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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 214

Then, Nathaniel's face changed a little, but in the end, he did not say anything. Instead, he bit Mango's petite rosy lips.

"Ah! Nathaniel, are you a dog?"

"Nah.J'm a wolf!"

Next, Nathaniel let her go with some frustration, and he then turned to leave. At this point, he just looked like a very angry wolf dog.

Hence, Mango suddenly smiled at seeing the scene.

Wow...how vicious was he!

He bit her lip so hard that it almost broke the skin.

After that, Mango licked the blood on her petite lips and she hugged Nathaniel from behind. Then, she whispered, "My dear, I only have you in my heart."

These words inexplicably lifted Nathaniel's mood a lot.

"Say it again."

Upon hearing that, there was a trace of pride and joy in his voice.

Mango suddenly felt that he was childish, so she let him go. "Nah...l don't want to say it anymore."

Then, she turned around and she left, but Nathaniel grabbed hold of her arm and he locked her onto the wall with a spin.

His breath hit her face and that brought on his inescapable scent as well as the deep, swirling depths of his eyes. Hence, Mango was suddenly deeply mesmerized.

"What are you doing?"


Then, Nathaniel lowered his head. He could no longer hold back the desire in his heart. Thus, his touch was gentle and lingering, it turned Mango very soft and subdued to his desire.

Hence, she was too indulged in him until she was not aware that she was carried to the bed. Furthermore, she did not realize when Nathaniel had covered her with a blanket. What she only knew was that she was panting for fresh air and she heard Nathaniel had whispered in her ear.

"Be good and rest at home. So, leave everything to me, alright?"

This sentence was like a soft stroke on her skin, and it made Mango tremble.

When she regained her wits, Nathaniel was no longer in the room. However, his scent seemed to have remained in the room.

Next, Mango smiled gently and she felt increasingly more alive. The thumping in her heart grew stronger as if the five years of separation did not happen at all. Furthermore, the feeling of being glued together and wanting to be together every day grew ever stronger, so strong that she thought she might be sick.

Then, she quickly covered her face with her hands, only to find that her face was burning. This made her embarrassed almost to death. Mango did not know where Nathaniel went. When she was about to get up, her cell phone rang again.

Then, she glanced at it.

The same number almost stopped Mango's heartbeat.

Next, she hurriedly swiped and she unlocked her phone to read the message. This time, the pictures were still of the Shen family's parents. Their eyes were full of tears and it was as if they were being beaten by others.

Thus, Mango's eyes instantly became wet.

"Dad, mom..."

Next, Mango quickly called back, but the phone was still turned off.

"Who the hell are you? What are you going to do?" She said to herself.

Then, Mango broke down and she threw her mobile phone on the bed.

In fact, she was not afraid of the other party setting terms. If they set terms, then he would be able to find a way to rescue her parents. However, the other party seemed content on playing a game of 'hide and seek' with her. Perhaps the more nervous and unsettled she got, the more delighted they would be.

Then, Mango suddenly realized something.

She suddenly looked up and checked the surrounding. In truth, she always felt that there was a pair of hidden eyes observing her nearby. Otherwise, why would the other party say nothing and they would hang up the phone? Hence, the more Mango thought about it, the more she felt that it was possible.

Next, she quickly opened the door of the room and she ran out. Then, she searched everywhere, and she even searched every corner of the hospital like a madwoman. However, she still did not find any suspicious people.

Was she wrong?

Or was she being too sensitive?

After that, Mango went back to the ward in a daze, only to find that her mobile phone was on the bed and she had not taken it with her.

When she picked it up, the screen flashed quickly. Then, she quickly opened it and the text message on it said, "What's wrong, you can't bear it anymore? Have you found me?"

Next, Mango suddenly felt a chilly breeze swept across her back.

Was this person really in the hospital?

Otherwise, why would her actions be known to this anonymous?

Then, she suddenly turned around and she looked at a spot outside instinctively. However, there was nothing outside.

The wind was calm and the trees were still tall and straight. Furthermore, the flowers and grass were also blooming, but Mango's heart was not calm.

If this person was really in the hospital, then Rita, Wisdom, Madam Ye, and even her own safety would be affected. If they could take away her parents without a trace, then could they take her children away quietly as well?

What was the other party's intention?

What on earth could she do?

Thus, Mango could not quite figure it out. However, she became increasingly uneasy.


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