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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 286

When Terrance saw Mango again, his emotions were still quite troubled but he knew that Mango's only concern right now was Rita.

He quickly arranged everything properly and he spoke gently when he saw Mango' s worried expression, "Don't be afraid, we’re here for you."

Mango glanced at Terrance and she felt that he was always very kind to her. However, Mango never expected him to be her uncle and there were a lot of things that she couldn't discuss with him now, so she just nodded her head.

In fact, she seemed to have taken after Dennis as she was introverted and inarticulate like him.

"Your mother heard about what happened, and she wanted to come here as well but we couldn't leave the house empty. As you know, Nanny Zhang and Sisi are at the Hans family mansion, so..."

Terrance' s words made Mango pause for a moment.

She was unable to accept Queena as her mother yet, so she was perplexed for a few moments. However, she nodded silently after she cleared up the confusion inside her head.

Meanwhile, Edolie had changed into a hospital gown as she laid on the stretcher.

"Wait a minute!"

Madam Ye walked over to them as she looked at Edolie on the stretcher, and she said to the doctors beside her, "No matter what, you have to take good care of this girl. My granddaughter needs her kidney to stay alive, but this girl is still very young so please do your best to ensure that she doesn't suffer from any complications after the surgery.”

Edolie was stunned when she heard that, and tears started to build up in the corners of her eyes.

After so many years, Madam Ye was the first person who was kind to her.

Regardless of whether or not Madam Ye said this because Edolie was about to save her granddaughter, Madam Ye's words had touched Edolie.

Furthermore, this woman was Nathaniel’s mother!

Thus, Edolie wanted to join their family even more.

"Thank you, Madam Ye. I'll be fine."

Edolie smiled at Madam Ye.

"It is I who should thank you."

Madam Ye nodded before she let Edolie go.

Mango's emotions were complicated as she looked at Edolie, but she didn't know what to say.

At this moment, Edolie smiled.

"Don't worry, I'm quite resilient, so nothing will happen to me."

Mambo nodded but remained silent in the end.

Edolie and Rita were wheeled into the operating theater at the same time, and Mango's heart rate spiked as the lights in the operating theater came on.

Rita will be fine, right?

Mango was at a loss right now.

Rita was walking the line between life and death, but it’s not like she hasn’t experienced this before.

Terrance wanted to comfort Mango when he saw her like this, but he didn’t know what to say.

Meanwhile, Wisdom stood next to Madam Ye quietly and his eyes were fixated in the direction of the operating theater.

As time went by, Mango was incredibly anxious as she paced back and forth in front of the operating theater. In fact, she even wanted to go inside to observe the surgery.

Her anxiety distressed Madam Ye, but the old woman stayed silent.

Then, Walter sent a message to Mango saying that he had investigated everyone in the hospital, so she didn't have to worry.

Mango was finally relieved when she read it.

At least the chances of Rita' s surgery being successful would increase without the interference of Nanny Zhang's men.

The corridors were empty and the hospital was big, but the whole place was deathly silent and the stifling atmosphere seemed to choke them.

After that, Terrance went out to buy some drinks for Madam Ye and Mango, but Mango wasn't in the mood forthat.

Hours passed without any news and the lights in the operating theater started to make Mango’s eyes sting. Then, Mango felt herself sway dizzily and she nearly fainted. Fortunately, Terrance kept an eye on her and he helped her steady herself.

"Do you want to take a break? These kinds of surgeries will take a very long time, so if you can't stand it..."

"I can take it, I need to see Rita as soon as she comes out."

Mango remained steadfast with her decision.

Madam Ye couldn't help but interject when she saw that Terrance wanted to continue speaking, "Just leave her alone. Only a mother can understand that heart-wrenching feeling she's going through now. Sometimes, as mothers, we would rather suffer in place of our children."

Then, Terrance fell silent because even though he felt distressed, he knew he couldn't persuade Mango.

He handed some warm milk to Mango before he said, "Even if you don't want to rest, you should drink something. At least you can conserve your strength to take care of Rita later, right?"

His words touched Mango, so she took the milk and drank it.

In fact, Mango couldn’t even taste anything at all as she just wanted to prevent herself from collapsing out of exhaustion and increase her energy.

Suddenly, the phone rang and Mango had initially wanted to ignore it, but she immediately picked it up after she noticed that Zion was calling her.

"Zion, how's your daddy doing?"

Mango's heart ached violently again.

If she could, she really wanted to stay by Nathaniel's side, but alas, she couldn't be in two places at one time.

Madam Ye’s ears perked up when she heard Mango' s question and it was obvious that she was very concerned.

Zion replied gleefully, "Mommy, daddy is fine and he just left the operating theater. The doctor says he needs to rest and right now, the anesthetic hasn't worn off yet so he’s still unconscious. So, I'll go and see Rita when he's awake. How is she, by the way?"

"She's still in surgery, but there shouldn't be any problems. You take good care of daddy, okay?"

"Sure. Don’t worry mommy."


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