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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 220

"I don't know. I didn't see him clearly, it was a flash, and then you were the one who showed up."

Mango sighed faintly.

If such a thing had not happened, she would not have mistaken Nathaniel and she would not have hit him as if he were a thief.

Nathaniel did not say anything else. After that, he muttered, "Go to sleep. I'm here, nothing will happen."


In fact, Mango was rather active today, especially when she chased Andrea, which caused her rather tired. After a while, Mango slowly closed her eyes after she smelled Nathaniel's scent and heard his heartbeat.

Then, the sound of steady breathing came. Mango had fallen asleep, but Nathaniel had no intention of doing so.

This kind of thing had happened repeatedly. Who on earth was playing tricks on them?

Furthermore, what was the other party's motive by luring Mango in this way?

Hence, Nathaniel had the same idea as Mango. This person must still be in the hospital, and he could sneak in and he could spy on Mango without a trace. Thus, this must be a skilled individual.

Who could it be? Nathaniel did not understand it at all.

Then, he raised his head to look at the ceiling. Due to the lights having been turned off, a flashing light in a corner of the room caught Nathaniel's attention.

Nathaniel gently moved Mango away from his arms and he covered her with the quilt. After that, he got up immediately and he quickly grabbed at the flickering light.

Perhaps it was due to the swiftness of his movement that he managed to grab the flashing spot in his hand.

Then, Nathaniel immediately understood what was going on when he found that it was a camera.

Perhaps the man was not watching them from the dark, but he spied on Mango with his electronic eyes and he deliberately caused Mango to feel panic.

Nathaniel quickly connected the camera to the computer. Unfortunately, the other party was very alert and they had cut off the power. Thus, Nathaniel felt rather helpless during this situation.

Who on earth was it?

Next, he looked at the camera and he entered a state of deep thought.

In fact, he had a suspect in his mind but he just denied the possibility of it.

Could it be Abyss?

However, why would he kidnap the parents of the Shen family? Nathaniel could not figure it out. Did he want Mango to come back to him? Or did he have another purpose?

As time went by, the bodyguards outside had returned.

Then, Nathaniel went out to inquire about the situation. However, as expected, he did not gain any new information.

Since this person was able to sneak into the hospital without a trace, they must be very familiar with the place, or they might be hiding here. Nevertheless, Andrea drew Nathaniel's attention.

Maybe he should start investigating her.

"Find out for me who Andrea Yu is."

The bodyguard nodded slightly at Nathaniel's words and then he whispered, "Mr. Ye, Andrea's face is disfigured. Word is, she was injured during an experiment and she's currently recovering in the hospital. Frankly, I have no idea if her face now is different from her original face."

"Really? What a coincidence!"

Nathaniel frowned again.

It just had to be during this time that Andrea's face was disfigured.

Nathaniel waved his hand and he had the bodyguards leave. Next, he turned on the computer and he began to investigate Andrea's personal situation.

Andrea was the daughter of the hospital's director, and her mother was a famous painter. It seemed that their family background was very simple. Furthermore, he found that Dylan and Andrea shared a good relationship.

As he saw this, Nathaniel called Dylan immediately.

When Dylan received Nathaniel's call, he was rather annoyed.

"Nathaniel, can you call me during the day? I'd like to sleep at night. Do you think everyone's like you?"

He muttered with a yawn.

However, Nathaniel just ignored his words and he asked softly, "Do you know Andrea Yu?"

"I do. What's going on with Andrea?"

When Dylan heard Nathaniel mention Andrea, he was rather surprised.

"What kind of woman is she?"

"Why? Are you interested in her? I'll tell you, Andrea is a fiery woman, you can't control her. She's not as gentle as Mango, and she is definitely an aggressive and a hot girl."

Dylan joked. In order to awaken himself, he got up and poured a cup of coffee before he took a sip. In fact, it raised his spirits a little.

Truly, Nathaniel was immune to the way Dylan spoke without a filter.

Next, he interrupted and said to Dylan, "What does Andrea major in?"

"Medicine of course, what else could she major in? But this girl loves to dabble with experiments and she's blown up a few laboratories before. I heard that she recently blew up another one, and she disfigured herself in the process too. I haven't had the time to visit her yet. Why? What did she do you? I'm telling you, Nathaniel, Andrea is temperamental, but she's a nice person. She grew up with me, so don't you dare make a move on her."

Nathaniel was slightly taken aback by Dylan's caring words. Subconsciously, he asked, "Do you like her?"

"What bullsh*t are you talking about?"

Dylan's reaction was aggressive and his reply was quick. Alas, that had given away his true feelings on the matter.

Nathaniel leaned against the sofa and he said with a smile, "You're a big strong man, so if you like her, you should go after her. Don't' be timid, it's not like the behavior of the Dylan I know."

"Ah, you wouldn't know. Andrea's preference for man isn't a man like me."

Dylan felt sullen as his true feelings had been noticed by someone, but alas he could not express them and he felt seriously horrible.

Nevertheless, Nathaniel encouraged him and he said, "It doesn't matter if you're her typical interest of guy or not. If you like her, then go after her, how come you have lost all your self-confidence?"

"That's because you haven't seen what Andrea really looks like. She's very beautiful, and she's on par with Mango."

"To me, Mango is the most beautiful."

Nathaniel's eyes could not help but turn to Mango as he spoke.

Meanwhile, she was still sleeping soundly like a child, as if she had forgotten all her troubles. Her expression made Nathaniel feel an inexplicable calm.

On the contrary, Dylan felt hurt and lonely as he was not having a lover.

"Hey, why do you have to make me feel so lonely in the middle of the night?"

Dylan became annoyed.

At that, Nathaniel gathered his thoughts and he said in a low voice, "Give me Andrea's information, I want all of it."

"What the hell are you doing? I'm warning you, Nathaniel, if you hurt Andrea, I won't forgive you."

However, Nathaniel did not take Dylan's warning seriously. As long as Andrea was not the person he was looking for, he would not interfere with anything else.


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