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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 268

Meanwhile, Edolie was so frightened that she immediately turned and frantically beat the person that approached them.

She wasn't trained in any particular martial art, but it was clear that she had been in more than her fair share of fights. As the other person’s arm reached out to her, Edolie immediately gripped her jacket before she swung it at the other person's face.

There was a zip on the jacket and it was accurately aimed at the attacker's face.

Hence, the other party paused for a moment due to Edolie's attack and Mango took the opportunity to free herself. Then, she was about to attack the person when she heard him speak in a low voice, "Mango, it's me."

The familiar voice stunned Mango and she unconsciously stopped Edolie from attacking further.

"Edolie, he's with us."

At that, Edolie quickly stopped.

Mango looked at Nathaniel who was standing in front of her with some disbelief.

His clothes were soaked with dew, and it was much wetter than her own clothes.

"What happened to you?"

"I swam back here after I jumped off the boat. Follow me, as now's not the time for talking."

Meanwhile, suspicion flashed in Nathaniel's eyes as he glanced at Edolie.

Then, Mango hurriedly explained, "I rescued this girl from Nanny Zhang's cave, along with many other women who were kidnapped by Nanny Zhang to sell as slaves. I set them free, but they haven't found a way to escape. She is Edolie, and she has been following me ever since then."

"Well, let’s go then!"

Nathaniel refrained from saying anything else for Mango's sake, but it was obvious that he allowed Edolie to join them.

Mango nodded at Edolie before they followed Nathaniel as they ran in another direction.

"Can we escape from here?"

"Escaping is not really feasible right now, but we can wait."

Nathaniel noticed that Mango's hand was rather cold and he understood after he turned around to look behind him.

The jacket that Edolie used to hit him with was Mango’s jacket.

If he assumed correctly, Mango was silly enough to give her jacket to this girl named Edolie.

Edolie was not tall as she only reached Mango’s shoulders in terms of height. Thus, Nathaniel wasn't sure if her short stature was due to her youth or malnourishment, but it was the look in her eyes that interested him.

It was surprising that a child as young as Edolie could have such expressionless eyes. Although Mango had saved her, it didn't seem like Edolie would feel indebted to Mango because of that.

For now, this was Nathaniel's only opinion.

"Are you cold?"

Nathaniel had taken Mango on a winding path through the forest and Mango could feel her teeth chattering from the cold. However, she didn’t want to trouble Nathaniel further so she just said, "I'm fine"

"Just hold on for a while longer, we'll be there soon"

Nevertheless, Mango couldn't hear what Nathaniel said nor did she understand what he meant by 'we'll be there soon', but she felt much better when Nathaniel was here.

She followed Nathaniel closely, but she still glanced back at Edolie from time to time.

Nathaniel ran rather quickly, so Edolie had to work very hard to keep up as her legs were short.

At first, Mango wanted Nathaniel to slow down, but it might put all of them in danger so she could only use her eyes to signal for Edolie to keep up.

Fortunately, Edolie had a lot of stamina for such a small-bodied girl. Although it was very taxing for her to follow them, she still managed to keep up but she seemed to reach the limits of her strength.

Mango ran after Nathaniel for a long time and just as she was about to collapse from exhaustion, Nathaniel suddenly jumped straight off the cliff in front of them.

In fact, he didn't even warn Mango earlier. So, she was so frightened that she screamed as Nathaniel dragged her over the cliff as well.

Behind them, Edolie hesitated for a moment before she gritted her teeth and jumped down as well.

On the way down, the wind whipped in their ears.

Mango had no clue what would happen after they jumped off the cliff, but she was not worried at all because she trusted Nathaniel. However, what about Edolie?

Then, Mango wanted to turn and see how Edolie was doing but the wind was so strong that it prevented her from opening her eyes. Ultimately, Mango could only pray that Edolie was all right.

Mango landed in a sitting position when they reached the ground, but instead of feeling pain, Mango felt an uncomfortable wet sensation on her rear end.

"It’s all right, you can stand up now.”

Nathaniel's voice rang out.

Only then did Mango open her eyes.

There was a vast grassland in front of them, and the grass that Mango sat on was extremely soft. Furthermore, they had jumped down a waterfall earlier and despite its lack of water, Mango was certain that it was a waterfall.


Coughing sounds came from behind them.

Mango hurriedly turned around to find that Edolie had jumped down together with them, but unfortunately, Edolie had fallen face down onto the ground as no one was holding on to her.

At first, Mango wanted to laugh but she felt that it was rude, so she quickly helped Edolie up when Nathaniel said, "You are nothing more than a burden to us right now, so from now on you have to take care of yourself as we don't have the time to take care of you, got it?"

Nathaniel had always been cold and he never really felt the need to care about other people except for Mango.

Furthermore, Nathaniel thought that it was already very generous of him to let Edolie come with them for Mango's sake.

Plus, he had no idea about the girl's background. Nathaniel felt that Edolie was different from the other girls even though she was locked up with them.

During this dire situation, this girl was actually a danger to them instead.


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