could not bite her own tongue off and die of blood loss. "What do I do then?" She mused to herself.

"Should I smash my head into the wall?"

Even if that was a viable plan, it would not work. Mango was too near to the wall and she could not move her body at all.

Mango felt absolutely pathetic in that very moment. She could not kill herself even if she wanted to!

Abyss was far more ruthless than she had thought.

Mango felt helpless and she stared at the ceiling until she went cross- eyed. Then, she paused. It seemed to her that someone was trying to remove the ceiling tiles.

"How is that possible?" Mango thought.

This was the basement, and the so-called ceiling was actually just tiling below the floorboards.

Mango blinked her eyes in disbelief. The ceiling tiles really seemed to move.

"Ahem! Ahem!"

Mango coughed twice. Although no one could hear her coughs, she still wanted to make some noise. There was no sound outside the door at all, so obviously, no one was out there anymore.

Mango stared fixedly at the ceiling until the tile was moved away. Then, someone's head poked out of the hole and her eyes opened wide in surprise.

"Someone's really coming for me!" She rejoiced internally.

"This person is using one hell of a strange method to come in, though."

Nevertheless, Mango felt some surprise and joy, especially when she identified the owner of the head, and her eyes filled with elated tears.

It was Nathaniel!

"He is finally here!" She thought to herself.

"Nathaniel is finally here to save me!"

"Surely he found me during his last visit, right?"

After Nathaniel removed the tiles, he felt someone's gaze trained on him. When he looked down, what he found was unbelievable. Nathaniel's heart hurt so much until he was suffocated.

"That son of a b*tch, Abyss!"

"How dare he treat Mango like this?"

Mango was sprawled out and tied up on the bed. Furthermore, her mouth that had been gagged, and the blood oozing from her wrists and ankles had deeply infuriated Nathaniel.

He had thought of many ways to see Mango again, but he never imagined he would see something as heinous as this. Nathaniel's heart felt as if a thousand knives had sliced into it. Then, Nathaniel hurriedly jumped down to Mango.

Mango's eyes were fixed on Nathaniel constantly, for fear that he would disappear suddenly. She was afraid that she had hallucinated the whole scene and that Nathaniel was merely an illusion.

" Oh, Mango!" Nathaniel cried out to her.

Nathaniel came up to her and he got rid of the gag in her mouth.

"Nathan!" Mango called his name excitedly.

Mango's voice was hoarse, it seemed that her body was so thin that she was practically skin and bone.

Nathaniel's hands shook in anger.

"What happened? I thought Abyss loved you? How could that b*stard treat you like this? I'll f*cking kill him!"

Nathaniel was so livid that his entire body shook. Even then, he carefully released the shackles on Mango's body.

The moment she was free, Mango threw herself into Nathaniel's arms.

When she smelled his familiar scent and touched his warm chest, Mango felt as if her spirits had lifted and she came back to her life.

She did not believe that she would be alive to see Nathaniel again after her encounters along the way. Now that he was really in front of her, she felt as if she was in a dream without any hint of reality.

Nathaniel felt a little suffocated by her tight grip, but he didn't dare push her away.

Mango had indeed lost weight tremendously. Her skinny body wasn't even as toned as they used to be.

He didn't know how much Mango had suffered this far, but he found himself wanting to know every detail.

However, he dared not to ask what Mango had gone through. Nathaniel feared that he would not be able to cope after knowing it.

"Come on Mango, I'll take you home."

Nathaniel's voice quivered and he swallowed the lump in his throat.

"This, this is amazing!" He thought.

Finally, he found her!

Nathaniel finally saw Mango safe. This was more important than anything else in his life.

Mango did not say anything but just cried. Her cries were filled with mixed emotions. There was exhaustion, sadness as well as happiness. Mango's heart skipped a beat when she saw Nathaniel.

At this moment, she had a profound realization that she loved this man deep in her consciousness.

As Mango cried, she suddenly kissed Nathaniel.

Mango's unique scent stunned Nathaniel slightly but he reciprocated her kiss gently. Nathaniel was being careful since he was afraid of injuring Mango further.


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