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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 191

Wisdom cried harder as Mango held him in her arms.

He missed his mother.

"But, mommy is a bad person!" Wisdom thought.

What was more, Zion was missing, and no one knew of his whereabouts nor his current situation. Hence, Wisdom did not dare mention his mother's name or even think about her. He felt that he had let Zion down. However, when he faced with Mango's forgiveness, Wisdom did not know how to express his innermost thoughts. Instead, he just felt wronged and he wanted to cry.

"Auntie, daddy must hate my mommy, right? I'm scared to talk about her, because I know she's a bad person, but I really miss her!"

After that, Wisdom burst into tears.

The tough fagade that Wisdom had kept up until now disintegrated into pieces.

Right then, Mango hated Macy very much.

If it weren't for Macy, Zion would not have disappeared. Furthermore, Mango would not need to take such a long time to return without her meddling. However, Macy and Wisdom were two different people.

In Mango's mind, Wisdom was a four-year-old child just like Zion.

In the end, Wisdom was innocent. Additionally, he treated Zion so sincerely. In order to protect Zion, Wisdom was willing to be at odds with his own mother.

How could Mango blame Wisdom for any of this?

In fact, no one could choose their own parents, right?

Mango patted Wisdom's back gently and she said softly, "She brought you into this world. She was your mother and your guide. No matter what she did, she was a responsible mother. That's something you shouldn't forget. Wisdom, no matter if she was good or bad, what she did to Zion or anyone else, you just have to remember that she was your mother. Now that she's gone, everything she did went away with her. You're allowed to miss her, Wisdom. It doesn't clash with how well you treat me, Zion, and Rita. There's no need to blame yourself because it's not your fault. Even though you're her son, you don't have to atone for her sins. You're just a kid and you deserve to grow up happily. All you need to do is remember her."

Wisdom looked up with a forlorn expression when he heard Mango's words.

"Auntie, don't you hate her?"

"I do hate her. Because of her, I lost Zion and my family is in a mess. But as I said, I won't be angry at you because you're not her. Truthfully, I think of Zion every time I look at you. If you want, I can be your mommy from now on, and I will treat you just like how I treated Zion."


Wisdom gazed at Mango with an unspeakable desire and distress in his eyes.

"Of course, Wisdom." Mango said.

Mango reached out and she gently wiped away Wisdom's tears.

This child moved her heart, and he was very kind. In fact, Mango loved him just from the way he treated Zion with so much sincerity.


Wisdom suddenly threw himself into Mango's arms and he burst into tears.

"Zion asked me to take good care of you and be a filial son in his place. Other than that, he asked me to protect Rita. I'm sure I can do it. I've been trying my best to learn all I can from Mr. Yan. So, I won't let anyone hurt you or Rita. But, I really miss Zion. He'll be back, won't he? He has to come back! He won't abandon us! So, as long as Zion isn't back, I'll be your son. From now on, you can punish me however you like if I do anything wrong."

"Oh, you silly child!" Mango exclaimed.

Mango's eyes were wet with tears.

The tears were for Wisdom, as well as Zion.

That silly boy!

How could he think that mommy would be okay without him?

"Do you think that anyone could replace your position in mommy's heart?" Mango thought.

"Mommy's only hope is to see you come back to me!" Mango's heart was in great pain. Due to Wisdom's words, she missed Zion greatly.

He had gone missing for a long time and it was said that Zion had lost a lot of blood when he disappeared. Hence, Mango did not know where he was or whether he was doing well.

Why had he not come home after such a long time?

Did he not say that he was a computer whiz?

Did he not say that he could send a location to the adults quickly?

However, why was there still no news about him?

Had someone blocked his signal?

Or was it because he did not manage to send out the distress signal at all?

Hence, Mango had no information about her son. However, her heart was anxious as she wished for news of her son to reach her.

Zion was unlike any other child his age, but why did he not contact them?

He knew her phone number, so why did he not contact her?

Thus, Mango's heart was in a disarray. Both her and Wisdom could not stop themselves from crying.

After a while, Mango managed to calm down.

"All right, don't cry anymore. You don't have to be filial to me for Zion. In my heart, you and Zion are two separate people. From now on, you are my son. Wisdom, don't think too much. Mommy hopes that you can grow up happy and be healthy." "Mommy!"

Wisdom hugged Mango tightly and he cried until he was out of breath. After that, he finally calmed down.

After they continued speaking for a while longer, Wisdom whispered, "Mommy, my sister seems to be sick again."

"What do you mean by that?"

Mango's suddenly felt a lump in her throat.

Wisdom's nose twitched and he said, "I don't know. When I was at St. Petersburg Hospital, Rita was very weak. Then, Daddy didn't allow the doctor to give her an injection and he even asked me and grandma to take her out of the hospital. But, those people wouldn't let her and Rita leave."



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