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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 249

"Was what I said wrong? There’s no way you don't know what I’m saying right? Lawrence, it’s been so many years, why can't you understand simple facts that I never ever loved you! I’ve only ever loved one person in my entire life, and his name is Dennis Hans! If I didn’t mistake you for him when I was drunk back then, I would have never slept with you and I would have never given birth to Andrea! Lawrence, I told you in the first place that I never wanted this child and I can’t give her any of my love. But you told me that you didn't care and you’ II educate Andrea properly! Well, look at the results of the way you raise your child! Your daughter murdered my daughter, you b*stard!"

It was as if Queena had gone insane.

Right now, she was doing everything she could to hurt the people around her, especially Andrea.

Queena gave birth to Andrea, so there was no way she could exact revenge for Mango. However, she couldn’t just sit and do nothing to Andrea.

Mango was her daughter no matter what!

Oh, how Mango had suffered all these years!

Mango was the child that Queena sent away all those years ago and Queena had never been able to find her since then. Now that she’d been indirectly murdered by Andrea, how could Queena ever calm down?

It was the upper limit of Queena's tolerance not to kill Andrea, so Lawrence could not expect her not to hurt Andrea through.

In order not to hurt Andrea over the years, Queena had always acquiesced to Lawrence's lax discipline of Andrea and she even let Andrea addressed her as a mother. Never did Queena expect that her tolerance would bring up a child as reckless as this.

As he saw Queena acting like this, Lawrence wanted to speak but he withheld the words eventually.

In fact, he always knew that Queena was still in love with someone and her heart had closed up when that person passed away. However, he never expected that they would have a child together.

Now, Andrea had indirectly killed Queena and Dennis’s child.

So, what could Lawrence say to that?

Meanwhile, Andrea could not withstand this blow to her psyche.

She knew her mother was always indifferent to her, but she did not know the reason behind it. Now that Andrea finally knew about it but she’d rather not know at all.

So, that was why Queena treated Mango so well. It was no wonder that Queena cooked for Mango and she listened to Mango’s opinions on things. Hell, she even let Mango stayed in her villa!

It turned out that Mango was her mother’s beloved child, which was the daughter of Queena with the man she loved the most! Andrea's heart crumpled into a soggy heap at the revelation.

"Mango deserved to die! How is it fair that you cherish her like a treasure the moment she shows up but you ignore me like I don’t exist? I’ve been by your side for more than twenty years, mom! She is your daughter, but so am I! How could you, mom, do this to me?"

"Get the f*ck out of my house! Get out!"

No matter what anyone said, Queena refused to hear it.

Andrea wanted to continue speaking to her mother, but Lawrence dragged her away.

"Dad, don't drag me! It’s not fair! Mom’s not being fair to me!”

"D*mn it, stop fussing!"

Shockingly, Lawrence slapped Andrea across the face.

This was the first time ever in Lawrence’s entire life that he hit Andrea.

The slap stunned Andrea.

"Dad, are you going to punish me too?"

“The slap is the least of the punishment you deserve. You knew about Mango’s situation and you knew about her relationship with Abyss! Why did you do that to her?”

“Why did I do it? I did it because I hate her! Why does she get to have all of mom’s love and attention when I don’t? Why the man I like is her husband? What did I even do, anyway? Abyss loves her and he’d never kill her! The most he'll do is rape her, and even then, so what? It's not like she’s some precious virgin! How would I know that Abyss would end up killing her?"

Andrea shouted these words loudly outside the house.

When Queena heard that, she couldn't stand it anymore.

She immediately opened the door and she glared at Andrea outside. Then, she said, "Does a woman’s chastity mean nothing to you? In your opinion, it doesn’t matter if a married woman is raped right? Andrea, you have no idea what love is! All you know is to fight and take away things that were never yours in the first place! You’ve never realized your shortcomings, and you always blame your mistakes on other people. You’ve really disappointed me, Andrea. From now on, I forbid you from coming to this villa!"


"Get lost!"

Queena immediately closed the door and she completely shut out Andrea and Lawrence.

Then, she slid down onto the floor as she was unable to forgive herself.

It was she who failed to protect her daughter.

Nathaniel had told her directly that Mango was her daughter, but she still failed to protect her.

How could she face the Hans family and Dennis?

While Queena drowned in her pain, Nathaniel felt the same way as well in the hospital. After Nathaniel woke up, he felt dizzy all over and his high fever persisted. Nevertheless, he insisted on running to the ocean like a madman.

Dylan had tried to persuade him but to no avail. Nathaniel wouldn’t listen to him, and he kept repeating that Mango was still waiting for Nathaniel to rescue her so he could not stay in the hospital.

In the end, Dylan had no choice but to have someone sedate Nathaniel. It would be better to talk after his fever had subsided.

As for Abyss, he seemed to have been crippled by the incident.


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