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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 229

Mr. Shen felt that Mango's action was quite strange, so he asked in a hurry.

Then, Mango looked at her father and she whispered, "Dad, there are some things that can't be made explicit to you because we don't have much time, but I really can't leave at the moment. So, you leave first with grandma and Wisdom. Right now, Rita's body is too weak to get on a plane, so I've arranged a boat for all of you. Rita is unwell and she needs to get a kidney transplant, plus she hasn't stepped her foot out of the hospital these few years and she has no idea what the outside world looks like. So, I'm leaving the children in your care and you must bring them back to Ocean City safely. As for Zion, I'll bring him to see you as soon as I have the chance."

Mr. Shen felt even more uneasy when he heard Mango's words. In fact, it seemed like she was preparing her will before something bad happened to her.

"No, you must go with us. My child, your father and I have lost you once, and we cannot lose you again! Listen to me, we must go together. Nathan is a very capable man, and he'll be able to solve whatever problem that comes his way. You must come with us first!"

Mrs. Shen held Mango's hand tightly.

After that, she thought of the genetic test report in Ocean City. How could Mango not be her daughter?

How could a mere piece of paper indicate that Mango was not her daughter? She was the mother who gave birth to her after nine months of pregnancy.

Before they came to the United States, the old couple had the intention of talking to Mango about the paternity test. However, what happened after they came made them realize once again that they could not lose Mango.

Therefore, they suppressed the matter in their hearts and pretended that it never happened at all.

In fact, Mango did not look like them at all in a closer look. Furthermore, many people commented on her beauty when she was younger. However, now that she had gotten plastic surgery, she looked even less like them.

But so what?

Anyway, they were having a father- daughter relationship for so many years!

As Mr. Shen noticed that Mrs. Shen was so sad, he said in a soft voice, "Your mother is right. Nathan will be able to solve anything, so you just leave with us."

"Mom, Dad, I'm sorry but I really can’t leave with you guys. There’s someone spying on me, so it would be impossible for everyone to leave the United States if I went with you. If you really care about me, then please take my children and Madam Ye away from here. I’ve arranged for guards to ensure your safety on the return journey, and they’ II take you to the Hans family in Ocean City. I'm sure that Terrance and Mr. Hans will protect you. Lastly, don’t trust anyone who comes near you or Rita before I return."

Mango's tone was very serious.

Mrs. Shen still wanted to say something but she was stopped by Mr. Shen.

In fact, he could see that Mango's character hadn’t changed even after five years had passed. Once she made a decision, she would stick with it all the way regardless of what anyone thought, just like when she made the decision to marry Nathaniel five years ago.

"Okay, we’ll do as you say. But you have to promise us that both you and Nathan will return safely! We’re too old to help you raise a child, got it?"

Mango's father's words warmed her heart.

Mango nodded quickly and she hurriedly left to see Madam Ye, fearing that Mrs. Shen would cry sadly.

Meanwhile, Madam Ye had made all the preparations before Mango had left. She felt relieved when she saw Mango was safe and sound.

"Are you hurt?"

"Not really."

Looking at the mother-in-law in front of her, Mango was somewhat reluctant to part with her.

"Mom, I hope to have you take care of them along the way."

"Silly girl, what are you talking about? I'm not worried about anyone else but Rita.”

Madam Ye sighed. Rita's physical condition was ill-suited for leaving the hospital, let alone long- distance travel, but Mango had no choice in this matter.

Moreover, Abyss had already hurt Rita once, and he would not have any qualms about doing it again. Although she had not witnessed it personally, she understood the danger Rita was in after someone else told her about it.

Frankly, Yetta was right. This was Abyss's territory. No matter how capable Nathaniel was, Abyss would always have the upper hand. Furthermore, Nathaniel’ s family was a liability to his actions as Abyss could hurt them while they remained in the United States.

Mango said in a low voice, "Mom, I don’t have a choice."

"I understand how you feel, but you should go and talk to Rita. Only God knows when we’ll see each other again. You and Nathan have to take care of yourselves, okay?"

"Don’t worry, I got it."

Mango saw that Madam Ye was ready to go, so she went to Rita's room.

Meanwhile, Rita and Wisdom were playing a game. Rita searched for Nathaniel but she was disappointed when he was nowhere to be found. “Mommy, is daddy not back yet?”

"Daddy is sort of busy right now, so he’ll be back later. Rita, mommy wants to tell you about something."

Mango rarely spoke to Rita so seriously. For a moment, Rita was stunned. "What's going on?"

She subconsciously mirrored her mother's serious behavior.

Wisdom had never seen Mango so serious either. Next, he pulled Rita to his side quickly and they waited patiently for Mango to speak.

As she looked at her daughter’s pure and innocent eyes, Mango's heart was a little sad.

She was only four years old but she had already been through so much hardship. Furthermore, Rita barely had enough time to get to know her father before they had to be separated again.

Thus, Mango felt sorry for the children.

She straightened up Rita's collar and she said with a smile, "Grandma wants to take Rita back home. Let's go sightseeing at Daddy's hometown, okay?"


Rita became happy instantaneously.

"Will daddy go with us?"

"No, daddy and mommy still have some things to settle here. So you, Wisdom, and your grandparents will go back first. Mommy and daddy will follow after."

Mango's words made Rita's joy decrease.


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