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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 251

Nathaniel looked at Andrea and Dylan for a moment before he turned to leave without another word.

With a sigh, Dylan looked at Andrea who lay unconscious in his arms. After that, he spoke to the people beside him, "Go and delete all the security footage of the area to make sure that no one finds out about what happened here."

"Right away, sir."

Dylan’s men quickly dispersed to carry out his orders.

Meanwhile, Dylan’s eyes narrowed as he looked at the ocean waves crashing against the cliff.

Yetta’ s medical talent was one in a million. Unfortunately, her life was snuffed out just like that.

Other people may have thought that Yetta's death was a loss for the world, but Yetta should’ve known that this would be the result if she angered Nathaniel.

Meanwhile, Nathaniel's fever recurred but he didn’t seem to care at all.

Thomas was worried when he spotted Nathaniel's flushed face and he said, "Mr. Ye, you can't keep doing this to yourself. Mrs. Ye would be sad if she knew."

"Would she? If so, then she'd appear in front of me to tell me off, right? But where is she now?”

Nathaniel gazed at the scenery outside with a dull look in his eyes.

Thomas understood that Nathaniel was feeling very distressed right now, but he murmured in a low voice, "Mr. Ye, Mrs. Ye is a resilient woman so we have to believe that she's okay. Everyone said that it was impossible to survive the big fire incident five years ago, but she survived and she came back, right? We haven’t found her body yet, so we need to have faith that she’s still alive and maybe it’s just inconvenient for her to contact us. Oh, Mr. Ye, you need to take care of yourself. What would Mango say if she saw you like this? You know that she’ll be sad if you became sick, and have you thought of Rita? Don't forget, Rita’s still waiting to undergo her kidney transplant surgery. That little girl has no idea that she's lost her mom, how do you think she’ll react when she finds out that she has lost her father too?"

A light flickered briefly in Nathaniel’s eyes as if he was finally convinced with Thomas’ words.

He turned back to look at Thomas before he said, "Do you understand how I feel right now? As a man, I’ve failed to protect my wife, so what else is there for me to do?”

"There’s still plenty of things you can do, sir. Abyss was the mastermind behind all this and he's still alive. Mr. Ye, don’t you think that he should pay the price for what he’s done to Mango?”

"Oh, yes! You're right, Thomas."

At that, Nathaniel seemed to have regained his vigor for life and his eyes brightened.

"Did the suppliers say anything?" Thomas shook his head and said, "They refused to cooperate with us. Perhaps it's because they fear the Tang family’s influence in the United States."

"Then kidnap their wives and children. If they still refuse to cooperate, then you know what to do."

Nathaniel’s voice was cold and devoid of any warmth.

Thomas was stunned when he heard this.

"Mr. Ye, do you plan on using their family members to threaten them into cooperation? Isn’t that a bad idea?”

“What’s so bad about that? Do you think that I'm overly ruthless? Weren't they just as ruthless when they accused me of using substandard materials? I was never interested in that piece of land here, but they’ve crossed the line. Right now, I’m going to buy that piece of land and destroy the Tang family at the same time. If it wasn't for them, would Mango have died? Now that Mango's no longer with us, they’d better know whose side to take in this battle if they want to survive. If not, I'm not averse to bloodshed in order to get what I want.”

Right now, Nathaniel had completely transformed into a savage wild demon and it seemed like he wanted to drag the whole world to hell in order to be with Mango.

This side of Nathaniel frightened Thomas greatly.

Next, Thomas frowned slightly, but he did not say anything else and he nodded instead.

After Nathaniel returned to the hospital, he finally began to cooperate with the doctor’s treatment. Dylan couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief when he found out about it.

Thank God, Nathaniel was finally willing to cooperate.

After that, Dylan brought Andrea back to his villa.

Meanwhile, Andrea had a nightmare.

In her nightmare, Nathaniel brutally strangled her in order to avenge Mango’ s death. Furthermore, Mango stood nearby, and she was fully covered in blood and she charged straight at Andrea.

"Ah! No! Get away from me!"

Andrea screamed in fear and she sat up immediately on the bed. It seemed that her entire back was drenched with cold sweat.

"Are you awake?"

Meanwhile, Dylan sat in the dark as he had not turned on the lights. Thus, Andrea was shocked by his sudden voice.

“Dylan, why are the lights off?"

"Why should I turn them on? There's no light in the world that could illuminate the darkness in my heart right now."

Dylan’s voice was faint and it was hard to discern any emotion from it. However, Andrea instinctively knew that Dylan was furious.

Then, she panicked suddenly.

"Dylan, do you think it’s my fault too? I really didn't mean to bring Mango any harm, I just wanted Abyss to take her away. Actually, I just wanted her out of Nathaniel and my life." As soon as Andrea spoke, Dylan got up and rushed over to her before he pinned her onto the bed.

"Have you really fallen for Nathaniel? Did you enjoy it because it was something new and exciting for you? Or were you just dissatisfied with his disregard for you? Would you feel better if you stole him from Mango instead?"

Suddenly, seeing Dylan’s face up close made Andrea’ s heart rate increase out of fear.

"Dylan, what are you doing? Let me go."

"Answer me!"

Over the years, this was the first time Dylan had ever raised his voice at Andrea. Hence, it frightened her very much.

"I don't...I don't know! I thought he was handsome and charming, and he treats Mango so well! I want a man to treat me like how Nathaniel treats Mango and I want him to be mine! Am I so wrong for wanting that?"

Andrea started crying immediately.


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