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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1901

When Zion came back with all kinds of snacks in his hand, Evangeline had already calmed herself down, and was still able to help Zion open the door as if nothing had happened.

"You bought so many delicious food?"

She took it happily, as if nothing unpleasant had happened between her and Zion before.

Zion's eyes narrowed for a moment before he handed the item to her.

"I'm also hungry. Let's eat together."


Evangeline cleverly avoided the topic of Marco.

With her brain, she could never have imagined that these things were all bought from Marco.

She put the things on the back seat, and Zion and she sat next to each other.

Zion even thoughtfully bought her milk tea and hot milk.

Evangeline said with a smile, "Thank you."

Zion was upset.

Not long ago, his bad behavior would make a woman angry, or even make her lose her temper. But when it came to Evangeline, it seemed that there was a memory fault. She continued to get along with him happily as if nothing had happened.

How much psychological endurance and ability did she need to adjust himself in order to achieve this?

And more and more, he found that his love for Evangeline was growing day by day.

He didn't know what kind of charm he had to make a woman abandon everything and love him so deeply, but this kind of love made him very sad and distressed.

Zion's eyes lit up as he handed Evangeline a piece of pastry with peanuts sauce.

"It's said that it's very good. Try it."


Evangeline picked it up and ate it without hesitation.

It was too late for Zion to stop her.

Looking at his palm in the air, Evangeline asked in confusion, "Do you want it too? I'll get it for you!"

As she spoke, she took another peanut pastry from another plastic and gave it to Zion.

But this time, Zion couldn't take it anymore.

He watched as Evangeline ate as if there was no one else around her, but his heart tightened a little.

Evangeline was still smiling foolishly at him.

After finishing one pastry, Evangeline hurriedly said, "I'm a little thirsty. This milk tea and fresh milk can't satisfy my thirst. I'm going out to buy a bottle of water."

Without waiting for Zion to say anything, she got out of the car and quickly walked past the nearby alley.

Zion followed her unhurriedly. With his abilities, he was skilled enough to prevent Evangeline from noticing his presence.

He watched Evangeline go to a nearby pharmacy and buy some medicine to treat the allergic reaction with the shop assistant. Then she ate it directly in the pharmacy.

Because she ate too fast, she choked and cough a few times. When she wiped her mouth, Zion noticed that there were some red spots on her wrist.

As expected, she was allergic to peanuts!

This idea hit Zion's heart. He couldn't help but walk over to her. In an instant, he grabbed Evangeline's sleeve and rolled it up. A large patch of red rash appeared in front of Zion.

His eyes narrowed instantly.

Evangeline didn't expect that Zion would suddenly appear, nor did she expect that Zion would see through her peanut allergy. She was stunned and didn't know how to react.



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