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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 254

"I’ll have someone look into it right away."

Nathaniel immediately spurred into action.

Queena was right.

Even after so many days, they had not found Mango' s body nor did they see a body float out of the ocean. Furthermore, there was no news of anyone discovering a body in the area, so where could Mango have gone?

No one could just disappear from this planet without a reason. So, if she wasn’t dead, then would she have been rescued by someone else?

Nathaniel quickly called Thomas.

Thomas was still bleary-eyed from sleep as he had fallen asleep shortly before Nathaniel awoke him with his phone call. However, he did not complain and he became alert immediately.

"Mr. Ye, what is it?"

"Go and investigate right now if there were any boats passing by the area the night Mango disappeared."

Nathaniel’s voice carried a hint of excitement.

Thomas immediately understood what Nathaniel meant.

"Noted, I’ll check it out right away."

As she saw Nathaniel's speedy actions, Queena' s soul seemed to return to her body. "How long will it take for him to get the information?"

"I'm not sure, but I do know that it’s bad for you to stand outside in the cold like this. Let's wait for news in the car."

Nathaniel looked at Queena's lips, which were turning purple as time passed. He was afraid that something might happen to her.

This time, Queena did not refuse him.

She was stiff from the cold, and it was particularly obvious when she walked.

Without another word, Nathaniel hoisted Queena onto his back and he brought her aboard his car.

Fortunately, there was a heater in the car and Nathaniel handed Queena a thermos flask.

"Have something hot to stave off the cold. If there’s any news about Mango, we need to be there immediately."


Queena took the flask from Nathaniel.

Suddenly, her phone rang.

Queena barely glanced at it before she immediately threw the phone out of the window.

Nathaniel frowned slightly at that, but he did not ask any questions.

Then, Queena said with a bitter smile, "Lawrence is indeed a good man and he treats me very well.”

"It's a pity that you don't have room for him in your heart." Nathaniel's words made Queena smile bitterly once again.

"Yeah, unfortunately, I do not love him. All my life, I’ ve only ever loved one man, but he left me too soon. All these years in the United States, I felt like I lived as a zombie until I met Mango. That girl made me feel so comfortable the moment I laid eyes on her, so I brought her back to my villa even though she was a total stranger. I could’ve never imagined that she would be my long lost daughter for more than twenty years ago."

"Sometimes fate is an amazing thing."

After that, Queen looked at the darkness outside and her thoughts were a mystery. Perhaps she thought of Dennis or Mango. Either way, she fell silent and she did not say anything else.

At the same time, Nathaniel did not make a sound as he gazed at the ocean in silence. However, his heart was in turmoil.

Mango was certainly still alive.

She had to be!

This was the hope that had kept Nathaniel going all this time.

Time passed, but Nathaniel felt like it had been years since going into the car.

He kept looking at the clock, and he realized that the needle of the clock passed by very slowly.

There was no news from Thomas at all.

Queena must have been out in the cold for far too long because after she returned to the warm interior of the car, she fell asleep without even realized it. Perhaps she never had a good night's sleep ever since Mango’s incident happened. Now Queena still didn't sleep too soundly, but she was indeed asleep.

Then, Nathaniel took the blanket from the back seat and covered Queena with it.

In fact, he had specially prepared this blanket for Mango.

Mango had always liked to sleep in the car and Nathaniel was afraid that she would get cold. Thus, he had Thomas prepare a thin blanket in the car for her.

But now...

A dull ache throbbed in Nathaniel's heart.

It was morning when Thomas finally called Nathaniel with the news.

"Mr. Ye, I found out that there was a cargo ship passed this area of the ocean that day, but I’m not sure if they found Mango. For now, I’ve discovered that the cargo ship is from China. It’s registered to the Port Authority from Colliqer County in Ocean City. Anyway, they just arrived at the port yesterday."

Nathaniel's heart fluttered with excitement.

"Go back to China immediately and contact the Port Authority there. No matter what, you have to make the captain of the cargo ship stay. Tell them that all costs will be borne by the Ye family."

"Right away, sir!”

After that, Thomas hurriedly went to carry out his orders.

Nathaniel wasn’t sure when Queena had woken up, but after she heard his words, she asked, "Is there news about Mango?"

"So far, what I know is that a cargo ship passed the area at the time. However, the ship is back in China and no one knows if they found Mango or not.”

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go back to China!”

Clearly, Queena was quite anxious.

Nathaniel looked at her and he said, "Aren't you going to pack your things before you leave?"

"What's there to pack? Through the years, there’s nothing valuable enough for me to pack except for myself and my paintings. I can buy clothes from anywhere, so we better head back quickly."

Nathaniel did not hesitate any longer after he heard Queena’s words.

The two drove back to the hospital. After they met up with Thomas, they grabbed their luggage before they immediately headed to the airport.

Originally, Nathaniel had planned to take a commercial flight, but now Thomas had chartered a private jet so they could immediately return to Ocean City without delay.

Due to Queena’s haste, she did not manage to book a hotel here. So, Nathaniel had her live in Mango's house for the time being.

After advanced training, Rainie returned to the apartment only to learn that Mango and Nathaniel had reconciled. She didn’t know how to express it, but she would support Mango's decision no matter what, even if she had a bad impression of Nathaniel.


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