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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 2014

"Speak! What the hell is going on?"

Mango looked a little impatient.

She suddenly realized that after hadn't been in contact with Haniya for more than ten years, she couldn't even get to the same channel as Haniya.

The tacit understanding between them seemed to have disappeared in the long river of time.

Was it because time was cruel? Or was it because people changed fast?

Mango couldn't figure it out, but she heard Haniya's hoarse voice. "You're still pretending, aren't you? Mango, I've never seen anyone more hypocritical than you!"

"You'd better make it clear. Otherwise, I don't care if you're Desmond's wife or not, I'll make you pay for what you've done! "

Mango was angry.


She was a straightforward person in her life, and she always had nothing to do with hypocrisy. Haniya schemed against her daughter first, but now she was blaming her. Did Haniya think that she had no temper?

Haniya was no longer afraid of Mango.

After all, it had been more than a decade or two, and Haniya was now in a high position, while Mango was just a wife of a businessman. What was she afraid of?

Haniya sneered and said, "Your face is not original, right?"

"So what if it's not?"

"Nothing, I just want to know. Why do you have to make your face the same as Desmond's first love? Do you still dare to say that you don’t have any feelings for Desmond? Does Nathaniel know that you are thinking about somebody else?"

Mango finally slapped Haniya. Her force was so strong that Haniya was sent flying from the chair to the floor. Her arm was also slightly numb, but Mango's face was unprecedentedly cold and sharp.

"You're crazy. Don't you know why I've had plastic surgery?"

How could Haniya, who had followed her all the way from the beginning to the present, not know what had happened to her? It was just that Haniya's twisted heart needed something to vent, and Mango became the person for her to vent.

At this point, Mango finally discovered something.

Desmond's marriage with Haniya wasn't really happy.

It was the only time in her life that she had been a matchmaker. She had thought that they would make a good couple, but now it seemed that she had done something wrong.

Haniya was a person of heavy gain and loss, and she was stubborn about her identity, so her mental health wasn't healthy.

She was different from Desmond.

Desmond had been treated as a lab mouse in his mother's womb and had been living in the shadows. As long as there was a little bit of sunlight coming in, he wanted to seize it and rush to the sun desperately.

Although he lived a hard and painful life, his moral values and his persistence never changed. So no matter how society and the environment changed, he was still him because nothing was more unbearable than his previous experience.

But Haniya was different.

Although she looked painful, Haniya was happier compared to those who were indeed unfortunate. It was because she thought that she was living a hard life and had to face the cruel fact that her family was exterminated after she knew that she was a noble lady, which made all her expectations disappear. The difference was too big, and what she wanted became more.

The thing that people feared the most in their lives was desire.


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