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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 238

"What's wrong? Are you surprised? Do you really think no one knows what you've done?"

Andrea gave Mango a mocking look before she quickly entered the house. When she passed Mango, Andrea deliberately shoulder-checked her.

"Oh, I'm so sorry that I didn't see you. You wouldn't tell my mother about such a trivial thing right?"

After that, Andrea swaggered pompously into the villa.

"What's that smell? What have you done to my mother's house?"

Obviously, Andrea was looking for trouble.

There was no way for a foul smell in the villa though.

Thus, Mango ignored her and she went back to the tea-table to pack up her design drafts.

"Wait, don't tell me that you stole my mother's drawings? Just so you know, my mother's paintings are worth a lot of money. Don't be such a greedy b*tch."

Andrea's words were indeed insulting.

Mango looked at her and she said succinctly, "I drew these myself. You would know that if you take a closer look at them."

"Come on... Are you trying to tell me that you can draw well? Cut the crap! You must leave them there, you hear me? You can pick them only after my mom says they're not hers. If you're really a guest here, then act like one."

After that, Andrea plopped down on the sofa.

She spotted the thin blanket that Mango covered herself with and she threw it to the ground.

"What's that? You're putting all sorts of sh*t on the sofa. Let me tell you something, my mom is a classy woman, and a lowlife like you can't compare with her! You're really shameless, aren't you? An illegal immigrant like you is sharing food and drink with my mom. What's wrong? Did Nathaniel abandon you?"

Andrea's words became increasingly insulting.

Mango felt a sharp pain in her heart, but she could not be bothered to talk to Andrea. After that, she turned away and headed back to her room.

"Stop! I’m not done talking to you yet, so where are you going?"

Andrea acted like a spoiled queen, she was arrogant and domineering.

At that, Mango turned around and she said coldly, "Miss Yu, I am your mother's guest, not yours. Also, this is your mother's home, not yours too. So, you don’t have the right to lecture me as if you own this place!"

"What did you say? I dare you to say it again to my face!”

Andrea immediately became furious.

She abruptly jumped up from the sofa, and about to tear Mango a new one. At that moment, Queena returned.

"Andrea, what are you doing?"

Queena's voice was soft, but Andrea stopped immediately.

Andrea softened her arrogant attitude when she saw Queena.

"Mom, why did you take her in? Don’t you know that she's an illegal immigrant? If the police find out that you've been harboring an illegal immigrant, we'll be in trouble."

Andrea's words made Mango feel uneasy.

Initially, she had not been an illegal immigrant, but it was pointless to discuss it now. To be honest, perhaps Mango really did trouble Queena.

"Aunt Xiao, I'm sorry to have troubled you. I'll leave right now."

After Mango finished speaking, she turned away to leave.

However, Queena stopped her.

"Huh? Where can you go? There's police everywhere out there, and your photos have been posted on the Internet. What's more, people are offering rewards for information about you. Are you really going to walk into a trap?"

Queena's words stunned Mango.

"My pictures are on the internet, and there’s a reward out for those who found me?"

She had never thought that Abyss would do this.

What on earth was his intention? Did he want to force Mango to beg him for help?

As she saw Mango's anxious expression, Queena sighed and said, "Don't worry, you can stay here as long as you need to, and no need to worry about anything else. Here, I bought some clothes for you. Go and try it on to see if it fits you."

With this, Queena handed over the bag in her hand to Mango.

Mango was really moved.

On the other hand, Andrea could not bear to watch them any longer.

"Mom, why are you protecting her? She's an illegal immigrant. Plus, she was stealing your paintings just now! Why would you let a thief like this stay here?"

"Shut up!"

Queena raised her voice suddenly.

"What do you mean she stole my paintings? When have I started designing cars? As my daughter, don't you know that your mother is famous for landscape paintings?"

Queena's voice was fierce, which immediately made Andrea move backward.

"Mom, I'm just kidding."

"Yeah, you'll say anything, including things that you have no evidence of! Furthermore, I have told you that Mango is my guest and my friend. I only wanted you to be more polite to her, but what did you do instead?"

Queena was usually a very gentle person, but her fiery aggression scared Mango a little.

Andrea pursed her lips in grievance and she said, "She insulted me. Mango said that I have no right to lecture her because it’s not my house. But I am your daughter!"

"She’s right because this is in fact my house!"

Andrea's eyes seemed wet with tears when she heard Queena's words.

"Mom, how can you treat me like this for the sake of an outsider? I'm your daughter, okay? Why can she stay here when I can’t?"

"Andrea, if you weren't my daughter, I wouldn't even let you come near the villa! What the hell were you thinking by treating my guest like this? Look at you, don't you have anything better to do than to run amok these days? Can’t you stay put and focus on fixing your disfigured face? Don't wander around when you have nothing to do this time, okay? If people find out that Mango is staying here, I will disown you!”


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