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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 318

Nanny Zhang laughed coldly when she saw Mango's shocked expression and said, "Are you afraid to think about it? Or do you think that it was impossible? Has Madam Ye told you all about the Ye Family's glorious achievements? Do you really think that everyone in the Ye Family is upstanding moral beacons of society? If the Ye Family was truly so virtuous, then why did fate prevent them from having children until they needed me to be a surrogate mother? These are the sins that they've committed!" "That's impossible!"

Mango shook her head. She couldn't believe that all of this was real.

"The Ye Family are just businessmen, so how could they destroy your village?”

"Businessmen? Haha!”

Nanny Zhang's gaze became rather eerie.

"If they were just businessmen, then how did the Dark Night Empire come into existence? Why would a family of businessmen need an organisation like the Dark Night Empire to protect them? They portray an image of being businessmen to the public to cover their true identity. They might seem perfect and wholesome on the surface, but in reality they've done all manners of cruel things!”

"Do you really think that I'll believe you?"

Although Mango was astonished, she still kept her composure.

After that, Nanny Zhang became quite agitated.

"You don't believe me? That's fair since you love my son, who's the heir of the Ye Family. Plus, you're now the head of the Dark Night Empire, so naturally, you wouldn't believe me at all. However, I'm just telling you that I'm taking back what the Ye Family owes me. Everything that Madam Ye is suffering through right now is a consequence of all the evil things that she'd done in her youth!"

"Even if you have a grudge against the Ye Family, why did you set your sights on the Hans Family? I don't think Madam Hans ever offended you in any way."

"The Hans Family? Do you think that they had nothing to do with the destruction of my village?"

Nanny Zhang replied coldly.

"Whatever floats your boat. Either way, I think that you made up all of this just to justify all the evil things that you've done."

Frankly, Mango felt as if all of her internal organs were damaged.

On the other hand, Sisi was quite anxious, but she couldn't move nor speak at all.

Mango was still thinking about what to say when Nanny Zhang's gun was aimed at her head once more.

"Fine, don't believe me then. My intention was never to convince you of anything. After all, what could a woman that believes in the power of love know about revenge? Just die then! Don't worry, I'll make sure to send your corpse back to the Ye Family! I want that old wretch to see how I murdered the heir whom she personally chose to lead the Dark Night Empire!"

The pitch-black muzzle of the gun sent a chill down Mango's spine, and fear started to bubble inside of her.

Truth be told, it was the first time that she'd had a gun aimed at her.

How would it feel when the bullet shattered her skull?

Mango felt that she was strange indeed for thinking about this now.

"No! You can't kill her!"

Sisi shrieked heart-wrenchingly.

She couldn't let Mango die!

Nathaniel would go insane if she died. If he went crazy, then what would happen to Newell?

Hence, Sisi struggled like a madwoman, but Nanny Zhang just turned around and gave her another kick.


Mango watched as Sisi spat up another mouthful of blood before she passed out.

Anger raged in Mango's chest.

"Nanny Zhang, you're absolute scum!"

"Don't worry, you're next!"

As she spoke, Nanny Zhang walked straight towards


Just as she was about to pull the trigger, Nanny Zhang's face paled and her hand shook. Then, she lost her grip on the gun and it fell to the ground the same time she collapsed in a heap next to it as she gasped for air.

Cold sweat beaded on Nanny Zhang's forehead and she was trembling all over.

When Mango noticed what was happening, she knew that Nanny Zhang's drug had taken effect.

"Now, are you going to kill me first or save yourself?"

The corners of Mango's mouth were stained in blood and she looked haggard, but she still managed to reply in a cold tone. Hence, that infuriated Nanny Zhang greatly but she didn't have the strength to retort.

She knew that she was unable to kill Mango first.

The medicine caused her so much pain that even death felt like a respite, but Nanny Zhang had no intention of dying. Thus, she had to make the antidote if she wanted to live.

Then, she replied viciously when she noticed the relief flooding Mango's face. "Do you think you can escape? I've subdued all your men, and Nathan would never get here in time. Furthermore, no one else knows where I am. As for the Hans Family, I've already asked my people to keep an eye on them. What does it matter if I let you live a moment longer? After I take the antidote, I'll make sure you die a horrible death."

After Nanny Zhang finished speaking, she quickly got up and staggered all the way to the back.

Meanwhile, Mango struggled hard but she was unable to break free of her restraints. In the end, she could only lay tiredly on the floor as she gasped for air.

The floor was cold, but at least it cleared her mind.

Nanny Zhang's lab was right inside this room, and she ignored Mango's presence as she entered the lab.

It was filled with medical research equipment, and Nanny Zhang quickly donned a lab coat before she went on to expertly handle the machinery inside the lab.

Even from her position on the floor, Mango could see that Nanny Zhang was exceptionally skilled at this.

"Even if your family was descended from a line of shamans, you still studied modern medicine later on, didn't you?"

"Don't try to get any information out of me. However, I will tell you that I have several medical degrees on hand, so do you think you can kill me with the poison that you fed me? I was the one who synthesised those drugs, so I can naturally make an antidote too!"


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