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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 233

"What kind of bullsh*t policy is this?"

Actually, Nathaniel rarely got angry in front of others.

Lawyer Zhang was familiar with Nathaniel's temper after working with him for many years. Now that Nathaniel was so aggressive, it was hard for Lawyer Zhang to manage it.

"Mr. Ye, that's the way it has to be. You may be the king in Ocean City, but Abyss is the king here."

"Is there nothing else we can do?"

Unfortunately, Lawyer Zhang shook his head.

Then, Nathaniel felt extremely depressed.

Just then, Lawyer Zhang received a call which made his expression extremely sour.

"What's wrong?"

"Mr. Ye, I've just received a message from the Department of Home Affairs. Apparently, Abyss has testified to the Department that Katherine has passed away five years ago. So, this effectively makes Mrs. Ye an illegal immigrant."

As soon as he said this, Nathaniel wanted nothing more than to go and beat Abyss up.

What a despicable man!

Abyss had effectively rendered Mango an illegal immigrant through his actions. Furthermore, her household registration had been canceled in the country, and her foreign identity as Katherine was gone as well. Now, it was impossible for Mango to remain in the United States, let alone marry her.

"Thomas, have someone get Mango out of the United States immediately!"

Nathaniel made a prompt decision.

No matter how many obstacles Abyss threw his way, Nathaniel would be able to handle it. However, things became trickier once it involved Mango.

Thomas knew how serious this matter was.

Truly, one had to be very capable to handle Abyss' series of attacks.

Unfortunately, Abyss usually took people by surprise with his dastardly tactics.

Next, Thomas rushed to the bedroom in hopes of taking Mango away as she slept. However, he did not expect Mango to have already woken up as if she could sense what was happening.

"Huh? Why are you panicking? Where's Nathaniel?"

Mango felt relieved when she saw that she was wearing pajamas.

She was afraid that Nathaniel had not dressed her. If so, something would be exposed to the world.

Meanwhile, Thomas felt rather annoyed when he saw that Mango was awake.

"Madam, why did you wake up so quickly?"

"What do you mean by that? Would you want me to sleep through the night if I hadn't woken up? Abyss will surely take action soon, so we need to move while he still hasn't done anything. Hurry up and make arrangements for me and Nathaniel to leave the United States immediately."

Mango got up as soon as she said that.

Thomas felt that Mango was rather quick at making decisions. Unfortunately, they had overlooked exactly how sinister Abyss could be.

Mango was a little puzzled when she saw that Thomas did not do any action.

"What's wrong? Why are you still here? Oh no, did something happen while I was asleep?"

Suddenly, Mango started to feel uneasy.

Thomas nodded and he told Mango about Abyss deleting her household registration as well as the incident at the construction site. He knew that there was no need to hide things from Mango any longer at this point.

Mango was no ordinary woman.

Most importantly, Mango was very capable of dealing with whatever situation that came her way.

Mango's expression soured immensely upon hearing that.

"That's impossible. My parents would never sign that agreement."

"Unfortunately, that’s the reality of the situation. It doesn't matter why your parents signed it or if they were tricked into doing it. In the end, it already happened anyway. You're considered an illegal immigrant now, both in our country and the United States. If Abyss decides to be even more ruthless, he could have the police here soon to arrest you, and I’d hate to imagine what they do to illegal immigrants here."

This was what Nathaniel and Thomas were worried about.

Frankly, there were plenty of illegal immigrants in the United States, but they were often discovered and caught. To make matters worse, no one knew where they went or how they were treated after they were detained.

Now that Abyss had turned Mango into an illegal immigrant, it was clear that his intentions were to use the police to take her away from Nathaniel.

Mango was also aware of the seriousness of this matter.

"But where can I go? Even if I go home, I'm still an illegal immigrant."

"Mr. Ye's already thought of a plan. As long as you leave the United States and return to the mainland, Mr. Ye will have a way to legitimize your identity."

Thomas felt that Nathaniel would do his best to deal with this issue. However, the most urgent concern now was that Mango could not remain in the United States any longer.

Clearly, Mango knew that she had to leave immediately as well. Moreover, it would be beneficial to Nathaniel if she did that, but she was uneasy about leaving him here alone.

"Where's Nathaniel?"

"He's in the study room."

Mango rushed straight to the study room without even changing out of her clothes.


She shoved open the study room's door abruptly only to find that Nathaniel was not the only one inside.

"Oh no, sorry, I didn't realize..."

Mango was embarrassed, she was like a child who had just been caught making a mistake.


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