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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 307

During the journey back to the Central Hospital, Thomas considerately put on some slow music that sounded very calming.

Hence, Charlotte's mood slowly steadied under the soft beats of the song.

She couldn't help but glance at Thomas sideways.

Thomas was a very average looking man. His facial features weren't very striking, but he was quite pleasant to look at and he radiated a comforting aura.

Usually, Charlotte never really paid attention to him but now she found that Thomas had an exceptional quality about him.

"What's your education background?"

Charlotte couldn't help but ask.

Meanwhile, Thomas was a little surprised before he replied off- handedly, "I have a double master's degree."

"A double Master's? You have such a high qualification, and yet you're working as Nathaniel's assistant? Don't you think that's a waste?"

Charlotte was just an ordinary college graduate, so a master's degree was an amazing achievement to her.

She always thought that being Nathaniel's assistant only required a college education.

However, Thomas replied with a smile, "Mr. Ye supported my education while I was in the United States and he lent me the money to pursue my double Masters there. If it wasn't for Mr. Ye, I wouldn't be here today, so I decided to come back after graduation to pay my debts."

"But Nathaniel's rich, so he doesn't need your money."

Charlotte was only stating a fact. To be honest, she didn't really have a good opinion of Nathaniel because she had never thought he would ever be so noble. Furthermore, it could also be because Charlotte never liked rich and wealthy people.

If it weren't for Mango being obsessed with Nathaniel, she would never have a good impression of him at all.

However, Mango was the one who had helped to pay Charlotte's college fees so that she could graduate.

Then, a strange feeling welled up in Charlotte's chest when she realized that she had some similarities to Thomas.

Thomas shook his head and said, "It's not like that. Even though Mr. Ye is rich, it's still his money and he has no obligation to help me. However, he assisted me when I needed it the most, and he didn't even want me to return the money. In my opinion, one should always repay their debts. If it wasn't for Mr. Ye, I would've just been a simple high school graduate and I wouldn't know what I would be doing now."

As she processed Thomas's words, Charlotte found that for the first time ever, she had nothing bad to say about Nathaniel.

It seemed that she had previously been biased towards Nathaniel.

Maybe there were genuinely good people among the rich and powerful?

Charlotte asked herself that question silently and she didn't say anything else.

On the other hand, Thomas didn't try to continue the conversation, but the atmosphere didn't become awkward. Instead, they settled into a comfortable silence with the slow thrumming of the music playing in the background.

Meanwhile, Mango felt like Thomas and Charlotte were quite a good fit for one another as she observed their conversation from the back seat.

Although Thomas was Nathaniel's assistant, Mango knew that he'd already returned the money to Nathaniel long ago. Furthermore, he had a stake in the venture capital firm that he and Nathaniel had founded. Hence, Thomas could be considered a rich man if he got rid of the title of being Nathaniel's assistant, but Thomas preferred to keep a low profile.

Frankly, Mango had learned all of this from Nathaniel by accident.

In truth, Thomas had been reluctant to leave Nathaniel and the HY Group. If not, Thomas definitely had the financial prowess to go and start a company of his own. Conversely, he could choose to do nothing at all and he could still live a comfortable life off of the dividends alone.

Despite Charlotte's tough and brazen exterior, in reality that was just to conceal her own vulnerability.

Charlotte was someone who desperately needed a sense of security.

However, Charlotte wasn't interested in any regular rich man. Frankly, she detested them with a passion, so all of Mango's attempts to set her up with rich guys had failed miserably.

Now that Charlotte seemed rather interested in Thomas, Mango hoped that the two of them could get to know each other better.

Both Charlotte and Thomas were familiar with the feeling of being orphaned, so perhaps they might appreciate one another more because of this.

Alas, Mango wasn't in a hurry to rush things along.

Then, she turned her head to look out at the scenery rushing by and she suddenly felt like everything in her life was falling into place.

Perhaps her blissful life with Nathaniel might not be far off either.

As she continued along that train of thought, she started to miss Nathaniel.

Hence, Mango couldn't help but chuckle at the memory of Nathaniel's jealous expression.

Although Charlotte was listening to music, she was still paying attention to Mango. Hence, she became annoyed when she saw Mango smiling stupidly to herself.

"Did Nathaniel cast some sort of spell on Mango? She's even more obsessed with him now than she was eight years ago."

Charlotte unwittingly exposed Mango's silly behaviour as she asked Thomas softly.

"Eight years ago?"

"Don't you know? Mango fell in love with Nathaniel at first sight. Back then, Nathaniel still had a girlfriend, but Mango was obsessed with him. I don't know what happened, but she was like this every time she returned to our dorm. Now that she's the mother of two children, why is she still acting like a giddy schoolgirl? Surely Nathaniel must have cast a spell on her."

The more Charlotte thought about it, the more likely that seemed to be the case.

If someone looked at Mango's giddy expression, they might think that Nathaniel was standing right outside the car.

Then, Thomas looked at Mango from the rearview mirror and he smiled. "Mr. and Mrs. Ye are very deeply in love with one another. Honestly, there are many things that seem strange to us outsiders, but love is an emotion that can only be truly felt by the individuals themselves. You might think that Mr. Ye mistreats Mrs. Ye, but how would you know if Nathaniel would sacrifice his life for her? Back in the United States, Mrs. Ye had fallen into the ocean. The waves were so strong that even the rescue crews were afraid to enter, but Mr. Ye leapt into the ocean without a second thought. The pressure at the ocean floor was so intense that the salvage crews gave up, but Mr. Ye stayed down there for a whole hour. When he resurfaced, his entire body was frozen stiff but he still called out Mrs. Ye's name when he was barely conscious."

Charlotte didn't say a word, nor refute Thomas when he spoke.

She suddenly felt that her view of Nathaniel might have been wrong.

Then, Charlotte let out a sigh at the sight of Mango's blissful expression. "Well, you'll defend Nathaniel just because you're his personal assistant. Either way, I won't forgive him if he hurts Mango again."


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