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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 296

Charlotte looked at Zion in confusion, which made him very uncomfortable.

"Oh, I'm not planning anything at all."

Zion broke free from Charlotte's arms, but she managed to grab him by the collar as he tried to escape.

"I know that you're definitely up to something, so stop pretending and tell me what happened. Where's your mom?"

Ever since Mango returned from training at the military base, she had cut off all contact with Charlotte after she said that it was for Charlotte's own good. Naturally, Charlotte hadn't questioned her decision.

She always thought Nathaniel wasn't a good man for Mango, but she didn't want to argue with Mango over this because she was her best friend. Plus, she knew that Mango would always have her best interests at heart, so there wasn't any need to pry for too much information.

It was just like five years ago, Mango never told her what it was like to live with such a powerful family, but Charlotte was still Mango's last solace.

As long as Mango needed help, Charlotte would drop everything to help her. If Mango didn't need her, she wouldn't make her presence known to avoid causing trouble for Mango and this was the nature of their friendship.

Now, she was rather concerned as Zion had suddenly called her for help. Furthermore, he was alone.

Honestly, Zion regretted doing that.

He just needed a way to avoid the cab driver's questions, but who knew that Charlotte would be so stubborn? What was he supposed to do now?

He didn't want his plan to be discovered by his mother.

Just as Zion was running out of options, he spotted a familiar silhouette.

Then, Zion smirked and he shouted at the person loudly, "Uncle Walter, help me!"

Meanwhile, Walter was quite sad due to his mother's illness and he'd finally managed to calm himself down. Alas, his father started to nag him and he walked out of the hospital angrily when he suddenly heard a familiar voice.

As he followed the direction of the voice, Walter saw Charlotte grabbing Zion's collar and she said, "Why are you calling for help? No one can help you now, so don't even think of escaping if you don't explain what's going on! Come with me!"

With this, Charlotte dragged Zion away by his collar.

"Uncle Song! Uncle Song!"

Zion waved his hands straight at Walter.

Thus, Walter recognised the boy in Charlotte's hands. Wasn't this Mango's son?

"Wait! You, that woman right there!"

Walter ran up to Charlotte and blocked her way.

Charlotte was slightly stunned when she saw Walter. However, she thought of the poor impression she had of him because of the incident back at the base.

"Get lost!"

Charlotte did not care even if he was the golden child of the Song family as she wouldn't give any attention to someone that she didn't like.

She was afraid that badmouthing Nathaniel would affect Mango, but she couldn't care less about Walter.

Meanwhile, it had been a long time since Walter had seen a woman act so brashly towards him.

Other than Mango, Charlotte was the only woman who dared to be rude to him. Furthermore, he recalled the savage beating that she'd given him back at the base.

Obviously, Walter also recognized Charlotte.

"So it's you, you barbaric woman. What are you doing? Let go of Zion."

As soon as Walter spoke, Zion faked a pitiful expression and said, "Uncle Song, Auntie Blu wants to punish me, so please save me!"

"You little brat, you have no idea what I have in store for you."

Charlotte was quite speechless at Zion's warm attitude towards Walter.

Couldn't he see that Walter had feelings for Mango? Even then, Zion could still ask this man for help.

Furthermore, she wasn't some kind of demon, so was it necessary for Zion to react like this?

Walter frowned instantly upon hearing this.

"You want to punish him? Who the hell do you think you are? Let go of him, you hear me?"

"Don't you understand what I'm saying? I told you to get lost!"

Charlotte was already sleep-deprived in the first place and she absolutely detested Walter. Now that he was stirring up trouble for her, she couldn't help but get angry.

Then, Walter was so appalled that he burst out in laughter.

"You're the one that should leave. No one has ever talked to me like that before and got away with it. So, get out of my sight now!"

Then, Charlotte's anger ignited once more at Walter's words.

She raised her arm to slap Walter across the face.

"Be a good boy and get the f*ck out of the way!"

Alas, Walter had already reacted before Charlotte could slap him.

He wasn't known for being a gentleman, and he was not above hitting a woman. So, he would be foolish if he just stood there and let her slap him.

Then, Charlotte's face paled when she felt a pain in her wrist.

"Are you even a real man? How dare you lay your hands on a woman?"

Charlotte was very surprised indeed. After all, Walter was a member of the upper-class society, but he was no gentleman.

She assumed that Walter would dodge her slap so that she could take the opportunity to drag Zion away, but his actions were completely unexpected.

He actually attacked Charlotte instead!

Charlotte's eyes widened in surprise and she had an incredulous expression on her face.

Then, Walter sneered at her and said, "Do you want to find out how ungentlemanly I can be?"

"Ugh, you're such a hooligan!"

Hence, Charlotte's impression of Walter only worsened as he dared to speak like that in front of Zion.

As both of them struggled with each other, Zion managed to free himself from Charlotte's grasp.

"You little brat, come back here!"

Charlotte wanted to turn around and chase after Zion, but she was pulled back by Walter. Then, she lost her balance and fell into Walter's arms.

"Oh, what's this? Are you throwing yourself into my arms now?"


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