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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 301

"Of course not!"

Mango hurriedly retorted.

How could that be possible?

It deeply disgusted Mango to promise to give Nathaniel to Edolie for three months, but agreeing to let Edolie sleep with Nathaniel? She would be an idiot if she agreed.

Mango's answer obviously pleased Nathaniel, but his expression was still grim.

"Do you think I wouldn't fall for her after we spend three months together?"

"What do you mean?"

Mango was confused as hell.

It couldn't be, right?

What did Nathaniel mean?

Was it possible that he was starting to become interested in Edolie?

Hence, Mango's heart skipped a beat as she saw Nathaniel's expressionless face. She had no idea what was going through his mind right now.

"Nathaniel, you wouldn't..."

"Didn't I fall in love with you only after we got married? Feelings take time, you know?"

Nathaniel was quite uncomfortable with the idea that Mango had traded him away like an object, but he couldn't blame her for that. After all, what would he have done if he was in the same situation?

However, he still had to teach Mango a lesson, lest she used him to do something else in the future.

Conversely, Mango didn't know what was going through Nathaniel's mind but she was stunned by what he said. After that, she gave up debating him over this matter because there was no point in beating a dead horse.

Furthermore, it's not like she could win an argument against Nathaniel anyway.

As soon as she thought of this, Mango closed her eyes and she suddenly fell backward.


Nathaniel was startled and he quickly rushed forward to catch Mango.

Meanwhile, Mango was very good at feigning unconsciousness. She rolled her eyes backward in her head to scare Nathaniel and he carried her all the way to the emergency room.

"Doctor, come quick!"

Nathaniel's anxiety made Mango feel embarrassed and she nearly wanted to tell him that she was fine, but she managed to stop herself.

If she told Nathaniel that she was faking it, she would be done for.

Soon after, Mango was wheeled into the emergency room as Nathaniel waited outside anxiously.

Once inside, she suddenly sat up, which startled the doctors and nurses present. After that, she winked at them and said, "I'm fine, but I can't leave the emergency yet, so please cover for me."

Thus, the doctor seemed to understand what Mango meant and he smiled as he went along with her plan.

Ultimately, Mango couldn't bear to let Nathaniel just anxiously wait outside the emergency room, so she said to the doctor, "Just tell him that I'm emotionally exhausted and physically tired, so I need some time to rest."

"Okay, Mrs. Ye."

The doctor was unfazed by the couple's antics.

Nathaniel was very concerned when they wheeled Mango out once more.

"Doctor, how is she doing?"

Then, the doctor smiled and said, "She's fine. Mrs. Ye is just too tired, so her body can't take too much stress. She's currently unconscious, but she'll wake up after she's had some rest."

Suddenly, Nathaniel saw Mango's eyes move when the doctor was talking.

Frankly, he was rendered speechless.

Right now, she was acting just like a spoiled child. God, why was she so shameless?

Thus, he finally knew who Zion inherited his mischievous nature from.

"Send her to the ward and give her a nutrient drip. If that doesn't work, you can try something else. The Ye Family will pay for it!"

Nathaniel's words caused Mango's eyes to fly open.

"Hey, I don't need a drip! I'm fine! Honestly!"

"Wow, that was fast."

Nathaniel crossed his arms over his chest as he looked at Mango with an indifferent expression.

On the other hand, Mango felt like the whole situation had gone very awry.

She hated needles with a passion, so she instinctively rejected Nathaniel's suggestion. Unfortunately, she completely forgot that she needed to keep up the act, so how could she keep pretending now?


Mango let out a forced chuckle as she tried to coax Nathaniel, but unfortunately, he just glared at her coldly before he walked away nonchalantly.

"Hey, Nathaniel, don't just walk away!"

However, Nathaniel ignored Mango and he went to see Madam Ye instead.

In the meantime, the doctor had already applied some medication on Zion's swollen face. Despite that, his face was still quite grotesque, but it was much better than before.

Madam Ye's heart ached for her grandson as Zion was very good at fishing for sympathy. Hence, he kept complaining that he was in pain and she felt extremely sorry for him.

Thus, Nathaniel couldn't help but think of Mango when he saw his son like this.

Zion and Mango were exactly the same!

"Mom, how about you go and visit Rita? I'm afraid that she might be worried about us. Plus, Mango's not feeling too well so I'll take care of Zion instead."

Nathaniel spoke in a faint tone.

At this, Zion's throat suddenly constricted and he immediately grabbed hold of Madam Ye's hand before he said, "Grandma, I don't want you to go. Tell daddy to accompany Rita instead."

"Your grandmother is getting old, so she can't handle your constant pestering. Let go of her, you know that grandma is unwell."

Of course, Nathaniel knew what Zion was thinking as Zion obviously didn't want to be alone with him, but why?

Honestly, he had an inkling as to the reason why.

Then, Zion immediately let go of Madam Ye after he heard this.

"Well Grandma, I guess you should go and rest. I'll be fine with daddy."

Madam Ye's heart ached even more when she saw how obedient and sensible her grandson was.

"I'll be right back, so you take care of yourself okay?"

"I will!"

When Zion behaved well, he was so endearing that everyone would be willing to do whatever he wanted.

Thus, Madam Ye was very reluctant to part with him.

After that, Zion suddenly moved far away from Nathaniel when only the two of them were left in the room. He said, "You're not allowed to hit me."


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