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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 225

It was Yetta!

Gosh! It was actually Yetta's phone number!

Because of that, Mango's hand trembled a little.

She had just argued with Nathaniel for Yetta's sake not long ago. Then now, Mango unexpectedly received a call from her.

Why did she not pick up earlier?

Was there a hidden reason behind all this?

As Mango continued watching the news on TV, a horrible thought flashed through her mind.

Was Yetta doing this to help Abyss?

Did Abyss plan all this?

When Mango had racing thoughts, the phone kept on ringing.

She had to take a deep breath to suppress her emotions before she answered the phone.

"Mango, help me! Come quickly and save me!"

It was Yetta's voice that came from the other end of the phone.

Right now, Mango was no longer worried nor stressed upon hearing Yetta’s voice.

In fact, as she stared at Abyss' embarrassed expression on the television, she felt an indecipherable emotion could be found through his eyes. Mango could not decipher it, but she felt that Abyss was involved in all of this.

"Yetta, where are you now?"

Mango's voice was eerily calm, which stunned Yetta for a moment. However, she was back to her panic voice and said, "I don’t know where I am! Please help me, I’m so scared!"

"Why did you run from Nathaniel?"

Instead of checking on Yetta’s situation, Mango asked this question.

Then, Yetta burst into tears.

"Mango, what's wrong with you? What are you talking about? Someone snuck up on me at home and they kidnapped me! I was already here when I woke up. It’s so dark here, and I don’t know where I am... Mango, please help me, I’m scared!"

Yetta's alibi was watertight, but why were there so many coincidences?

Did Yetta happen to be taken away when Nathaniel was looking for her to find out about Mango's parents' disappearance?

"Yetta, we're friends, right?"

At the moment, Mango's words confused Yetta.

"Yeah, of course, we're friends."

"Then tell me, why did you call my parents, and how did you find their phone numbers?"

Yetta did not know how to answer Mango's series of questions. To make matters worse, it was then that Mango heard her mother's voice in the background. "Dear, don't you dare fall asleep! Wake up!"

Mrs. Shen had unintentionally spoken these words. Furthermore, the words sounded anxious, eager, worried and they carried a hint of tears as well.

Mango's heartrate spiked in an instant.

"Yetta, where exactly are you?"

Mango's heart could no longer calm down.

No matter if this was a trap set by Abyss or it was the joint efforts of Yetta and Abyss, she was unable to stay calm.

Mango felt very distressed when she received the picture of Mr. and Mrs. Shen not long ago. Now that she had heard her mother's shouts, Mango felt as if her heart was about to shatter.

Even if she had to crawl through the fires of hell, she would try her best to save them.

Then, Yetta sobbed as she said, "I don't know! I can’t see anything and there are other people here... but I can hear the sound of the ocean waves so we might be next to it."

Before Mango could ask more questions, Yetta suddenly hung up.

When Mango called again, the phone had been turned off.

Next to the ocean?

Mango had no idea if this was just a tactic to lure her out, but she could not just do nothing.

Then, she sent a message to Nathaniel. However before she could send it, she realized something and she deleted it. Obviously, someone had tapped this phone.

Next, she got up and left the room before she rushed to find Thomas immediately.

"Lend me your phone."

At the sight of her urgency, Thomas did not dare to dawdle and he hurriedly handed his phone over to Mango.

After Mango took it over, she quickly sent a message to Nathaniel. In the message, she informed him about what had happened just now as well as her suspicions.

Furthermore, she told him that she suspected that all of this was planned by Abyss and Yetta.

Although she did not know why it turned out like this or why Yetta would help Abyss plot against her, Mango had to tell Nathaniel about her suspicions.

It was because she could not afford to risk her parents' lives.

Meanwhile, Nathaniel was still on scene at the press conference and there were many reporters surrounding him.

His phone rang once before it fell silent.

When he saw that it was Thomas's number, Nathaniel immediately swiped his phone to unlock it and he noticed that Mango had left him a few text messages.


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