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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 258

"You actually have information about your mommy?"

"Of course, why would I have asked you to come here if I didn't?"

By the looks of it, Nathaniel thought Zion was itching for another spanking by Nathaniel.

As Zion saw Nathaniel tried to resist hitting him, Zion decided to stop provoking his father. It was fine to occasionally mess with Nathaniel, but Zion was still afraid of his father when Nathaniel became angry.

Although Nathaniel looked somewhat disheveled now, Zion dared not laugh at him.

"Ahem, Merle was the first to know after Mommy fell into the ocean. To be precise, Merle knew what was going on the moment Mommy was brought to the Tang's Group."

Nathaniel's gaze became dispirited when he heard Zion's words.

"Are you referring to Mr. Malthus, the manager of the Fallen Paradise?"

"Yep, he's the leader of the United States branch of the Dark Night Empire. Previously, he placed a tracking device on mummy so he and the headquarters of the Dark Night would be able to track where she went.”

Zion's words suddenly reminded Nathaniel of something.

"Your headquarters? D*mn, I've forgotten that you're the future leader of the Dark Night Empire, so you clearly know a lot more about this than me. So, it means that you know about what happened to your mother right away, but you neglected to tell me and you were satisfied to let me worry, right?”

Nathaniel’s voice was cold and it carried a dangerous edge.

Then, Zion began to step back uneasily.

"Hey, Mr. Ye, being impulsive is bad for you! Calm down!"

"Like hell, I'll calm down!"

Nathaniel was truly enraged this time.

He had been so anxious about Mango's current situation but his own son just stood by and watched him as he frantically searched for her. And now Zion came to tell him that the Dark Night Empire had it all under their control this whole time?

Nathaniel had never been this angry in years, and to make matters worse, the little brat in front of him was his son!

In the end, Nathaniel found out what it felt like to be tricked by his own son.

Next, he walked towards Zion.

"Mr. Ye, let’s not be rash, and please just listen to me."

At that moment, Zion knew that he had made a mistake.

How could he think that he would be able to tame the wild beast that was Mr. Ye?

Zion was so scared that he turned around and ran away immediately.

"You stupid boy, stop right now!"

Nathaniel was so angry that he immediately gave chase.

Zion wanted to cry but he realized that he had no time for that.

"Do you think I'm stupid? You’d skin me alive if I stopped, wouldn't you?"

"Oh, so now you're afraid of me? Weren't you afraid before you played that trick on me? Do you think that you're all-powerful now just because you've gone away for a while under your uncle’ s command? Does that mean that you no longer respect your father?"

The more Nathaniel spoke, the angrier he became.

He always knew that Zion was more mischievous than Wisdom, but he never thought that Zion would be so reckless.

Zion dared not to stop and he shouted as he ran, "How did I not respect you? I came back to tell you about mommy, didn’t I? Can't you just calm down and be a little more friendly towards me? After all, I am your son!"

"Oh, so now you're claiming that you’re my son! Ah! You'd better stop right now, Zion Shen!"

Nathaniel chased after Zion for several laps around the warehouse and Nathaniel realized that the little brat had become much stronger than he was before. However, Zion shook his head vigorously.

"I'm not that stupid. I won't stop unless you promise not to hit me.”

"Fine! I won't hit you, so stop!"

Frankly, Nathaniel was a little short of breath.

This brat could run really fast.


Zion asked Nathaniel with uncertainty in his voice. "Sure!"

Nathaniel stopped in his tracks.

Zion approached Nathaniel with doubt in his eyes and he breathed a sigh of relief when he realized that Nathaniel did not move to hit him.

However, just as Zion sighed in relief, Nathaniel immediately pulled Zion into his arms.

"Ow! Mr. Ye! How shameless of you to break a promise! You lied to a child! You! Ow!"

Before Zion could finish his words, Nathaniel smacked his butt hard.

Nathaniel said angrily, "You deserve this beating! You little brat, I can't imagine what shenanigans you' II get up if I don't teach you a lesson! Keep running, and let’s see if I'll break your legs!"

Zion felt that his butt was about to catch on fire.

Nathaniel’s spanking was truly brutal.

"Mr. Ye, I’m sorry that I made a mistake! Stop hitting me! Ouch, it hurts! Daddy, Dad!"

Zion had no choice but to use his trump card. He knew that Nathaniel would not be able to continue punishing him once Zion called him 'daddy'.

Nathaniel let go of Zion angrily before he said, "Don' t think I'll forgive you just because you called me 'daddy', so tell me, where's your mommy?"

Zion rubbed his painful buttocks as he spoke with a blank expression on his face, "I wanted to tell you, but then you hit me instead. Don't you know that I can sue you for assaulting a minor?"

"Oh, aren't you getting brave? Let’s see which is faster, you suing me or me smashing you into a pulp.”

Nathaniel had no intention of fighting with his son, but this little brat was simply too infuriating.


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