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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 261

"What...what are you doing? Let me remind you that I’m your sister in law! Nick, don't do anything that you'll regret!"

Nathaniel's imposing demeanor frightened Mango. Oh my god!

How could two brothers have the exact same personality?

Both of them were prone to losing their temper easily.

However, she hadn't said anything to offend him, did she?

Could it be that he disliked hearing Mango say that he looked very similar to Nathaniel?

Then, Mango quickly spoke as she thought of this point, "Fine, then my husband is the one who looks like you, okay?"

Nathaniel's expression darkened so much that it was almost comical.

Nathaniel had missed her so much, but how could Mango be so heartless as to mistake him for Nick?

Had Mango's brain malfunctioned?

Mango had someone relay the message to Nathaniel that she was undergoing training here, so was it possible that Nick was the one who came instead of him?

Nathaniel became more upset the more he thought of this as he hadn't eaten nor slept well these past few days, but Mango had decided to undergo training here without even telling him. Furthermore, she only recently remembered to send him a message and now Mango was mistaking him for someone else.

"Hey, didn’t I just tell you that I'm your sister in law, so why are you still walking towards me? Let go of me! I’m warning you, don't think you can touch me just because you have a good relationship with your brother. Furthermore, I’m your... Ah!”

Before Mango could finish her sentence, Nathaniel flung her over his shoulder and she crashed onto the floor into a heap.

"Do remember that this is the correct technique to perform a shoulder throw."

Nathaniel’s voice was cold as he spoke.

Meanwhile, Mango was in so much pain that she could not feel her bone anymore.

"How could you just do that without any warning? You should've at least let me prepare for it as I’m still new at this, okay? Seriously, you’re not gentle at all, so how could you expect to find a girlfriend?"

Right now, Mango was thoroughly convinced that the person in front of her was Nick Ye.

In fact, Nathaniel could never bear to do this to her.

Perhaps she missed Nathaniel way too much, and she nearly mistook Nick for Nathaniel when he approached her as their mannerisms were so alike. However, Mango's assumptions were shattered the moment she was thrown to the floor. "Get up!"

Nathaniel's expression was as frigid as ice, and it scared Mango.

Mango grumbled bitterly in her heart as she rubbed her sore waist.

"If I'd known any better, then I wouldn't have asked him to remove his headgear. At least I wouldn’t have seen his face and he would've thrown me so hard for no reason."

Frankly, she had not even paid any attention to how Nathaniel attacked her earlier.

Mango stood up and she was feeling annoyed. But before she could say anything else, Nathaniel’s attacks started once again.

"Hey, aren’t you supposed to teach me how to fight? Don't just keep throwing me to the ground! Ouch!"

Nathaniel beat Mango up quite mercilessly.

To be honest, Nathaniel was very reluctant to hit Mango, but he could not afford to be gentle if he wanted Mango to learn quickly.

Since Mango assumed that he was Nick, then he would treat Mango like any other student.

Zack couldn't stop his lips from curling up into an amused smile as he witnessed this.

He couldn’t remember the last time Nathaniel had beaten anyone up so savagely since it had been so long.

Over here, it was common knowledge that the coaches were harshest to the trainees that they favored most. It was because the coaches feared that their beloved trainees would face much harsher beatings in the outside world.

If Mango wanted to learn how to fight, she had to first learn how to take a punch.

Right now, Mango had no idea that this concept even existed, but she felt like she was dying due to unbearable pain.

Mango was almost beaten to a pulp, and her uncoordinated defenses were ineffective against Nathaniel's beatings.

At first, Mango wanted to complain but in the end, she didn't even have the energy to do so.

Instead, she laid on the ground panted and she lacked the energy to even stand up.

Distress flashed in Nathaniel's eyes as he took in Mango's exhausted state, but he said coldly, "Do you still intend on learning how to fight? If so, then you have to learn how to endure attacks from other people. A delicate girl like you is only fit for a life of luxury as someone who does facials, medicare, and gossips with the other rich ladies. Why do you insist on torturing yourself like this?"

Mango was exhausted, but she couldn’t help rolling her eyes when she heard Nathaniel envision her future for her, "Oh please, it’s bad enough that Nathaniel thinks that my life should be like that, but you're part of the Dark Night Empire! If I turn out to be just like you said, how could I ever qualify to become the Madam of the Empire? Plus, how could I remain a weak woman when Madam Ye essentially handed the Empire, the HY Group, the entire Ye Family, and even Nathan’s life to me? Do I wait for him to save me every time I'm in danger? Madam Ye said that the purpose of my existence is to protect Nathan and dark night. Since this is the case, I can't be afraid of pain and suffering. Furthermore, the incident on the cargo ship made me realize that something very serious is going on."

"What's the matter?"

Nathaniel asked without even thinking and he didn't expect an answer, but Mango told him anyway.

“I overheard some sailors on the boat were discussing that someone had shipped a load of goods from the nearby Colliqer County under the name of the Ye Family. Flowever, that particular shipment wasn't unloaded at the Ocean City or Colliqer County, but it was immediately taken away by someone the moment it came ashore, so obviously, that wasn’t the first time something like this had happened. I heard that the person who accepted the goods was a high-ranking member of the Ye Family."


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