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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 283

"Say it!”

Mango's voice was extremely cold.

As long as it wasn’t Nathaniel, Mango would agree to anything even if it left her penniless.

However, Edolie replied in a low voice, "I want Nathaniel!"

"Do you have a death wish? Do you really think I won’ t kill you?"

Mango felt as if she was on the verge of insanity.

She never expected that a teenage girl would be able to push her beyond her limits.

The mere thought of handing Nathaniel to Edolie caused Mango to feel heart-wrenching pain.

Over the years, Mango found it impossible to let go of her feelings for Nathaniel, let alone now that they were in love with each another.

However, Edolie did not seem to care about Mango's anger nor the tightening grip around her neck.

She muttered, "I only want him to be with me for three months! Just three months! I don't want him for the rest of my life! Mango, I’m risking my life to donate my kidney in exchange for three months with Nathaniel, is that too much to ask?"

Mango was completely astonished.

"What did you say?"

Edolie freed herself from Mango’s grip and she gazed blankly at a faraway road before she said, T ve been an orphan ever since I was a child, and I never knew what being loved felt like. When I saw Nathaniel's loving treatment towards you, I really desired that, and I wanted to know what it was like to be adored and prioritized by a man like him. I know my own worth, so I know that I could never be worthy of a man like Nathaniel in my entire life, but so what? God gave me this opportunity, so shouldn't I grasp it tightly?"

Mango was surprised at Edolie's words, but the younger girl continued speaking before she could say anything, "If your relationship is strong, then it wouldn't matter if an outsider like me comes between both of you for a few months, right? If he falls in love with me during those three months, then I'm sorry but I won't let go of him. However, my condition is only for three months. During that time, he has to be together with me and you can't come and see him nor talk to him. That is my condition.”

After she finished speaking, Edolie looked straight at Mango.

Meanwhile, Mango' s mind was in complete disarray.

She never imagined that a woman like Edolie could exist on this planet.

"You can have any other man, so why do you want him?"

"I liked him from the moment I first saw him and I can't find a better man than Nathaniel in all of Ocean City. If you were to blame someone, then blame yourself for allowing me to meet him."

Edolie’s words were absolutely shameless and Mango wanted to slap her across the face. However, she realized that she didn't even have the energy to hit Edolie.

Then, she tried her best to keep herself rational as she said, "Nathaniel is not an object, and he's not mine to give away like that. Furthermore, he has his own free will so I'm sure he wouldn't ignore me and our children just because I promised to fulfill your condition.”

"Then that's my problem and it has nothing to do with you. As long as you promise not to come and see him or contact him for three months, all will be well."

Mango didn't know what to reply after she heard Edolie's words.

To be frank, three months was no different from a lifetime to Mango, but did she really have a choice?

Just then, Madam Ye called Mango once again.

"Mango, how long will you and Nathan take to come home? Rita really can't hold on much longer, I..."

Mango held the phone tightly in her hand.

At this moment, Mango's feelings were in complete disarray and she wondered if it would be better for her to just kill herself right now.

Alas, this was just her imagination.

Mango muttered as she heard Madam Ye’s anxious tone, "We'll be heading home right away."

After she hung up the phone, Edolie's lips quirked up in a smile.

Although Mango didn't say anything, that phone call was enough for Edolie to deduce that Mango had accepted her condition.

"You really are a great mother!"

"Don't flatter me, Edolie. My promises don’t mean a thing, and I meant what I said when I told you that Nathaniel isn't an object. He has his own thoughts and feelings. So the only thing I'm promising you is to not see or contact him for three months, I can't guarantee anything else."

"Deal. Furthermore, I'm not that heartless because no matter how you put it, you saved my life. Okay, how about this? won't bother you after me and Nathaniel recovers from our surgery. However, the deal will take effect after Nathaniel and I are completely healed."

Nevertheless, Eddie's words did not touch Mango in the slightest.

She looked at Edolie and said coldly, "Can you do the surgery now?"

"Of course!"

Edolie agreed nonchalantly, but Mango could not leave immediately.

"I'm going to handle some things, wait for me."


Now, Edolie acted like how she was the first time she met Mango.

However, Mango felt a sense of bitterness envelop her heart.

She didn't know how Nathaniel would react after he found out or whether he would blame her. Moreover, she had no idea if Nathaniel would be angry with her, but she had no choice.

Was she really going to watch Rita die helplessly?

She didn't fulfill a lot of things that she had promised Rita, the four-year-old girl. Rita hadn’t seen the best things that the world could offer, so what right did Mango have to rob Rita of her chance at living?

Edolie said that it was only three months!

Mango had to believe that Nathaniel wouldn't fall out of love with her in three months, right?

Nathaniel still had feelings for her even after five years, so three months was nothing, right?

Mango kept trying to reassure herself but no matter how much she did that, her heart still ached so violently that it nearly stifled Mango.

It was utterly incompetent for someone to rent out a loved one for three months!


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