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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 235

Mango quickly lowered her head, but she was unable to hide the shock in her heart.

How could it be her?

In fact, Queena looked very similar to the woman in the photo that she had taken from the Hans family.

Next, she suddenly thought of Andrea's family photo.

Was this woman Andrea's mother?

Could there be such a coincidence?

Mango's heart was beating fast.

Meanwhile, Queena asked curiously, "Miss Shen, do you know me?"

"Uh...no, I don't know you. I once saw you in Andrea's family photo so I was just a little surprised."

Mango replied to Queena with a smile.

When Queena heard Andrea's name, she frowned slightly.

"Oh, so you know Andrea. Are you two friends?"

"I don't think we are. I met her in the hospital earlier, and unfortunately, we had a little conflict."

In fact, the last thing that Mango wanted was to be friends with Andrea.

She must be insane if she ever wanted to become friends with a woman who swore to take Nathaniel However, Queena did not seem to mind much and she smiled while she said, "I have some medical knowledge, so I helped bandage your wound earlier. It's pretty remote out here and doctors don't come by often. However, you should go to the hospital if you don't feel well."

"Thank you for saving me. I don't know how to repay your kindness though."

"It's nothing. I like peace and quiet when I paint, so I come here from time to time to do it. There's food in the kitchen fridge, and you're welcome to make some food if you're hungry. People have said that I’ m rather odd, so I hope you don’t mind that."

After Queena finished speaking, she left the room.

Indeed, she was quite eccentric.

As Mango thought of this, her stomach growled and it was kind of pointless for her to deny her hunger. Furthermore, she had nowhere else to go.

Then, she followed Queena out of the darkroom and saw her headed straight to the bedroom.

"Mrs. Yu, are you going to rest? I'm going to make something to eat, how about you sleep after you have something to eat first?"

Mango only said this because she noticed Queena's sleepy expression.

Queena paused for a moment before she turned around and said to Mango, "I'm unmarried, so you can call me Ms. Xiao or Aunt Xiao."

"Huh? Aren't you Andrea's mother?" Mango was a little confused.

Queena replied faintly, "Yeah...I am her mother indeed, but I'm not married."

Her explanation made Mango a little confused, but she was too polite to ask any further.

Then, Queena went upstairs to her bedroom and she shut the door. However, Mango was still deep in thought.

What was going on here? Queena was Andrea’s mother and she was in their family photo, but she still insisted that she was unmarried.

Mango thought about it for a long time but she did not reach a conclusion. So, she just pushed the thought aside instead.

Next, Mango went to the kitchen. After she opened the fridge, she noticed the abundance of ingredients inside. Clearly, Queena really enjoyed living in this mansion alone.

However, she had no idea if Andrea would suddenly show up. If she did not, then it would be good for Mango to stay here for a few days if Queena allowed her to do so.

Mango sighed softly as she took out two tomatoes and some eggs. Next, she quickly whipped up some egg noodles.

After she was done, Mango left the kitchen with two bowls of noodles and she went upstairs with one bowl.

"Aunt Xiao, I've made some noodles. Please have some before you go to sleep."

Actually, it was weird to offer Queena’s own food back to her, but Mango still had to show her gratitude to Queena though.

Queena was freshly out of the shower when she opened the door. When she saw the egg noodles in Mango's hands, she froze as if an old memory had crossed her mind. Then, her eyes began to fill with tears at the sight of the noodles.

"Aunt Xiao, what's wrong? Are the spring onions I've put in there causing your eyes to sting?"

Mango was at a loss about what to do in this situation.

Nevertheless, Queena shook her head and she whispered, 'T m really bad at making noodles. I haven't eaten this for many years."

Mango was a little bashful when she heard that.

"It's already midnight so I think it's better to have some light food. Aunt Xiao, if you think it's too simple, I'll make a proper bowl for you tomorrow morning."

"There's no need for that. This is great, thank you."

Queena took the noodles and she smiled. After that, she closed the door without even inviting Mango to come inside and sit.

Mango rubbed at her nose which Queena nearly hit when she closed the door.

Indeed, Queena was a really strange woman.

Mango shook her head and went downstairs. After that, she wolfed down her noodles quickly and she felt energized again.

"Ah crap, I lost my phone on the way here." Mango had just realized her problem now.

Well, losing it could be a good thing, at least it would prevent others from finding out her location.


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