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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 256

Nathaniel did not speak until he heard Madam Hans say that.

"Don’t worry, I’ll talk to Mango’s parents. Right now, the most important thing is that Mango is still alive, but her identity issue is not settled yet. Her parents have deleted her identity registration here and Abyss withdrew her substitute identity back in the United States. Right now, Mango is an illegal immigrant and we have to solve this problem first before we can look for her. I’m sure the Shen family will understand."

Madam Hans became anxious as she heard this.

"Do you have any updates on Mango’ s whereabouts?"

"No, but I'm sure that she will contact us at the earliest opportunity.”

Nathaniel’s words made everyone fall silent for a moment.

Queena said softly, "I’m actually working on the issue of her identity. So, I’ve already told my superiors about her problem, and I really want to give my daughter a legitimate identity. However, my question is, will Mango register as her current identity of Mango Shen, or will she change her name so that she can be part of the Hans family?"

This question made Madam Hans a little flustered.

If Madam Hans had it her way, of course, she would want Mango to carry the surname of Hans, but now Mango was nowhere to be found and Mango had no idea about her real identity. Furthermore, Madam Hans didn't know how the Shen family would react to this. Thus, no one had any idea how to deal with this as there were too many unknown variables.

"I think the best course of action now is for me to talk to the Shen family first before we discuss this question any further. Plus, it’ll take a few days for the authorities to finish their investigation into this, so we need to work together to get the best possible result for Mango. Other than that, I will expedite the search for her, because Mango deserves to know what's going on."

Nathaniel’s words made both parties nod in agreement.

After the meeting, Madam Hans insisted for Queena to stay with her at the Hans family mansion. In the end, Queena could not refuse her request and she followed Madam Hans back home.

Terrance and Nathaniel walked behind the two women. Then, Terrance said with a wry smile," I can' t believe that the first woman I was attracted to in my entire life turns out to be my niece!"

"This just means that you're destined to be nothing more than just her uncle."

Nathaniel was obviously in a good mood.

Coincidentally, he had managed to get rid of another rival for Mango's love and he subsequently felt relieved.

Terrance did not have much of a reaction to Nathaniel's teasing, but he muttered softly, "Anyway, I am more reasonable than my brother Walter. He's been in a very bad mood recently, and he hasn't had the opportunity to meet you. If he knew that you came back alone and Mango is in trouble, I reckon he's going to be very cross with you."

"Speaking of Walter, I don’t understand why he's so obsessed with Mango. Isn’t he a playboy? He could have any woman he wanted."

Nathaniel had never thought of Walter as a rival nor did he think that Walter would have anything but fleeting feelings towards Mango. However, he still noticed every single thing that Walter had done for Mango throughout the years.

Terrance replied in a subdued voice, "He told me that he had an interaction with Mango when he was younger and that she actually saved his life."

"Is that so?"

To be honest, this surprised Nathaniel.

After they walked out of the Hillion Hotel, Terrance asked Nathaniel another question. “Do you need me to go with you to meet Mango's parents?"

"There is no need for that. Plus, you' re from the Hans family so your presence might make matters worse for me. If you have the time, please see Master Mo at Santell Capital so that he can have the authorities finish their investigation quicker, because the most important thing right now is to restore Mango's identity to her."

Unfortunately, Nathaniel's attention was needed elsewhere so the only thing he could do right now was to let Terrance handle this. Furthermore, the Hans family had more influence than the Ye family, so it was easier for Terrance to make requests of them.

Too many people in the Hans family had sacrificed themselves for the country, and so far Mango and Terrance were the only ones left in this generation. Regardless, Nathaniel believed that the authorities would give Mango an identity as a sign of respect to the Hans family.

Terrance nodded. Then, the two of them went their separate ways.

After that, Nathaniel met with Mango’s parents at the Shen family household.

After Nanny Zhang’ s escape and their return to Ocean City, Terrance had wished for the Shen family' s parents to stay with the Hans family. However, they still felt more comfortable in their own home so they returned there instead.

Usually, they would go to the Ye family's mansion to see Rita whenever they missed her, and Madam Ye would occasionally have someone send Rita to the Shen household to spend the night there. So, it could be said that the old couple lived a rather blissful life.

When Mango’s parents realized that Nathaniel had come to visit them, they went outside to greet him personally.

Mrs. Shen looked forward to seeing Mango, but when she couldn’t find her, she asked Nathaniel, "Didn't Mango come with you?"

Nathaniel’s voice was full of guilt as he looked into Mrs. Shen’ s worried gaze. "Something has happened to Mango." These words nearly caused the old lady to collapse on the floor.

"What happened? Oh no, I knew I had a bad feeling about this before we left! Nathaniel, what happened to my daughter?"

Mrs. Shen started to sob.

Mr. Shen held her as he sighed, "How about we talk about this after Nathan has come inside the house? Please don't stress yourself out, if he is here then it means that there's still hope for Mango."

Nathaniel nodded at Mr. Shen's words and he said, "Mom, let’s discuss this inside."

After that, Mrs. Shen followed Nathaniel and Mr. Shen into the house.

Then, Nathaniel told them about everything that happened in the United States, including the truth about Mango’s identity and the problems that she was facing.

In fact, the Shen's family parents always had a sneaking suspicion that something was wrong when Mango’s DNA did not match theirs in the genetics test. However, they only realized the extent of the situation after Nathaniel told them the true story.

"Are you saying that our child died immediately after birth?"

Frankly, Mrs. Shen could not accept this fact no matter how hard she tried.

On the other hand, Nathaniel had no idea how to comfort her.


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