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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 276

Zack was stunned for a moment before he nodded his head and said, "I know what to do, thank you."

After that, Mango didn't say anything else.

Mango had not expected her relationship with Zack to become like this, but she could only go with the flow since it had already happened.

Nanny Zhang exited the cave when she heard that Mango had arrived.

They hadn't seen each other for a long time and Nanny Zhang seemed to have aged tremendously.

Mango greeted Nanny Zhang with a smile when she saw Nanny Zhang's gaunt look and she said, "Nanny Zhang, long time no see. Based on your haggard appearance, it's quite obvious that you haven't been well over the past few years."

"Shut up!"

Nanny Zhang was furious when she saw Mango's smiling face.

Mango had been an obedient girl five years ago who worshipped Nathaniel as if he were a God. Why had she become so detestable?

Not only had Mango changed her appearance, but her personality had also changed as well.

"Zack, I'm very pleased that you've brought her back to me."

Nanny Zhang smiled at Zack to maintain her own dignity, but her efforts were in vain as she lost all of her composure when she saw Mango.

However, Zack said to Nanny Zhang, "I've brought you the person that you're looking for, so where's my family?"

Nanny Zhang paused for a moment and said, "Are you really doubting whether your wife and children are really here? Why can't you trust me despite working with me for so many years? I will allow you to reunite with your family as long as you assist me in confronting Nathan."

"Earlier you only needed me to bring Mango to you, and you said nothing about me confronting Nathaniel. Nanny Zhang, you need to keep your promises. Furthermore, you've got how skillful Nathaniel is, right? I'll never win in a fight against him."

Zack said angrily.

Nanny Zhang couldn't be trusted at all.

However, Nanny Zhang smiled and said, "Do you think you have a choice, Zack? Nathan knows that you've betrayed him, so do you think he'll forgive you? The only thing you can do now is to continue working for me. Think about it, you might be able to reunite with your family if you stick with me. If you resist, then I only need to make one phone call before your family... well, you know what I'll do to them."

Mango looked at Nanny Zhang's expression and said, "Only a person as crazy as you would threaten other people by taking their children as hostages. It' s no wonder that both of your sons want nothing to do with you because a woman like you doesn't deserve to have a happy family."

"Mango Shen, shut up!"

Nanny Zhang's expression suddenly changed.

"If it weren't for you, my son Nick wouldn't have died. You’re a bad omen!”

Mango was confused at that.

"I don't know Nick at all, so why are you blaming me for his death?"

"You didn't know Nick, but he died because of you. If you weren't desperately in love with Nathaniel and caused Macy to leave Ocean City out of heartbreak, would she have met Nick? They wouldn't be together if that didn't happen! That b*tch Macy Cho never loved Nick, instead, she bewitched him and eventually killed him. She always viewed Nick as a replacement for Nathan as she wanted to use Nick as a way to get closer to Nathan again and become his wife. All of this was because of you, if you never appeared and had that scandal with Nathan, he would have never married you. Nick wouldn't have died if Nathan had married Macy instead. Do you really think that you can live a blissful life after you killed my son? Impossible!"

Nanny Zhang’ s words made Mango somewhat frustrated.

"Everything between Nathan and I was a setup! I was also drugged at that banquet!"

"Of course I know that, but why did you get close to Nathaniel anyway? That glass of wine was intended for Nathan and Macy, but you ruined everything. If you hadn't asked Nathaniel for a toast and drank the wine meant for Macy, you wouldn't be with Nathan today."

Mango was stunned at Nanny Zhang’s words.

Although she knew that she had been set up eight years ago, she had never found out the truth behind it. Susie had already admitted that she was the culprit, but Mango never expected Nanny Zhang to know about this at all. If so, did Nanny Zhang permit that to happen?

"It was you? Did you ask Susie to drug Macy and Nathan so that you can achieve the results you wanted?"

"That's right!"

Nanny Zhang was unashamed to admit all of this.

"Macy was a moron, she liked Nathan and was obedient to me. Thus, I would have gained another ally if she married into the Ye Family, so that’s why I had Susie drug them. However, I never expected Nathan to meet you by accident. If it weren't for you, I would have accomplished many things within the Ye Family!"


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