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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 218

Then, Mango quickly stood in front of Wisdom and Rita.

However, Rita was sound asleep and she did not feel much, but Wisdom was more alert. When Mango came over, he immediately opened his eyes.

"Mommy, what's wrong?"


Then, Mango stopped Wisdom from talking. Next, she asked him to get dressed quickly, and then she took Rita to an inner room.

Clearly, Wisdom noticed Mango's nervousness. At the same time, the rustling sound outside also made him nervous.

"Is that bad guys?"


Thus, Mango spoke softly as she quickly picked Rita up along with her quilt. Then, she hurriedly carried her further into the room.

However, Wisdom just rolled his eyes before he suddenly ran to the bathroom. Then, he collected cold water in a basin and he brought it out.

"What are you doing?"

Mango had just come out when she saw Wisdom struggling as he brought out a basin of water. Hence, she hurriedly went up to help him. Then, Wisdom pointed at the basin and then he pointed at the door. With that, Mango immediately understood what he wanted to do.

"You mean you want to put this basin of water on the door?"

Next, Wisdom quickly nodded.

"The night air is colder."

This sentence made Mango understand that Wisdom was also a practical joker.

Then, she quietly walked over and she stepped up onto a stool to place the basin on top on the door. Next, she and Wisdom both retreated quietly into the room.

After that, Wisdom asked in a low voice, "Mommy, what should we do if that person comes in?"

"Grab whatever things that we have and if he dares to come in, we'll beat the living daylights out of him until he runs away."

Other than this stupid idea, Mango did not know what else she could do.

Now, she really hoped she could contact Nathaniel or Thomas. Unfortunately, she had disassembled her phone and it was left in her own room.

Now that danger approached, she did not have the ability to protect the children. Right now, Mango really felt useless.

"You two stay inside and don't come out, do you understand?"

Mango decided to wait outside. No matter what, she could not let anything happen to the children. Naturally, Wisdom did not agree. Mango said in a low voice, "You have to think. Rita is sick and nothing can happen to her. Wisdom, this is a huge responsibility and you have to protect Rita. Didn't you promise Zion that you would take care of her properly?"

"But I've promised him that I'll take good care of you too."

Wisdom was a little conflicted.

Nevertheless, Mango touched his head and she said with a smile, "It's okay. Mommy's an adult and nothing will happen to me. As long as you protect Rita, mommy will be fine."


"Okay, they're going to come in. Stop talking."

Mango's ears were sensitive.

Next, she quickly ushered Wisdom inside the room and she gripped an ashtray in her hand. She held it behind her back in case she needed it.

The sound of footsteps got ever closer and even the door lock started to twist.

Mango's heart was in her throat. She held the ashtray tightly and she held her breath as cold sweat oozed out of her forehead.

Then, the doorknob slowly turned.

Suddenly, the door was opened from the outside.

"Splash!" There was a clatter and a bucket of cold water was poured directly on the person who came.

Mango did not bother to observe clearly who the person was. When she saw the basin of water pour on the person, she quickly lifted the ashtray in her hand and she threw it at the other party's head.

"I'll kill you, b*stard!"

Truly, she was quick and accurate!

Then, the man yelled in shock and he was about to dodge when Mango slipped. As they saw her about to fall, the man hurriedly rushed to hold her steady.

At this time, Mango's ashtray had already reached the person's head.


The other party groaned in pain, and warm blood suddenly gushed out.

However, Mango did not dare to stop. The next moment, she bent her knees and she lifted her feet immediately to kick at her opponent's lower body. Her posture made it clear that Mango wanted to disable it immediately.

At this moment, the man suddenly grabbed her foot and they shouted in a low voice.

"Mango, it's me!"

The familiar voice stunned Mango.

Next, the man turned on the light in a hurry.

After that, Mango stared, stunned, at the disheveled state of Nathaniel in front of her.

How could it be him?

Meanwhile, Nathaniel was drenched all over his body and he looked extremely pathetic. The most conspicuous spot was the smash wound on his forehead, which was dripping with blood and caused him slightly dizzy.

"Why are you here? Didn't I tell you not to come back?"

After Mango saw clearly that it was Nathaniel, she was very anxious. Next, she quickly threw the ashtray in her hand aside and she turned to find a first aid kit for Nathaniel.

On the other hand, Nathaniel felt very wronged.

In fact, he never thought that he would be treated so cruelly as he came back in the middle of the night.

"What are all of you doing? Where are the bodyguards at the door?"

Then, Nathaniel looked at the ashtray that Mango threw away which was still stained with his blood. He suddenly felt stabby pain on his forehead at seeing that.

Mango's attack was truly harsh, and she nearly gave him a concussion.

However, Mango had no time to explain to Nathaniel now. Instead, she quickly grabbed the first aid kit and she said nervously, "Come in quickly, it's cold outside. Change your clothes. I'd better bandage your wound so you don't get tetanus."

As Nathaniel saw her anxiety, he did not ask further. Moreover, the cold water that was poured on him was freezing and he shivered involuntarily.


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