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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1970

She was Rita!

No matter why she liked Jake before, she would never allow him to harm the innocent in her good name.

Rita tried hard to get struggle, but she couldn't do it no matter what.

What should she do?

What was going on?

Rita was anxious to cry, but she also knew that crying was useless. At present, she still had to find a way.

But what was the solution?

Rita didn't know.

At this moment, Jake waved his hand. Those people who were about to be brought to the ice cellar were about to be frozen to death. A figure quickly walked in.

"What are you doing? They're still worth it if they're still alive. If you kill them now, can you bear it alone when those leader look into it?"

"I don't care if I can bear it alone. I can die with her together by her side."

Jake didn't care about his own life or death. He didn't want to live for himself.

The man's voice made Rita a little shocked.

It was Desmond's son, Anton Blu!

Why was he here?

All these years, Desmond had long brought his family to hide from the world. Even Nathaniel and Mango could not find any traces of them. However, Rita would never have imagined that she would meet Anton here.

How could he be with Jake?

And they sounded familiar with each other.

Jake didn't know the shock in Rita's heart at this moment. He didn't even know Rita's current state. In his opinion, without Rita, there was no meaning for him to live. It didn't matter who came.

Anton directly kicked Jake away. He stretched out his hand and looked at Rita's condition.

He whispered, "She is still alive. She is in a state of suspended animation. The drug should have worked in her body."

"What do you mean?"

Jake's spirits were immediately roused.

Anton said faintly, "Her kidney is transplanted, and the host of the transplant itself is injected. The reason why she has mutated genes is that due to the removal of the kidney, the number of variation factors is very small. However, these years, it still affected her physical condition, so her body genes have changed. Isn't the research of our drugs just to eliminate those genes? Therefore, after the medicine enters the body, it must kill the original mutated genes first, so that she will be in a state of suspended animation. But I remember that I added a drug in the end to keep the original gene particles, so now she should be in a deep sleep and not die."

"But she's out of breath."

After Anton said so much, Jake didn't know whether he understood or not, but he found a key point.

Rita was still alive!

This made him feel as if his whole body had come back to life.

Anton didn't look at his eyes that suddenly lit up. He just stared at Rita's face and said word by word, "Don't be afraid if she doesn't breathe. I'll give her a needle and do acupuncture. You can go out!"

"I want to stay!"

Jake is very persistent.

Lan Yufei frowned slightly.

"Do you want her to die or live? If you want her to live, go out!"

At this moment, Anton was a little impolite.

Everyone was frightened. After all, no one dared to talk to Jake like this. Anton was the first one.

Jake hesitated for a moment and finally compromised.

"I'm warning you. If she doesn't come back to life, I'll bury her with you." "Get lost!" From the moment Anton saw Rita, he never looked at Jake again.


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